
Zheng Yaoxian, the "sixth brother of military unification", if he successfully recovers his identity, what level of cadre can he be?

Among the thirty-six schemes, one of them is called the "anti-inter-plot", of which "inter-meter" means espionage. Yue Fei, the famous anti-Jin general, is a wizard of use. The public is often resistant to the term espionage, believing that it challenges the bottom line of human morality and violates the code of ethics.

In fact, this is not the case, spy is a neutral word, broadly refers to those who engage in secret work and detect intelligence. There is no right or wrong in the identity of a spy, everything depends on what is asked for. If what is sought is improper interest, it is naturally unjust; if what is sought by the people of the world, then in order to win with the least loss, the subservient spy should be praised.

The warriors who fought on the front line in thorns and blood are worth remembering, and the heroes who are hidden in anonymity and lurking on the enemy side must not be forgotten. Without their lives, the PLA on the front line could have made even greater sacrifices.

Zheng Yaoxian, the "sixth brother of military unification", if he successfully recovers his identity, what level of cadre can he be?

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, some of these obscure Communist Party members have long since been reduced to a piece of yellow soil, some have returned to entrust them with heavy responsibilities, and some have always borne the infamy. "Sixth Brother" Zheng Yaoxian is the latter.

The Path of Spies

The "Sun Tzu Art of War and The Use of Intervals" says: "There are five intervals between uses: there are causes, there are internal rooms, there are anti-rooms, there are death rooms, and there are life rooms. The five rooms are up, and they don't know the way, which is called the divine age, and the treasure of the human king. ”

The fourth type of "dead space" is the least used one and the most difficult one. The people who ask to be spies are like stubborn stones and lonely clouds. Pursuing the policy of "not being able to give up the child and not being able to trap the wolf", in order to penetrate the enemy, it is even necessary to sacrifice one's own companions at the cost.

Zheng Yaoxian, the "sixth brother of military unification", if he successfully recovers his identity, what level of cadre can he be?

This type of spy not only requires excellent psychological quality, but also has extremely high requirements for people's physical wisdom, and Zheng Yaoxian is such an identity within the military command.

During the Kuomintang period, Zheng Yao was first a spirited Kuomintang officer. As a dead man, he had to make the Kuomintang fully trust himself, so he did many things that could be said to be heinous now. For example, he had a bad attitude toward ordinary people, allowing his subordinates to burn and loot, and even personally ordered the killing of captured Communists.

For Zheng Yaoxian, who always adhered to the Communist Faith, making these decisions made his heart tormented and collapsed, but he did not show the slightest appearance, maintaining the ruthless and indifferent image of a Kuomintang officer who took people's lives.

Zheng Yaoxian, the "sixth brother of military unification", if he successfully recovers his identity, what level of cadre can he be?

Zheng Yaoxian's actions had a remarkable effect. The people spurned him and called him a traitor; Communists who did not know his status as a spy regarded him as a thorn in their eye and wanted to get rid of him quickly; the agents of the military command affectionately called him "Sixth Brother", and even The deputy director Dai Kasa favored him and took him under his command and became one of the "Eight Great Kongs".

During the years of military unification, Zheng Yaoxian provided a lot of intelligence to the Communist Party and made great contributions. At the same time, his forbearance and caution also allowed him to successfully escape the frenzied search and arrest of the Kuomintang, and he did not reveal his identity until the founding of New China.

When the Kuomintang withdrew from Taiwan, it remained on the mainland for later use. At this time, Zheng Yaoxian was already a major general and had a pivotal position in the Military Command Bureau.

Zheng Yaoxian, the "sixth brother of military unification", if he successfully recovers his identity, what level of cadre can he be?

Identity cannot be restored

Zheng Yaoxian made great contributions to the communist intelligence work, his wisdom and courage were admirable, but his final outcome was breathtaking.

After the Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan, zheng yaoxian was left on the mainland, and at that time, the civil war was nearing its end, and Zheng Yaoxian's espionage mission could be said to have been successfully completed. However, the Kuomintang thieves did not die, leaving Zheng Yaoxian not as an outcast, but secretly arranging for him to spy on the mainland, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack, and even promoted Zheng Yaoxian to major general.

In order to completely stifle the Kuomintang's wolf ambitions, after consulting with Zheng Yaoxian, the party organization decided not to disclose Zheng Yaoxian's identity as a communist for the time being, and let him continue to lurk in the military command as a Kuomintang agent and collect intelligence.

Zheng Yaoxian, the "sixth brother of military unification", if he successfully recovers his identity, what level of cadre can he be?

In addition to the reasons for continuing to use Zheng Yaoxian's identity in the military command to spy on intelligence, there are also considerations for the protection of his personal safety. Zheng Yaoxian's position as the "dark fire" buried by the Kuomintang on the mainland is of great importance; in the early stage, in order to win the trust of the Kuomintang, Zheng Yaoxian did a lot of cruel things, and was a traitor in the eyes of many people and Communists.

To publicly acknowledge his membership as a member of the Communist Party, it is necessary to publicize the significant exploits he made during his incubation. Once the identity of the spy is made public, Zheng Yaoxian is bound to be endlessly hunted down and killed by Kuomintang agents.

Many years later, the worries about Zheng Yaoxian's identity restoration no longer existed, but the person who could prove his identity within the party organization was no longer alive. All these factors superimposed, Zheng Yaoxian was not publicly restored to the status of a communist until the end, only to be affirmed on the party's intelligence line, and died in 1979.

Zheng Yaoxian, the "sixth brother of military unification", if he successfully recovers his identity, what level of cadre can he be?

Job guessing

Zheng Yaoxian's regret is lamentable, so we may wish to guess what kind of position he would be granted if he succeeded in restoring his status as a Communist Party member.

As far as the rank of the Kuomintang is concerned, Zheng Yaoxian is a major general, but in fact, this is not a very high position, and many Kuomintang cadres are like this. However, at that time, the ranks and powers within the Kuomintang were not equal, such as Dai Kasa and Mao Renfeng, who were also major generals, but the power in their hands was extremely large.

Zheng Yao was previously trained as one of Dai Kasa's confidants, and after the Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan, he was entrusted with the task of "dark fire" on the mainland, and his actual status in military unification was relatively high.

Zheng Yaoxian, the "sixth brother of military unification", if he successfully recovers his identity, what level of cadre can he be?

In terms of personal contributions, Zheng Yaoxian is even more outstanding. Countless times, because of the information he passed on, the Communists knew in advance of the Kuomintang's military deployment and operational arrangements, so that they could make preparations for coping, reduce losses and even strike at the Kuomintang's actions.

Xiong Xianghui and Guo Rugui, who were similar to him, were both reused for their outstanding past achievements after successfully restoring their status as Communist Party members, and Zheng Yaoxian should do the same. If he had regained his identity at the beginning of the founding of New China, he would have at least held a position at or above the vice-ministerial level.

Zheng Yaoxian, the "sixth brother of military unification", if he successfully recovers his identity, what level of cadre can he be?

brief summary:

Although Zheng Yaoxian is a fictional character in the spy war film "Kite", he is by no means limited to an ordinary character on the screen, but a microcosm of thousands of Communist Party members who have infiltrated the enemy army in anonymity for the sake of the great cause of the country.

Premier Zhou is the founder and leader of our party's intelligence cause, and he once put forward a sixteen-character policy for intelligence personnel: "If there is suffering, do not say anything, do not cry when there is anger; take into account the overall situation, work hard and bear no grievances."

Historically, countless "Zheng Yaoxian" gave up their names, honors, futures and even lives for the interests of the country and the people, and resolutely embarked on the road ahead with Premier Zhou's sixteen-character policy.

Zheng Yaoxian, the "sixth brother of military unification", if he successfully recovers his identity, what level of cadre can he be?

They have to face not only the battlefield battles of the artillery fire, but also the treacherous enemy political circle. They are more difficult than the soldiers on the front line. The soldiers at the front line leaned on their comrades, on the Party, and on the broad masses. In order to keep their work confidential, they mostly act alone, and the communication with the organization is only connected by the upper and lower lines, and once they lose contact, they are like the kites that broke the line that day, and they are drifting homeless.

There has never been a good time, but someone has carried the weight for you. My generation should remember and strengthen ourselves.

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