
It's so cute! China's diving "three small ones" can already make their debut in a group, and the C position of Quan Hong Chan is more than the heart

On December 26, Beijing time, the beijing Winter Olympics countdown to 40 days, the Olympic song "We See You in Beijing" MV was released, 55 world champions gathered, the most eye-catching is undoubtedly Quan Hongchan, Chen Taoxi, Zhang Jiaqi, the Chinese diving team three small is really too cute.

It's so cute! China's diving "three small ones" can already make their debut in a group, and the C position of Quan Hong Chan is more than the heart
It's so cute! China's diving "three small ones" can already make their debut in a group, and the C position of Quan Hong Chan is more than the heart

Speaking of the current Chinese diving team, I have to say that the success of Quan Hongchan, Chen Taoxi, Zhang Jiaqi, 3 people is too amazing, the original oldest Zhang Jiaqi took the lead and became a talented girl, which attracted great attention. As a result, Zhang Jiaqi himself did not expect that although he was only 17 years old, the Olympic Games were postponed for a year, and 16-year-old Chen Taoxi caught up. "Double insurance"? No! In 2021, Quan Hong chan is only 14 years old!

It's so cute! China's diving "three small ones" can already make their debut in a group, and the C position of Quan Hong Chan is more than the heart

As a result, in the women's 10m platform, Zhang Jiaqi became the oldest one in the team to compete in the Olympic Games, and even lost his single qualification. This is the super powerful Chinese diving team, 17 years old is a "veteran", 14 years old is already a "trump card". In the end, the three of them got their wish and successfully won the gold medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games.

It's so cute! China's diving "three small ones" can already make their debut in a group, and the C position of Quan Hong Chan is more than the heart

The characteristics of these 3 people are very cute and have super strength, and Quan Hongchan, Chen Taoxi, and Zhang Jiaqi may accompany diving fans for a long time in the future. Now in the Olympic song "See You in Beijing" MV, the appearance of the three small Chinese diving teams is so cute! Quan Hong chan occupies the C position, compared to the heart of the camera, Meng overturned, Zhang Jiaqi and Chen Taoxi are on her left and right sides, it is not an exaggeration to say that now the 3-person team "debut" will definitely become popular.

It's so cute! China's diving "three small ones" can already make their debut in a group, and the C position of Quan Hong Chan is more than the heart

Of course, our Olympic champions are just getting started. The Chinese diving team is a united and strong family, everyone sings and sends out invitations to the world's athletes!

It's so cute! China's diving "three small ones" can already make their debut in a group, and the C position of Quan Hong Chan is more than the heart
It's so cute! China's diving "three small ones" can already make their debut in a group, and the C position of Quan Hong Chan is more than the heart

In addition to the release of the MV of the Olympic song "See You in Beijing", the demonstration activity of "Driving 300 Million People to Participate in Ice and Snow Sports" was held in the Winter Olympic Community of Shijingshan District, Beijing, and athletes such as Wu Dajing, Ren Ziwei, Sui Wenjing, Han Cong, Yang Qian, Guan Chenchen and many literary and art stars attended the event.

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