
The Eight-Power Alliance, 119 years ago, caused serious damage to China, and now what happens

The Eight-Power Alliance, 119 years ago, caused serious damage to China, and now what happens

Under Cixi's control, the Guangxu Emperor became a puppet emperor, and Empress Dowager Cixi's dictatorship was also the culprit that caused the Qing government to disappear completely. However, when it comes to Cixi's more embarrassing moment, it is that the Eight-Nation Alliance army entered Beijing, Cixi and the Guangxu Emperor fled in a hurry, all the way to Xi'an, and after the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded and occupied Beijing, the number of troops was successively increased to 100,000, and everywhere they went, they burned and looted, and did no evil.

The Eight-Power Alliance, 119 years ago, caused serious damage to China, and now what happens

At that time, under the occupation of the Eight-Nation Alliance, the city of Beijing was full of corpses, whether it was the palace or the royal palace, or the people's houses, they were basically looted, and even if the Qing government sent Li Hongzhang and others to negotiate peace, they did not achieve the goal, and finally they were rejected one by one. The eight-power alliance offensive was 10 minutes rapid, successively capturing Harbin, Changchun, Yingkou and other places, and also occupying northeast China, under such a strong offensive, the Qing government had to send Li Hongzhang to represent the Qing government to sign the "Xinugu Treaty".

The Eight-Power Alliance, 119 years ago, caused serious damage to China, and now what happens

Although China lost a lot after the signing of this treaty and hindered China's development, it allowed the Eight-Power Alliance to eventually withdraw to China. The so-called Eight-Power Alliance refers to the eight countries of Britain, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Japan, the United States, Tsarist Russia, and Italy. Under their aggression, the Qing government directly became the object of plunder, and even became a fried plate meat to be slaughtered. Nowadays, many people are also curious, just as the so-called 30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi, now seems to be three years of Hedong and three years of Hexi, so what happened to these 8 countries that invaded China 119 years ago?

The Eight-Power Alliance, 119 years ago, caused serious damage to China, and now what happens

The United States is a well-known economic power, and its status is still unshakable, and after plundering rich resources, the United States has risen rapidly and has a unique and advantageous geographical location to become a superpower.

Britain in the eight-power alliance invasion of China can be said to be a world power, as well as the sun does not set the empire, but after two world wars, the national strength declined sharply, the United Kingdom also began to split up, but after all, it was once a strong country, the so-called skinny camel is bigger than the horse, until now it is also one of the strong countries.

France's status at that time was also very high, but with the development of the times, France has lost a lot of well-known land, so today's status is more than the top and the bottom.

The Eight-Power Alliance, 119 years ago, caused serious damage to China, and now what happens

Italy is not as powerful as a powerful country, but in World War II, not only was Germany defeated but also part of the funny, but today's Italian presence seems to be getting weaker and weaker.

Germany is also a rising star, the development is also relatively rapid, after the defeat of the world war, Germany has lost a lot of territory, but it can rise rapidly, can also be regarded as one of the world's great powers.

Japan's economy is also developing very rapidly, it is also a developed country, and it is also one of the four small tigers, and it also has a deep scientific and technological industrial background, even if it was unconditionally surrendered in World War II and ended in failure, but it still did not affect his development.

Through the plundering of Tsarist Russia, more than 1.6 million square kilometers of China's territory is still occupied by Tsarist Russia, and now after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in addition to Russia's great achievements, the rest is also a mess.

The Eight-Power Alliance, 119 years ago, caused serious damage to China, and now what happens

The last one was the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which was a miserable country among the other 7 United Nations, and ended in disintegration after World War 1, apparently withdrawing from the world stage.

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