
Chen Youyizhan died after the Battle of Poyang Lake, what happened to his descendants?

Zhu Yuanzhang once said that "if you forgive your death, the world is not difficult to determine", which means that as long as Chen Youyu is eliminated, then it will be easy to unify the world. The Chen Han regime established by Chen Youyi, together with Zhu Yuanzhang's Western Wu regime and Zhang Shicheng's Eastern Wu regime, was known as the three major separatist regimes in Jiangnan at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, of which the Chen Han regime was known for its largest area and the largest number of soldiers.

Chen Youyizhan died after the Battle of Poyang Lake, what happened to his descendants?

In the water battle of Poyang Lake, Chen Youyi was killed in battle

Chen Youyi occupied Hubei and Jiangxi in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and Yingtian (present-day Nanjing), located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, was his place of contention. Unfortunately, Zhu Yuanzhang used Yingtian as his base and occupied more than thirty counties in the nearby Five Provinces. Therefore, Chen Youyu regarded Zhu Yuanzhang as the number one enemy and wanted to get rid of him quickly. In the twenty-third year of Zhengzheng (1363), Chen Youyu came out of the nest and gathered 600,000 troops to attack Yingtian, zhu Yuanzhang was forced to fight, organized more than 200,000 people and horses, and launched a fierce battle at Poyang Lake in Jiangxi, known as the Battle of Poyang Lake.

Chen Youyizhan died after the Battle of Poyang Lake, what happened to his descendants?

Zhu Yuanzhang used small boats to launch a fire attack, severely damaging Chen Youyi's army, which was trapped in the lake for more than a month, and the military food was exhausted, and he could only choose to break through. In the process of breaking through, Chen Youyi suddenly crossed the arrow, penetrated the head, and was killed on the spot, and the military was suddenly in chaos, and Zhu Yuanzhang's army took the opportunity to kill him fiercely, and incidentally captured Chen Youyu's eldest son, Chen Shan'er. The lieutenant Zhang Dingbian fled back to Wuchang with the corpses of his second son Chen Li and Chen Youyi.

Again pro-enlistment, Chen Li please surrender

Chen Li returned to Wuchang, inherited the throne, changed his name to Yuan Deshou, and became Emperor Chen Han. Zhu Yuanzhang, bent on taking down the Chen Han regime first, personally recruited again in February of the 24th year of Zhizheng (1364), and the soldiers pointed directly at Wuchang. The 14-year-old Chen Li panicked and summoned the general Qin Wang, and the fierce general Zhang Bixian sent troops from Yuezhou to the rescue, but was defeated and captured by Zhu Yuanzhang's general Chang Yuchun at Hongshan, and Chen Li's last straw of life disappeared.

Chen Youyizhan died after the Battle of Poyang Lake, what happened to his descendants?

Zhu Yuanzhang sent Chen Youyi's old minister Luo Furen into the city to persuade him to surrender, and Chen Li, who had no choice but to go to Yuanmen to offer his surrender. Zhu Yuanzhang saw the young Chen Li kneeling down, personally helped him up and said, "I will not blame you!" The treasures in the treasury were left to him to choose, and after returning to Nanjing, chen Li was made the Marquis of Guide.

Taizu saw that Li was weak and weak, and he shook his hand and said, "I am not guilty." "The treasury of the treasury is arbitrarily taken, and the heavens are rotated, and the knighthood is returned to the Marquis of De." - "Ming Shi Lie biography"

Not only was Chen Li awarded the title of Marquis, Chen Youyi's father Chen Pucai was given the title of Marquis of Cheng'en, the eldest brother Chen Youfu was given the title of Gui Renbo, the second brother Chen Youran was given the title of Huai Enbo, and the fourth brother Chen Youren was posthumously awarded the title of King of Kangshan. From these aspects, it can be seen that Zhu Yuanzhang's treatment of Chen Youyi's family and descendants can be described as not thin.

Complaining and moving to Goryeo

When Chen Li lived in Nanjing, he often complained and was told to Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang said: "These are the words spoken by the child who was seduced by others, and in order for him to remember the kindness of Yuan, he should stay away from the capital." In the first month of the fifth year of Hongwu (1372), Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Chen Li the Marquis of Guiyi and Marquis Mingsheng of Guiyi (the son of Ming Yuzhen of the Bactrian regime) to move to Goryeo together, and rewarded the Goryeo king Luo Qi to treat them kindly. At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Chen Pucai, the Marquis of Cheng'en, to move to Chuyang (滁陽, in modern Chuzhou).

Chen Youyizhan died after the Battle of Poyang Lake, what happened to his descendants?

When Chen Li and Myeong Seung arrived in Goryeo, they were received by the King of Goryeo and were given the title of King of Chen. Although he was a prince, his life was very difficult. King Gong of Goryeo and later King Lee Fong-won of Joseon rewarded him with some fields, a maid, and daily necessities such as rice, wine, and cloth. In the sixth year of Yongle (1408), Chen Li died of illness at the age of 58, and had a son, Chen Mingshan, who spread his roots in Korea. The current Chen surname is a Korean surname, many of which are descendants of Chen Youyi, and every year many Korean Relatives surnamed Chen specially rush to the mausoleum of Chen Youyu to worship in order to recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors.

A total of twenty-seven men and women, including Chen Li and Ming Sheng, entered Beijing. The king went out of the imperial hall and worshipped on the steps, and the king sat down to receive it. He sat under the envoys, rising to the eighteenth year and the twenty-second year. - "Goryeo Shih-shih"

Chen Youyizhan died after the Battle of Poyang Lake, what happened to his descendants?

All in all, although Zhu Yuanzhang did not treat Chen Youyi's descendants well, he did not deliberately harm them. Moving elsewhere was deliberately to let them fend for themselves, which was a leniency for Zhu Yuanzhang, who had always been jealous and hateful. After all, many founding heroes died under Zhu Yuanzhang's butcher's knife, and Chen Youyi's descendants should be grateful for this. As for Chen Youyu's eldest son, Chen Shan'er, there is no record or trace of him after he was captured, and it is very likely that he was stabbed away by Zhu Yuanzhang.

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