
What is the cause of the swollen fingers in children

What is the cause of the swollen fingers in children

Because the child's skin is more delicate, seasonal changes or changes in the environment will make the child's skin change to varying degrees, and some children with allergic constitutions will have itchy skin, redness and swelling after contact with allergens. So what causes a swollen finger in a child?

1. Subject to mosquito bites

Summer is the season of high mosquitoes, children's skin is very delicate, and because the metabolism is very fast, it is very susceptible to mosquito bites. When the mosquito bites, it will release a substance, and after the bite, the skin will appear red and swollen, and it will also be extremely itchy, because the child is relatively young, it is easy to scratch the skin, which is easy to cause infection. So if you are bitten by a mosquito, you can apply calamine lotion or flower lotion water to relieve the symptoms of itching in your child.

2. Allergic constitution

If the child itself belongs to a very allergic constitution, it is easy to cause redness, swelling and itching of the skin after re-contact with the allergen, and if it is not treated in time, it may trigger anaphylactic shock throughout the body. Therefore, when the child has an allergic reaction, he should first find out what the allergen is, try to keep the child away, and avoid a great impact on his own health.

When the child's fingers appear swollen, first check whether it is caused by mosquito bites, if the child itself is allergic, check whether to eat the food that causes allergies need to go to the hospital in time for treatment, if the child accidentally falls and bumps will also cause redness and swelling of the fingers, no matter what the reason, you need to go to the hospital for timely treatment.

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