
In order for the Red Army to learn to weave straw shoes, the straw shoes he made also called himself "men's straw shoes" and was later awarded the rank of lieutenant general

In the early days of the arduous revolution, the Red Army had no liberation shoes and military boots to wear, and it would be nice to have a pair of cloth shoes under the best circumstances, and more often only grass shoes. So, when he saw the Red Army soldiers wearing tattered straw shoes, or even training barefoot on the training ground, he thought that he should make up some straw shoes for these poor soldiers, at least not to let them participate in the training barefoot.

In order for the Red Army to learn to weave straw shoes, the straw shoes he made also called himself "men's straw shoes" and was later awarded the rank of lieutenant general

He was Zhang Nansheng, who was then a member of the Soviet government of Xinquan Township in the Western Fujian Soviet District.

Zhang Nansheng, a native of Xinquan Township, Liancheng, Fujian Province, attended middle school in his early years, joined the revolution in 1929, and was elected as a member of the committee when the township soviet was founded.

On the same day, he returned to the township from the Red Army training ground to organize cadres and women to weave straw shoes.

In order for the Red Army to learn to weave straw shoes, the straw shoes he made also called himself "men's straw shoes" and was later awarded the rank of lieutenant general

At that time, Zhang Nansheng could not weave straw shoes, according to his education at that time, at least a "show talent" level, so he could learn this kind of miscellaneous work? In order to take the lead, Zhang Nansheng also specially invited the master to come to the house to teach him. When his father saw how this child thought of learning to weave straw shoes from his teacher, he scolded him, for you to read for so many years, you even learned this kind of unproductive craft, is it not shameful?

Zhang Nansheng is not good enough to confront his parents, so he said to his father, Dad, don't you often say that "there are ten thousand gold in the family, it is better to have an art in the body"? The more I learn a craft, the more I will live!

In order for the Red Army to learn to weave straw shoes, the straw shoes he made also called himself "men's straw shoes" and was later awarded the rank of lieutenant general

Zhang Nansheng was smart at reading and had strong hands-on ability, and soon learned to weave straw shoes. However, the straw shoes he weaved were wider and larger than those made by ordinary people. When others said that his straw shoes were big, he said, I made men's straw shoes. There are also some strong words that say that people have a distinction between men and women, and shoes do not distinguish between men and women? You didn't see how big the feet were in the First Few Big Men in the Red Fourth Army! When I send this pair of straw shoes, they will definitely compete for miles.

Sure enough, when they carried straw shoes to the team the next day, Several pairs of large grass shoes compiled by Zhang Nansheng were scrambled by several big Red Army soldiers. Later, the story of Zhang Nansheng's love of making up "men's straw shoes" spread locally.

Later, Zhang Nansheng also signed up to join the ranks of the Red Army, successively serving as the political commissar of the company in the Red 12th Army in western Fujian, the political commissar of the Red 5Th Army Regiment, and the director of the RegimentAl political department; after the Start of the Long March, he served as the political commissar and director of the RegimentAl political department of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, and later transferred to the Red Fourth Front army as the director of the Organization Department of the Political Department of the Red 31 Army.

In order for the Red Army to learn to weave straw shoes, the straw shoes he made also called himself "men's straw shoes" and was later awarded the rank of lieutenant general

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in an all-round way, Zhang Nansheng successively served as deputy director of the Political Office of the 769th Regiment of the 358th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, political commissar of the 771st Regiment of the 386th Brigade, political commissar of the Advance Detachment, political commissar of the Independent Detachment, and director of the Organization Department of the Political Department of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zhang Nansheng participated in the War of Liberation and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and was awarded the rank of lieutenant general in 1955, and died on August 25, 1989, at the age of 84.

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