
What is hexiang and dingxiang?

What is hexiang and dingxiang?

Incense refers to the aroma and aromatic smell, but incense does not only represent taste and fragrance, he represents a kind of inheritance, an art of life.

The meaning of incense has gone beyond the incense product itself, through the carrier of incense to achieve the cultivation of body and mind, cultivate noble sentiments, and pursue the culture of human beauty.

What is hexiang and dingxiang?

Incense from the simplest incense burning taste, and then incense stick printing ignition incense, and finally you can make your own incense, incense, make only your own incense, the process of making incense is still more interesting, choose a favorite square, and then match it on the line.

What is hexiang and dingxiang?

So in the incense path, what is hexiang? What is Incense Fixing?

What is hexiang and dingxiang?

As the name suggests, Hexiang is to match the jun, the subject, the zuo, and the auxiliary. Only when the king, the subject, the assistant, and the auxiliary are in their place, can the different spices show their full potential. Hexiang is mostly handmade, and the incense party can be made according to the ancient books of the incense party you like.

What is hexiang and dingxiang?

Some incense friends will slowly cultivate their own recipes on the basis of ancient recipes to achieve their favorite taste, Hexiang focuses on the beauty of the fragrance, the richness of the fragrance, since ancient times there have been many Hexiang experts, such as Huang Tingjian, Lu You, Fan Cheng, Su Dongpo.

What is hexiang and dingxiang?

What is Dingxiang?

Incense is to make incense can make all kinds of spice components volatilize evenly, of which the more common incense fixing agent is musk, ambergris, etc., both of which are very good fragrance setting spices.

Like musk and ambergris, they can not only make the aroma of the incense last, but also make the fragrance of the incense more soft.

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