
Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

author:Look at Hubei

Sitting under the warm winter sun, he picked up the book "Crossing the Yalu River -- A Documentary of Hong Xuezhi's Korean Battlefield" sent by the famous military writer Zhang Ziying, and gained a deeper understanding of that period of history. Teacher Zhang's words are spiritual, and the language he tells is full of positive energy, which will always make people feel passionate in their hearts.

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

Zhang Ziying and her husband, a famous screenwriter and writer, have a relationship

Hubei Chibi City has organized famous writers to write Chibi activities for many years, and the author has the opportunity to participate in several receptions, and I have also had the privilege of getting to know some literary circles. There are several teachers who are particularly impressed, like Teacher Bi Shumin, because of her "cave tea" love, and Zhang Ziying's teacher is "military" love. The two famous female writers are about a generation apart in age, but there are many similarities. When Teacher Bi became a soldier, Ziying was just born in a military family. Teacher Bi Shumin began to write professionally after 20 years of medical work, and Zhang Ziying's first college major was an engineering major - computer missile control major, and after graduating from college, he entered a certain department of the Air Force as a computer engineer in the flight control room. The words of the two teachers are delicate, full of tenderness, and philosophical, making people contemplative. Reading their words, the deepest feeling is that everything must have "feelings, missions, responsibilities, and responsibilities.".

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

I still remember the day I met Teacher Zhang Ziying on May 8, 2017, and received a notice from the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to go to the Jinqiao Hotel to participate in the "Chinese Literary and Historical Writers Writing Chibi" symposium. Walking into the venue, I saw two city leaders and eleven invited writers sitting in the main row. Seeing the only teacher operating on a laptop, he glanced at the seat plate and wrote Zhang Ziying. I looked at her carefully, wearing a white casual coat on her upper body, a waterfall-like cape, her hair curled in waves, her face was beautiful and handsome, and her eyes were large and bright, full of wisdom.

I was very impressed by her statement. She said with great affection that she was very excited when she walked into the Pu Textile General Factory (referred to as 2348), especially visiting the Pu Textile Culture Corridor and other places to further deepen her impression and view of Pu Textile. She said her father was an Air Force pilot, grew up in the Air Force Dean, and had used pu textile products since he was a child.

Pufang, formerly known as the Second Division of the 2348 Project of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, is one of the "third-line military enterprises" invested and built by the General Logistics Department in 1969, and is known as the "Textile City of Southern Hunan". In 1975, it was transferred to Hubei Province, and was a key enterprise in Hubei Province, and has repeatedly ranked among the top 500 national enterprises with impressive performance. At that time, 2348 was a beautiful business card of Puxi County, Ten Mile Textile City, talents from all over the country gathered there, many textile women workers also became national labor models, boys in the county town looking for objects, they like to run to the "mountain" (because the Pu Textile General Factory was built in the mountains in order to avoid the needs of war, we used to call it "mountain").

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

In May 2017, Zhang Ziying took a photo in the Chibi Cliff Stone Carving

On March 28, 2021, when I communicated with Teacher Zhang Ziying on WeChat, I also talked about Pufang, Teacher Zhang said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss my time in Chibi", I said "Yes teacher, four years have passed in the blink of an eye, and we miss you too!" I remember that you had a special affection for Pu Textile General Factory (code 2348), and you were born into a military family and used many of the products produced here since you were a child. At present, Pufang has built the 2348 Memorial Hall, a large number of former laborers have returned to start a business for the second time, looking forward to your time to return to Chibi, write a magnificent poem with your rafters, and reproduce the passionate years that have entered the annals of history. Teacher Zhang replied, "Okay, I am also looking forward to it, old Pufang will definitely have new brilliance." ”

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

Talking about the Land and Water Three Gorges Experimental Dam, Zhang Ziying said that she was very shocked, at that time, in that era, it was built in artificial construction, how great the working people were, and thanked the masses for everything they did. She said that here embodies the care and wisdom of the older generation of central leaders, condenses the hard work of the builders, and condenses the great dream of several generations of people to go out of the Pinghu Lake, and we must carry forward this spirit.

After the end of the collection, Teacher Zhang Ziying sent a masterpiece "Encounter in Chibi", which told the story of the construction of the Three Gorges Experimental Dam in literary language, and was included in the book "Chinese Writers Write Chibi".

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

In May 2017, Zhang Ziying took a photo at the Three Gorges Test Dam

At the beginning of 2021, the country carried out party history study and education activities, Chibi thought of the Three Gorges test dam in his hometown, so he sent me a message, thinking that this test dam is not a lot of people who understand it, and feel that it is of great significance, from the perspective of party history, it is no less than the Hongqi Canal, although they are all projects during the Cultural Revolution, but the Puxi Test Dam is of greater significance from the national level, the Three Gorges is Chinese century-old dream, hoping to provide materials. I contacted the Cultural and Historical Committee of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Rong Media Center, the Land and Water Hub Management Bureau and other units to collect photos, videos, literature and other materials about the test dam, including Zhang Ziying's "Encounter in Chibi". Subsequently, these materials were sent to the compatriots of central ministries and commissions, colleges and universities, central enterprises and state-owned enterprises, and other units, and used them in speeches on the study and education of party history, and achieved very good propaganda results. For example, the compatriots of the Central Propaganda Department used these materials to refine the "six ones" such as "building a dam, building a landscape, establishing a school, cultivating a group of talents, raising a city, and feeding the people" to preach.

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

In May 2017, Zhang Ziying walked into Zhao Liqiao Tea Factory and held the "Chuan" brand Chibi green brick tea

A few months before Zhang Ziying came to Chibi, her heart-wrenching long-form reportage "Test Flight Hero" was published. The book has won a number of awards: it has been selected into the "2017 Theme Publishing Key Publication Topic" by the Propaganda Department and the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television; won the first place in the Xu Chi Reportage Award for Long Story, was selected for the 2017 State Publishing Fund Fund Funded Project, won the "2017 China Good Book Annual List", and was selected as "China Excellent Publication".

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

When talking about the book, Zhang Ziying said affectionately: "I grew up on the side of the runway of the airport. That runway, 40 years ago, my father took off and landed countless times on it. 20 years later, on this runway, my two test pilot comrades gave up their escape in order to save the model aircraft and feathered away. The two crushed helmets they left behind are still lying quietly in the glass cabinets of the honor room..."

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi
Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

P.S.: "Encounter at Chibi"

Zhang Ziying

At four o'clock in the morning, I woke up.

For me, who has lived in the military for more than thirty years, I have been getting up for many years to listen to the wake-up call, and unless there are special circumstances, I usually do not wake up at this time.

Chibi for three days, and then two days, every day, and at four o'clock in the morning, I woke up.

In the early hours of this morning, I heard birds chirping.

It was the chibi birds that woke me up.

The birds' voices were fragmented but clear, and they were whispering, and I was awake and listening quietly. I listened to chibi's birds telling me stories.

Then I saw him.

He was supposed to be a young man of seventeen or eighteen, not very tall, no different from all chibi natives, except that he would be darker and thinner, because he grew up in the mountains, carrying water, cutting trees, collecting firewood, wind and rain in the open air, and his face was full of daylight.

In terms of age, he should not be an only son, there will be brothers and sisters, but I have not met them or them, so in my vision, only him. I called him Shui Xin.

Shui Xin, like all the young people of that era in that period, worked and walked around in the land of his hometown, he went to junior high school, dropped out of school, because of his family situation, but also because of his interest, he should not seem to be a child who likes to read and is good at scoring. It was also because of the sudden change in my hometown at that time.

After the spring of that year, strangers appeared frequently in the mountain beams and ditches of their hometowns, their clothes neat and white faces, many wearing glasses and pens in their four-pocketed jackets. Murakami's well-informed people said that it was cadres and experts who came from above to discuss a confidential matter. In those days, all kinds of news and legends spread around the village, making this village that had always been peaceful become floating and vivid, for Shui Xin and his father and even the generations of villagers above his father, this turmoil was a rare thing, for many years, countless literati rioters chanted the bright red "Chibi" two big characters on the stone wall of the river a hundred and ten kilometers away, and there were more people wandering around the heavy stone carvings that had been soaked for hundreds of years, but almost no one had ever set foot in and paid attention to ShuiXin's village by the mountains and rivers. Although he stubbornly believed as a teenager that when the war drums were raised, there must have been many iron-boned men and heroes in their villages, but Shui Xin also regrettably understood that their names were like the water of the Hanhan River, even if they were agitated, they were always inexplicable.

It didn't take long for the legendary secret event to be publicly confirmed: a "high-class" dam was to be built in their hometown.

He did not know the true, full meaning of "high-class", but he told the whole village that it was a confidential, important, important matter concerning the country, and that all he and the villagers had to do was to move their families away from another place designated by the government, to the place where their village was located, together with some other larger area, to the geographical category of this "national event".

The village held a meeting, the notice and requirements were very clear, many women in the venue cried on the spot, and Shui Xin did not cry.

The relocation was completed quickly. The young man who called Shui Xin stood on the hill for the last time with his father, and looked back, his own house, of course, he could not see the cooking smoke, but he saw the blackened roof, the old tree in front of the house, the corn hanging under the eaves, the old wooden bed in the house was left by his grandfather, the father insisted on taking away the small stool in front of the bed, the leaves had not yet fallen, but the top of the father's head hung with frost and snow overnight. Surrounded by a group of villagers who were also carrying large bags and small bags, they had tears on their faces like their fathers, and shuixin's nose was sour.

A flock of birds flying south, walking with them.

But Shui Xin did not have time to sigh, because after a few months, he returned to the land of his hometown, but this time, his hometown had changed, the red flag was unfurled, the horn was shaking, and there were rammer tractors roaring day and night, and people formed a long line in this roar, shuttling back and forth, carrying soil, and digging mud. Muddy and sweaty.

This is 1958.

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

More than twenty years later, more people gradually learned that in order to verify and solve the major technical problems in the scientific research, design and construction of the Three Gorges Project, with the approval of Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai, the Three Gorges Experimental Dam - the Land and Water Conservancy Hub Project was built in the corner of Chibi, Shuixin's hometown. The construction of the great Three Gorges Project began with this small experimental dam.

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

On those hot days and nights, Shui Xin was tired but excited, carrying a burden on his shoulders and walking fast. Like all the young people in Chibi, his heart is full of pride – how proud and proud he is to be a part of building a great motherland and loving his hometown. The site was divided into several labor groups and squads, each of whom performed their duties, and the competition between the squads and the groups for the fruits of their labor was always the driving force for young people to enjoy it. Shui xin is excellent, countless young people like Shui Xin are excellent, they seize the advanced, compete for the upper reaches, you chase after each other, do not give in to each other, the muddy is their real battlefield, the flying shovel is their most sharp weapon. All the yearnings of youth and the passion of youth bloom in those sweaty rain.

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

In the daytime, the reservoir dam is a sea of songs and people, and at night, there are still countless stars and sparks, and the new head of the water rests on the ground of the new soil, and through the roof of the grass hut, you can see the starlight on the head, and there is the sound of water flowing in the ears, which is the water introduced from the newly completed part of the dam area. Shui Xin slept on the dirt floor, his feet, legs, and forehead were stained with clay, this tough clay was a good material for damming, but its viscosity and heaviness made Shui Xin suffer terribly. Without large machinery, even if there is no way to drive in, Shui Xin, like all the migrant workers on the construction site, uses his shoulders and arms, carries, carries, and rams, completely with manpower, hammer after hammer to bring down these black and yellow tough clay baskets, smash down a hundred hammers and a thousand hammers, tamping, and building a dam inch by inch. The strength of this dam body tests the physical strength of all migrant workers, but also considers their loyalty and faith - this is a national project to build a plan for ten thousand years, there is no room for slack and small flaws, and everyone, whether young as water new young people or middle-aged people as old as water new fathers, everyone insists on their responsibilities. Sleep heavily in the night, wake up in the morning dew, no matter the scorching sun or the wind and rain, sweat, hands and feet are dark, but the vigilance in their hearts and the measurement in their eyes will not be perfunctory.

Countless sleepy nights, the water in their sleep was newly seen, and their old house, in the dark place under the reservoir area where the water and grass were gradually growing, gradually did not go down, did not go down.

A familiar kingfisher, lingering on the water.

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

Historical records say:

A series of multidisciplinary frontier scientific experiments carried out here have become the world's first, and have been recorded in the glorious history of China's water conservancy and hydropower construction, and are a monument in the history of China's water conservancy and hydropower construction.

The Three Gorges Experimental Dam is a concrete gravity dam with 15 sub-dams and a total reservoir capacity of 742 million cubic meters, which is a large (II.) type water conservancy hub with comprehensive tasks such as flood control and irrigation, power generation, urban water supply, tourism, shipping, aquaculture, and a number of scientific experiments. At present, the Three Gorges Experimental Dam continues to undertake a large number of important water conservancy and hydropower scientific experimental tasks. Among them, the No. 8 sub-dam is the "longest" clay homogeneous dam in Asia, with a total length of 1543 meters, and the beautiful shape of the reinforced concrete wave wall is like a long dragon lying wave, forming a beautiful landscape.

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

The longest is not only the clay dam, but also the nostalgia for the homeland.

Shui Xin did not eventually become a celebrity or a hero, and Shui Xin's name and figure gradually faded away at any time. But his former hometown of Lushui Lake became famous. Year after year, the land water lake has taken shape, a thousand islands floating, surrounded by ten thousand waters, clear water quality, lush flowers and trees, birds and flowers, land water lake in May 2002, was approved as a "national key scenic spot", as a "national 4A level tourist attraction".

People from all over the world, standing on the dam by the lake, pointing out the rivers and mountains, are relaxed and excited, and they must always be amazed by the magnificent creation of the Chibi people in that year.

Among these people, there is me.

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

Forty years of light and shadow flew by, and in the early morning birdsong, I once again saw the young man called Shui Xin, who was already full of flowers, standing at the end of the experimental dam, the land lake that has now become the lake of a thousand islands, looking, looking, green bamboo, green mountains, and that piece of water, that bending dam, confirmed to be the place where the roof of my father's old house sank, and now the water and grass are swaying, and the birds and cormorants are feathering. A leaf light boat, flying by, the young priest on the boat, like him at that time, had a black and red face and a thin body.

I saw no longer young water new, tears running down.

Zhang Ziying: An encounter in Chibi

(Some of the photos in this article are provided by Dai Fuxuan)

Zhang Ziying, female, member of the Chinese Writers Association, member of the China Reportage Literature Society, graduated from the People's Liberation Army Academy of Arts, and a student of the 24th Advanced Research Class of Lu Xun Literature College. Professional writer of the Political Work Department of the Air Force. He has published many literary works such as "Female Soldier No. 1", "A Cloud Flutters Loudly", "The Fall of Shanghai", "Watching the Light", "Flying Over the Hump", "Toward Civilization", "Three Days Long Over a Hundred Years", "Test Flight Hero", "Hong Xuezhi" (upper and lower), "Beacon Boy", "My Brother My Horse", "Aircraft Building" and many other works; screenplay drama and film and television drama works: "Gambara", "Between Life and Death", "New Female Horse", "I Love My Neighbor", "Canghai Silk Road" and many other works. He has published millions of words of short stories and poetry essay works in various magazines and newspapers such as "People's Literature", "Chinese Writers", "Beijing Literature", "Selected Novellas", "People's Liberation Army Literature and Art", "Stars" Poetry Journal, "Prose", "Meiwen" and other magazines and newspapers. His works have won the "Five One Project Award" of the Central Propaganda Department, the Cao Yu Drama Literature Award, the China Excellent Publication, the People's Liberation Army Literature and Art Award, the Xu Chi Reportage Award, the Bingxin Prose Award, etc., won the National Publishing Fund, the Key Theme Publishing of the Central Propaganda Department, the China Excellent Publication, the State Press and Publication Administration recommended 100 excellent publications to young people across the country, the "2017 China Good Book", repeatedly entered the CCTV "Reading" channel and the Central People's Radio long-form continuous broadcast, and entered the middle school entrance examination and the national multi-provincial college entrance examination papers for several consecutive years.

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