
The first jealous woman in history, her true feelings for her husband made Tang Taizong sigh!

We say jealousy all day long, and women are jealous species. But why is jealousy in love expressed as "jealousy"? In fact, there is a historical basis for this. And the original intention of jealousy is not jealousy, but a love that makes Tianzi move. Next, let's listen to the editor talk about this interesting history!

The first jealous woman in history, her true feelings for her husband made Tang Taizong sigh!

The Tang Dynasty period was the most prosperous period in Chinese history. As the first chancellor of the Tang Dynasty, Fang Xuanling was a very powerful courtier who was deeply loved and trusted by Tang Taizong. Fang Xuanling was very proud in the official arena, but there was only one wife in the family. In ancient times, it was perfectly normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. In order to reward Fang Xuanling, Tang Taizong prepared to take a concubine for him and take good care of him. But Fang Xuanling never dared to agree, what was the reason?

The first jealous woman in history, her true feelings for her husband made Tang Taizong sigh!

It turned out that Fang Xuanling's wife was a fierce person, and she and Fang Xuanling were in love, and at the same time, there was no room for half a bit of sand in her eyes. Although Fang Xuanling was the first prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, he was also a man who was afraid of his wife and loved his wife, so even if the emperor asked him to take a concubine, he did not dare to agree, and could only resign repeatedly. After Tang Taizong knew the reason, he summoned Lady Fang Xuanling into the palace and told her that he would either promise Fang Xuanling to take a concubine or drink the poisonous wine on the table to show his sincerity. Mrs. Fang's temperament was fierce, and she took the poisonous wine and drank it all. However, after drinking it, he found that the emperor had not prepared poisonous wine at all, and only a cup of vinegar was in the cup. Tang Taizong was very emotional after seeing it, and was touched by Lady Fang's true feelings, and never mentioned the matter of letting Fang Xuanling take a concubine. And Mrs. Fang also left the reputation of "jealousy", becoming the first woman in history to "eat jealousy" for her beloved.

The first jealous woman in history, her true feelings for her husband made Tang Taizong sigh!

After the evolution of time, the jealousy of "slow" love is synonymous with not only a woman's small temper, but also a woman's deep unsubstantiated love for men. So fellow males, if you have a girlfriend or wife who is willing to be jealous of you, cherish it, because she is as sincere to you as Mrs. Fang to Fang Xuanling, don't feel burdened and bored, this will hurt her heart!

The first jealous woman in history, her true feelings for her husband made Tang Taizong sigh!

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