
Howard: I haven't had a Christmas fight in a while, and I'm excited about that

Howard: I haven't had a Christmas fight in a while, and I'm excited about that

Live bar December 24 news The Lakers lost to the Spurs today, and veteran Howard was interviewed after the game.

Speaking about the Christmas war the day after tomorrow, Howard said: "I am very excited to participate in the Christmas war because I haven't played the Christmas war in a while, and my children will be there the day after tomorrow, so I am looking forward to it." ”

Today's game, Howard played 22 minutes, 1 of 2 with 4 points, 9 boards, 2 assists and 2 blocks.

However, Howard played the Christmas game in 19 years, and in the Lakers and Clippers game, he played 12 minutes and had 2 points and 9 rebounds.

(Stride Meteor)

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