
Tell the story of Chongqing talents 丨 Feng Mingming: I like the atmosphere of Chongqing officials to start a business, and I have great prospects for development

He led the team to establish the "Key Laboratory of Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Devices", which made a major breakthrough in the innovation and integrated application of the green process of the 8.6 generation large-size high-end display panel; through water recycling and conservation, he saved at least 4,000 tons of water consumption per day, saving 57.8 million kWh of electricity per year, leading the factory to become a "national green factory".

Tell the story of Chongqing talents 丨 Feng Mingming: I like the atmosphere of Chongqing officials to start a business, and I have great prospects for development

He is Feng Mingming, vice president of Chongqing Advanced Optoelectronic Display Technology Research Institute, who was selected as the first batch of Chongqing talents, innovation and entrepreneurship leaders in 2019. After returning from school, he contributed to the display industry in his hometown

Mingming Feng holds a Ph.D. in Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices and Laser Optics. The research work is on Quantum Dot quantum dot semiconductor materials and optoelectronic devices composed of such materials. Due to his pioneering work, after graduating with a Ph.D., he was hired as a researcher by overseas research institutes.

After completing his studies, he returned to China and invested in the construction of his hometown

In 2012, Feng Mingming resigned from the overseas research institute and resolutely chose to return to the motherland, return to Chongqing, and join the construction of the display industry in his hometown.

"I like the atmosphere of entrepreneurship here, it is very promising!"

Feng Mingming said that in 2017, he joined the Chongqing Advanced Optoelectronic Display Technology Research Institute at the invitation of Banan District and Huike Jinyu Optoelectronic Technology Company.

"I've known about this project before and the team is motivated."

With the platform of the research institute, Feng Mingming is like a fish in the water, so that professional skills have been fully exerted.

He led the team to set up the "Key Laboratory of Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Devices" and won the title of "Chongqing New R&D Institution".

Display panel this high-end manufacturing technology, in the country is also nearly 10 years to develop on a large scale, related supporting enterprises in the country is not perfect, Chongqing Huike to Feng Mingming a work direction: display panel supply chain security and technical cooperation. In order to further understand the technical strength of domestic supply chain enterprises, Feng Mingming began the arduous process of field investigation, technical exchange and product trial production.

Under the leadership of Feng Mingming, a domestic supplier cooperation system has been initially established, and technical cooperation has gradually deepened. In the field of glass substrates, he participated in the construction of the National Innovation Center for New Glass Materials and represented Huike as a director. Chongqing Huike Jinyu Optoelectronics and related enterprises jointly applied for major national and provincial scientific and technological research projects, and made efforts for the localization of the supply chain and supply chain security.

"Here is my dream"

In 2018, Feng Mingming, as the technical leader of the project, undertook the green key process system integration project of the 8.6 generation large-size high-end display panel of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The project calls for the use of green technology, green technology, the integration of green equipment, the construction of green manufacturing plants, with lower energy consumption, resource consumption, the production of higher performance products.

Through the joint research of industry, education and research, Chongqing Huike Jinyu Optoelectronics internal R & D, manufacturing, factory affairs and other departments work together, in the project implementation of more than 2 years, Feng Mingming and the team conquered 5 major tasks. Recycling and production of auxiliary materials, can reach 94%, reaching the international leading level; water recycling and water conservation, at least 4,000 tons per day; saving energy consumption, saving 57.8 million kWh of electricity per year, equivalent to 23,000 tons of standard coal, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 57,000 tons. Chongqing Huike Jinyu Optoelectronics has also passed the audit of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and become a national green factory.

"The Chongqing government serves talents with a heart and heart, so that I can chase my dreams without worries."

In recent years, Chongqing has made great efforts to cultivate, introduce and make good use of talents in an all-round way, actively carry out innovation and exploration of talent work, implement measures to introduce and cultivate the construction of a dual-drive talent team, drive scientific and technological innovation to continuously achieve breakthroughs, and effectively promote the high-quality economic and social development of the city. Taking Banan District as an example, it has issued a number of preferential policies for the introduction of scarce talents to help talents settle down; issued the "Interim Measures for the Incentive of High-skilled Talent Training" to create an environment for talent cultivation; and issued the "Interim Measures for Supporting Scientific and Technological Innovation" to encourage talents to actively act...

"I don't want to leave Banan, here's my dream."

It has been 9 years since he returned from school, and Feng Mingming has been engaged in the research and development and application of cutting-edge technology. He said that in Banan, the atmosphere of entrepreneurship is very strong, the future prospects and development have filled him with enthusiasm, but also let the knowledge he has learned to play, he wants to always take root in Banan.

Upstream journalist Wang Chun

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