
Classic poetry | bougainvillea under the sun rock

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Classic poetry | bougainvillea under the sun rock

Bougainvillea under the sun rock

Text/Shu Ting

It's a noisy waterfall

Draped in lonely stone walls

The most limited nutrients

But he gave his richest self

It is a luxurious pavilion umbrella

Shelter the wilderness from the wind and rain

The more raw and cold the place

The more it looks promiscuous and beautiful

Regardless of the wall, the roadside

Regardless of the grass slope, stone gap

As long as the sunshine is there all year round

four seasons

It's all your flowering season

Oh, look up is you

Bow your head is you

Close your eyes or you

Even if he is in a foreign land he waters

Just remember

The eyes are soft as a dream

The heart, I don't know whether it is sad or happy


Shu Ting, born in 1952 in Shima Town, Longhai City, Fujian Province, originally named Gong Peiyu, later renamed Gong Shuting, is a contemporary Chinese female poet and writer, one of the representatives of the Obscure Poetry School.

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