
Rain and snow are coming! Please check this important warning for safe travel

Rain and snow are coming! Please check this important warning for safe travel


Rain, snow and cold tide weather increased

The road traffic environment has deteriorated significantly

In order to avoid the occurrence of traffic accidents

Please keep the following points in mind

Rain and snow are coming! Please check this important warning for safe travel

First, warm tips

Because the road is slippery and difficult to drive on snowy days, it is easy to freeze, and when the vehicle is driving on the ice and snow road, it is easy to cause tire side slippage or idling due to the reduced adhesion between the tire and the road surface! The braking distance increases, which can easily lead to traffic accidents!

According to the investigation and mapping of the public security traffic police department, there are 6 long slope easy to freeze road sections in the jurisdiction, passing through the following road sections, please drive cautiously, slow down and slow down!

When traveling to long slopes, steep slopes, and tunnels, you must pay close attention to a high degree, maintain a sufficient safe distance from the car in front, slow down, drive according to the road, and do not overtake and rush in continuous detours.

Rain and snow are coming! Please check this important warning for safe travel

Second, snow travel strategy

1. Check the safety status of the vehicle

Before traveling, check the safety status of the vehicle to prevent the failure of the vehicle in the middle of the road and affect the road traffic. The temperature difference between the inside and outside of the snow car is very large, and the glass of the car is easy to fog, resulting in blurred vision. At this time, it is necessary to open the window defogging function in time or turn on the air conditioner, dry it with a towel, etc., to ensure that the driving vision is clear.

2. Reduce the speed and increase the distance

Reduce the speed of the car, remember not to brake sharply and accelerate sharply. Increase the distance between driving, and the distance between driving on snowy days should be more than 2-3 times that of dry roads. Take more straight lines and change lanes less, and don't overtake under normal circumstances. When driving on ice and snow curves or ramps, slow down early and pass in one breath. When the road surface is frozen, the vehicle should be immediately driven to the service area or parking area, and the tire chain should be installed or replaced with snow tires in time.

3, turn slowly

Turn slowly when turning, and don't jerk around. Use hand brakes when parking, and when using foot brakes, brake and slow down, don't stomp to death. Many people are accustomed to gently taking the brakes to slow down during the turn and reduce the gear in the corner, which is a big taboo for driving on snow days.

4, slip do not be nervous

Don't panic if you slip or tails during the drive. At this time, the throttle should be lightly closed and then slightly returned to the positive direction, and constantly adjusted between steering and return, but not too large, to the limit of not exceeding the normal driving position of the wheel. After the vehicle is back in place, gently press the brakes until the whole situation is completely under control. Do not slam on the brakes when there is a side slip or tail flick, which will cause the vehicle to lose control and cause accidents.

5. The vehicle starts to lightly press the accelerator

Drivers driving manual vehicles should remember to lift the clutch slowly and lightly dispense fuel. If the automatic gear is turned on, the gear should be locked in the low gear. If you have a snow mode function, you should turn it on in time. During the driving process, it is necessary to smoothly decelerate and lightly press the brakes, and absolutely do not start or brake urgently on the slippery road surface of the ice and snow.

6. Correct use of lighting

If the visibility is not good, or the snow is falling, it is necessary to turn on the front and rear fog lights in time. If visibility is good, or if it is sunny after snow, the fog lights should be turned off in time so as not to irritate the eyes of the driver of the vehicle in front of and behind. In rainy and snowy weather, it is best not to use high beams, because the irradiation angle of high beams is prone to large scattering, and the penetration is poor on snow days.

7. Parking in a safe area.

In case of snow, vehicles should be avoided from being parked under trees or unstable tents and billboards, so as to avoid smashing the vehicle after branches or roofs are crushed by snow or blown by wind.

8. Please pay attention to the pick-up and drop off of students on Mondays

Parents of students can carpool, walk or bus to avoid congestion and dangerous accidents; plan the route in advance when driving, slow down the speed of the car along the trajectory in front, cautiously pass through complex road sections, avoid slamming on the brakes, and avoid pedestrians. Don't go too fast, don't overload, speed, and don't get too close to the car; boarding students are advised to adjust the pick-up time.

Rain and snow are coming! Please check this important warning for safe travel

【Source: Shangli Public Security】

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