
Li Chunlin's works: The Black Trees of Early Winter

Li Chunlin's works: The Black Trees of Early Winter

In early winter, the village fields are full of desolate scenery, and fortunately there is the only black oak tree, in the cold wind, listening to the growing loneliness of the village. In the distance, the treetops were already full of black birds, and the anxious chirping made the country wake up early in the morning.

The black oak tree, a unique economic tree species in China, has been cultivated for more than 1400 years, mainly distributed in the provinces and regions south of the Yellow River in China, southern Anhui or near the Yangtze River in the Jiangbei mountains, rural fields next to the many, because of the practical value of the black oak tree, it is popular in the countryside. The black oak tree is also called wax tree, deciduous tree, the leaves are alternate, slightly diamond-shaped, red in autumn, the flowers are unisexual, hermaphroditic, and there is a white wax layer outside the seed skin, which can be used to make soap, candles, etc.; the oil of seed kernel squeezing is called catalpa oil, which can be used to make paint, ink, lubricating oil, etc.

The huge canopy of the black oak tree, the pure white seed, is what the ancestors sought. The shadow of the leaves under the canopy provides shade for the laborers to rest, and the economic value of the seeds provides another warm way for the quality of life of the villagers.

In late autumn and early winter, the seeds of the trees are like the white jade of a tree, and in the smoke of early winter, they are like a dream. It is not only an economic value oil, but also a food for the worship of birds called crows, and it is impossible to verify whether the name of the black oak tree is related to this bird, and with the decrease of the black oak tree, this bird has not been seen in the hometown for a long time. Because of the crow's black feathers and hoarse call, people do not like this sound, so the old people in their hometown regard this bird as an ominous object. Black oak tree seed oil, commonly known as "green oil", is a traditional Chinese medicine for treating burns.

In memory, because of the lush growth of the black oak tree, the hard years of the hometown are full of watery memories, and some of the expectations with the orderly life have slowly arrived, and its story is linked to the meaning of many lives of the villagers. For example, in the morning, the heart-wrenching chorus of birdsong, although it hides a suffocating feeling, it is precisely because of those lonely birdsong that the village ripples with poetry in the night, and the walking shadows are bathed in the gentle silky moonlight.

The arrival of autumn has given many expectant eyes a distant place of Buddha-nature. In the language of the autumn wind, the black oak tree began to reveal the fragrance of life, the tree seed is a medicinal and economic value of the industrial raw materials, can be converted into currency, for the rural collective economic security at that time, can provide some development vitality, so each tree seed is a wisp of hope of the village, the adults will do their best to harvest those white seeds, those seeds have their hearts infinite reverie.

Looking back, the children at that time had a deep life entanglement with the black oak tree. Under the spring field dome, he likes to climb the black oak tree and sneak the bird's nest on the branches; in the middle of summer evening, fight with the seeds of the unripe green oak tree. In autumn, when the adults are not paying attention, I like to sneak into the field secretly, pick up the white seeds left in the mud (another name for the seeds of the black oak tree), and then secretly hide in a place where the adults can't find it, and when a certain number is reached, invite one or two partners to go to a grain station twenty miles away from home, although only a few cents can be exchanged each time, when the penny is held in the palm of the hand, the heart is still full of happiness. In order to be able to pick up more white seeds, children and adults often play a game, you enter and retreat, you retreat and I advance, it can really be described as a highly intelligent "war between the enemy and us", but we children, often lose among the various reasons of the adults, the most lethal reason is: "white seeds" is the public property of the production team, and the "white seeds" collected must be confiscated.

Summer is the season of lush growth of plants, the slightly diamond-shaped leaves of the black oak tree are very emerald green and exuberant, and the touch of green is reflected in people's eyes, which can bring a sense of exuberance and positiveness, and can also bring a hint of coolness to the hot and dry summer, which can remove the impetuousness of people and restore the tranquility of part of life.

There are several kinds of trees around the village that deserve my memories and possessions, such as pine trees, neem trees, mulberry trees, ginkgo trees, cypress trees, maple trees, etc., and the treeSo I care about the most is the black oak tree, every time I gaze at it, the hometown of the land near the hillside, the spring whispered by the peach blossoms, the summer blown by the hot wind, the autumn poked by the time, it seems that there is a quiet and slightly sad mood, slowly pouring out the anxiety stories of that era, the hometown near the north of the Yangtze River, full of purple fireworks, The black oak tree is like a fictitious dream like food, burning with colorful smoke clouds of body fragrance, everything is like the memory of water, crossing the autumn in my heart, the language ignited by the pain of the season, in time to put my humble dream, gently pinned on a quiet thought, that is, the most primitive return of happiness in the depths of the soul.

After the autumn equinox of the lunar calendar, the black oak tree will gently float in the footprints of smoke and rain in the autumn color of the water, burning the last glory of life to the fullest. Autumn colors cross the sky, the village ripples with the cold of early winter, and the white temptation of the black oak trees is full of trees, attracting many chases and poetry that are strife for survival. The slightly moving cold dew has arrived, listening to my mother, the black oak tree also means romantic celebration, its white fruit and the white color of the tree, can add a lively, warm and happy atmosphere in this lonely environment, implying vitality. In summer, the quiet emerald green leaves all show the vitality of nature and bring people a positive spirit. In autumn, the white temptation of the trees alludes to the wanderer's deep longing for his hometown and relatives. At the foot of Tianzhu Mountain in my hometown, there is a Zhonglie Hall in a middle school, where the worshippers are "anti-Japanese martyrs", it is said that these martyrs, mainly from Guizhou, historically known as the "176th Division", in order to commemorate their life flight, the plants infused with red genes, there are the swaying figures of the black oak tree.

In autumn, with the oath of the autumn wind, the leaves of the black oak tree will also turn red, which is very similar to the maple leaves, adding a festive, joyful and peaceful atmosphere in the cold season, and the red-hot scene can also bring people a lively and happy feeling. The meaning of the black oak tree is profound, the meaning of "mulberry" indicates farewell, it is like the willow tree can set off the atmosphere of parting, people like to fold willow branches to express their feelings of reluctance, but the leaves of the black oak tree, there are also people who want to leave, but also can express their helplessness, regret, hope to leave the words that will be separated.

Life in the south is leisurely and slow, soaked in the dreamy smoke and rain mystery as melodious, nature's abundant sunlight and rain, quietly open the sunshine of the growth of the black oak tree, in my early winter poetry, those birds creeping on the black tree are full of poetry, those walking upwards full of hormones of grain, those predetermined rays from the water secretions, once again into the wonderful splendor of time, continue to depict the exciting ink landscape.

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