
Weekly Horoscope Advance Report (December 27 - January 2)

This week is characterized by the cold stars in the sky, and the sea is overflowing with clear skies. Donghua gushes out pupils, and the South Pole blows a long wind.

This week's rush to avoid Monday rushing rabbit, Tuesday rushing dragon, Wednesday rushing snake, Thursday rushing horse, Friday rushing sheep, Saturday rushing monkey, Sunday rushing chicken. When you rush, you will move, if you don't move, you will hurt, don't do big things, and be cautious.

This week advises this week that chickens, monkeys and sheep should be especially cautious, because villains, leaky money, rotten peach blossoms follow you this week.

Special reminder to all those who are jealous of the genus should be cautious such as Monday rabbit, rabbit is not suitable for doing important things that day.

Weekly Horoscope Advance Report (December 27 - January 2)

This week's Red Luck Chart

The most popular official fortune: it belongs to pigs

The most prosperous: cattle

Peach blossoms are the most popular: they belong to the tiger

This week's black luck list

Villain Flash: Genus Chicken

The most leaky: sheep

Peach blossom worst: monkey genus


Fortune: This week, thanks to the help of noble people, it is easy to make money, and the financial luck will be very smooth. As long as you are willing to work hard and fight, you will definitely have more rewards for paying more.

Career: This week's work is diligent, hard work, long-term persistence, will get relatively good results, get leadership weight, but will be jealous of colleagues, create some small trouble for you.

Love: This week's single friends can participate in more social activities and communicate more with the opposite sex. Married people can pay due attention to words and deeds, and keep a distance from the opposite sex, so as not to fall into the entanglement of love triangles.

Popularity: This week life is relatively smooth and smooth, and getting along with friends and lovers is also better. It's just that we still have to pay attention to more contact and communication, and don't ignore each other's feelings because of work, so as not to change.

Murder Day: Sunday

Ugly cow

Fortune: This week, the financial road is relatively wide, can make money, and there are noble people to help, everything will be smooth and natural. If you have a lot of energy, you can do a little more and have a high return on money.

Career: At work this week, with the assistance of good interpersonal relationships, you will get more good opportunities for development and wealth, and you should grasp it well, work hard, and don't miss a good opportunity.

Love: This week's peach blossom luck is also good, single men and women can take this opportunity to communicate with their favorite objects to confess, maybe soon, they can enter the palace of marriage.

Popularity: This week's luck is general, to have a normal heart, to be broad-minded, to be able to speak well, but also to learn to be exquisite, etc., to be able to achieve good results in the mall and workplace, eliminate many troubles.

Murder Day: Tuesday

Yin Tiger

Fortune: This week there are fortune stars revealed, with quite good opportunities to make money. The circle of relationships is the source of your money during this time, such as the relationship between relatives and friends, be good at tapping their resources, and vigorously develop opportunities to make money.

Career: This week's career has been a constant struggle, hard work, but little achievement. If you can continue to persevere, you will have some achievements, and you will be deeply supported by colleagues and the leader will be important.

Love: This week, you are married or have an object, and there are also the opposite sex to take the initiative to approach, bringing a little new stimulation on your love road, but how to choose depends on your will and self-control ability.

Popularity: This week, there are noble people, and the gap between colleagues and friends will be eliminated. Remember that persistence is smooth, it all takes time, patience and waiting. As long as you stick to what you do and think, everything can be solved.

Murder Day: None

Oh rabbit

Fortune: This week's investment has noble people from the side to point out, so that you correct the shortcomings of hesitation, in the investment project and timing can be just right, there will be a small gain, easy to invest more.

Career: This week's personal morale is stronger than before, ambition, work performance is better than before, Xu Mozhai suggested that it is not appropriate to change jobs, but should continue to work hard in the original position!

Love: This week there will be a bit of heterosexuality, single people will get to know what you think is a good object, if there is a result, then you will develop for a long time; otherwise it can only be a misty love, love flowers suddenly bloom and fall, no results.

Popularity: This week with people to remember, with people to be good is to be good with themselves, take a step back from the sea and the sky is also empty, endure a moment of wind and waves are easy to calm. When you go out to walk, remember that it is better to take a step back than to take a dangerous step.

Murder Day: Monday and Thursday


Fortune: This week is a lucky and fierce horoscope, which is manifested in money as a fortune and a disaster. This means that making money is a good thing for everyone, but you will be in trouble because of the money, and there will be a lot of loss.

Career: This week, you can get unconditional help from your boss and seniors, work hard with colleagues, give full play to the team spirit within the company, and your career is booming.

Love: Whether you are single or married this week, on the road of love is a peach blossom, single you will meet the ideal partner, and even quickly form a good couple.

Popularity: Your popularity has never been better this week. And you may wish to make a return, the old friends and the new friends to each other to get to know each other, when talking to each other, there will be unexpected surprises.

Murder day: Tuesday and Sunday


Fortune: It's hard to make money this week, and you need to rely on others to make money. Therefore, if you want to get more money, you must make reasonable use of the circle of relationships around you, make good use of their resources, and use them for your wealth.

Career: This week's work has an enterprising spirit, can sink down to do things, after a solid foundation, you can seek a higher level of development, there will be good prospects.

Love: This week, the feelings of married people and their spouses are increasing day by day, but they should pay attention to keeping a proper distance from other members of the opposite sex so as not to cause misunderstandings from their spouses. Fall in love with each other's strengths, and go through stages with each other's shortcomings.

Popularity: This week, you may wish to divert your energy, get together with friends, go to social occasions with colleagues to entertain, and relax your nerves and meet more new friends.

Murder day: Wednesday and Saturday

Noon Horse

Fortune: This week's money mainly depends on others, and there is strong financial luck. Therefore, you must maintain the relationship between friends around you, once there is a contradiction, you must actively seek to resolve it, otherwise there will be a "small consumption" in your money.

Career: Work hard this week, go all out for the work, will show their outstanding talents at work, and will also get the weight of the boss, but it will take time for promotion and salary increase, and you must wait patiently.

Love: In terms of love this week, there are many people of the opposite sex around, and the relationship is very good. But there are no surprises in your feelings. Married people are prone to small disputes with their spouses over money issues.

Popularity: This week you need to pay a little attention to interpersonal relationships, and there are villains who obstruct it. If it's okay, it may be a good choice to meet a few friends for dinner and singing.

Murder Day: Thursday and Friday

Not sheep

Fortune: This week's financial fortunes are not ideal, and it is difficult to increase positive financial income. You will have all kinds of misfortunes because of your money, and the wealth you earn will also be depleted because of these disasters, resulting in a void of wealth.

Career: This week will be in a stable state in terms of career, it seems that there is still a sense of stagnation, but you can not be discouraged, still have to be aggressive, work hard, and will definitely create more ideal results.

Love: This week's peach blossom luck is more exuberant Married people should be suitable to keep a distance from the opposite sex, or it is easy to have extramarital affairs, resulting in the breakdown of marriage. It is necessary to judge the hour and size up the situation and correctly treat your own peach blossom luck.

Popularity: Be careful when interacting with people this week, so as not to have a handle fall into the hands of villains and be framed. In interpersonal relationships, think twice, otherwise it will come out of the mouth.

Murder day: Tuesday and Friday

Shen Monkey

Fortune: This week's financial fortune is unfavorable, and it will continue to be plagued by more money and disasters, and it is in a dilemma of financial disasters. It is necessary to plan carefully in terms of money, avoid short-term investment in investment, and consider it repeatedly before investing.

Career: This week the opportunity comes, you can go all out, promotion and salary increase is not a problem. But beware of villains and affecting your work progress, you have to prevent it in advance, especially pay more attention.

Love: This week's love fortune is relatively poor, when interacting with the object of your choice, you should pay special attention to measure and words, it is easy to provoke the other party to be angry. Single you, the road to love is relatively bumpy, everything can not be forced.

Popularity: This week, we should also pay attention to speaking cautiously, so as not to inadvertently cause unnecessary trouble. Do not have a quarrel with people, do not have a verbal dispute. If you go out to take a car or the like, you should also pay special attention to traffic safety.

Unitary chicken

Fortune: This week's financial fortunes are declining, and household expenses are relatively large. Under the guarantee of maintaining a basic life, learn to manage money and invest, invest in some short-term projects with stable returns, so that income and expenditure can reach a balance.

Career: This week in the work is easy to laissez-faire, lack of control, can not be willful. For the difficulties encountered, face them with a positive attitude and they will be solved.

Love: This week singles have the determination to let go of everything and start over. The relationship between men and women in love becomes silent, and it is often quarrels that break the silence. The need for affection is not much, a glass of water, a sentence I love you.

Popularity: This week, it is easy to encounter contradictions and calm down, deal with problems more cautiously, be sarcastic and patient, be restrained by commissions, be busy and meticulous in work, and be warm to people and things.


Fortune: This week's fortunes are smooth and have a strong ability to absorb gold. Most of the money depends on the official family, such as good relations with the government, you can seek opportunities to work together on projects, it is very easy to operate successfully, and the income will be the icing on the cake.

Career: This week you will be rewarded for your good work, with fewer bonuses and more promotions, and in general, hard work must be rewarded.

Love: This week the peach blossoms are also very prosperous, Xu Mozhai suggested that singles can make an appointment with their favorite object or go out with colleagues and friends to climb the mountain and the like, which is a very good opportunity.

Popularity: Speak to people this week to be humble, don't be too direct and too rushed, so as not to offend the villains and bring disasters to yourself, so as not to let family and friends also worry.

Murder Day: Monday and Friday

Oh pig

Fortune: This week's fortunes are rolling in, ideal, and everything is made by labor. Business people, because the partnership partner has more experience in business, it will help consolidate your business foundation and tend to develop steadily.

Career: This week's career luck is also very strong, not only will work handily, but also will make satisfactory results and get bonuses. Pay attention to perseverance and maintain this good state.

Love: Peach blossoms are coming alive this week. It's just that married people need to pay attention to their own words and deeds, and it is advisable to communicate with their spouses and communicate their feelings, and don't put your mind outside. In addition, there is time to spend more time with friends and family.

Popularity: This week in the exchange, pay attention to guard against villains. If you can, you may wish to exert the spirit of enthusiasm and helpfulness, organize a party, you can take the opportunity to enhance everyone's feelings, you can take the opportunity to get the goodwill of friends.

Murder Day: Wednesday

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