
2021Twitch Top Watched Game Announced! It turns out that R Star has been selling spicy models for 8 years!

It's 2021, we still can't wait for the R star to officially announce the release of "GTA6", which may be because the game that R star has been released for 8 years has made money, R star has slowed down its pace, and until today, the "hot game" has been creating records.

2021Twitch Top Watched Game Announced! It turns out that R Star has been selling spicy models for 8 years!

According to statistics, the most viewed in the Twitch live game area in 2021 is the "R Star Spicy Game", and it is difficult to imagine that it is still so popular after 8 years of release. It can be said that "GTAOL" is indispensable, this live interactive stand-alone derivative game, so that the "spicy game" is still strong. It should be known that its opponents are phenomenal "monsters" such as "League of Legends" and "Fortnite".

2021Twitch Top Watched Game Announced! It turns out that R Star has been selling spicy models for 8 years!

Of course, after the "GTA: Trilogy" remake, many players were disappointed and inspired to relive the desire of "spicy games", and the recent release of the "GTAOL" single-player content DLC has further increased its ratings. Rstar will update the next-generation versions of the "Spicy Game" PS5, Xbox Series X|S early next year, and when GTA6 will come is still unknown.

2021Twitch Top Watched Game Announced! It turns out that R Star has been selling spicy models for 8 years!

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