
This tonic heart and spleen small sweet fruit is most suitable for children to eat in the long summer

author:People's Network Science Popularization

Summer is the season of fruit harvest, and parents were introduced to the eating methods of watermelon, mangosteen and yellow peel. Recently, the streets and alleys of fruit shops have a lot of fresh longan listed, today to explain in detail about the longan, how to give children the best to eat, but also to introduce some suitable for children to use in the summer longan diet therapy.

I often stress that children are cold. Children are born with a cold constitution, so in the summer, as long as the child digests well and has no pain, give them some fruits with warm taste, which is good for their cold physique.

Longan is one of the warm fruits in summer. The Compendium of Materia Medica records that "food is expensive with lychees, while the benefits are good for longan, lychee is hot, and longan is peaceful." "It means that eating or tasting lychees is the best, and longan is better if it nourishes the body." This proves that the longan has a relatively peaceful taste, its heat is not as strong as lychee, and it is not so easy to catch fire when eaten, so it is more suitable for children to eat, and eating correctly can also have a tonic effect.

Longan can nourish the heart and spleen, and is most suitable for eating in long summer

Longan has a history of more than 2,000 years, and the documentary records about Longan are first found in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty and the Biography of the Southern Xiongnu: "Han Nai sent orders to envoys, so that the Gurudwara will send ... Orange orange, longan, lychee. Since then, it has also been recorded in many ancient books, such as the Northern Wei Jia Sixun's "Qi Min Zhi Shu" Yun: "Longan is a puzzle, a bimu." ”

Some parents will not be able to distinguish between longan and guiyuan, in fact, longan is also called "guiyuan", which belongs to the same kind of fruit. Fresh fruit plucked from a tree, peeled off the shell and drenched in water, is generally called longan. The fresh longan meat is dried and then put into medicine, which is called "guiyuan" and is often used to boil soup, soak water, boil porridge and so on.

Longan is a nourishing "old man". Its temperament, sweet taste, return to the heart, spleen meridian, can replenish the heart and spleen, nourish the blood and calm the spirit, and lychee, banana, pineapple are the four major rare fruits of South China, and in history, it is known as "Northern Ginseng, Southern Guiyuan". This shows the tonic effect of longan.

● What are the benefits of eating longan in long summer?

Summer main heart, long summer main spleen, and longan into the heart, spleen two meridians, can supplement the spleen and heart, the most suitable in the summer, especially the long summer to eat, the specific effect is mainly two points:

1. Nourish the spleen and nourish the blood: the longan meat into the spleen can play a role in replenishing the spleen. Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow, the source of the metaplasia of qi and blood, and the qi and blood are transformed from the nutrients absorbed by the spleen and stomach in food. When the spleen and stomach are good, the qi and blood biochemistry are active, and the state of qi and blood will naturally be good, so the dragon's eye can also play a role in nourishing the blood.

2, tonic and calm the mind: longan flesh into the heart, can specialize in the "annoyance" caused by the two deficiencies of the heart and spleen. Children's spleen is often insufficient, when his temper is insufficient, insufficient qi and blood metaplasia, the mind is out of health, insufficient blood, there will be upset, insomnia, easy fatigue and other symptoms. Children with insufficient heart and spleen will be thin and small, pale and yellow, no blood, hands and feet are often cold, do not love to eat, often accumulate food and disease, love to lose their temper, sleep restlessly, in this case, give the child some fresh dragon's eye, or use a little guiyuan food therapy, can play a role in replenishing the heart and calming the nerves.

● Longan has many benefits, how to eat it specifically?

When giving children longan, grasp the following principles:

1, pay attention to the amount of consumption: fresh longan per day no more than 5 pieces, at least every 2 days to eat.

2, diet should pay attention to cold and hot collocation: on the day of eating longan, do not arrange other warm fruits such as lychee, durian, etc., nor is it recommended to arrange a supplementary diet, the diet of the day should be light, you can choose a peaceful or cool diet.

3, it is not recommended to eat warm fruits continuously: it is not recommended to eat warm fruits for several consecutive days, such as eating longan today, eating lychees tomorrow, and eating durian the day after tomorrow, which is the wrong way to eat. If the intake of warm fruits is too much, the child is prone to spleen and stomach heat.

● Which children are not suitable for longan?

Although the effect of longan is many, it is also beneficial to eat it in the summer, but parents should also pay attention to the fact that when children have the following conditions, it is not suitable for eating longan:

Accumulation of food: parents should insist on using the "10-second method" every day to judge the child's digestion, when the child's tongue, stool, tone, sleep has one or more problems, on behalf of the child's accumulation of food, this is not suitable for eating longan, otherwise the child is easy to accumulate food and heat, should first use Samsung soup to eliminate food stagnation.

There are obvious evidence of heat: when the child has "fire" symptoms such as red tongue, red and swollen throat, long hot prick, eye feces, yellow urine, dry stool, mouth and tongue sores, etc., it is not suitable to eat longan.

There are symptoms of moisture and phlegm drinking: When the child's body is wet, it is not advisable to eat fresh longan directly. At this time, the child will have symptoms such as thick tongue, water vapor on the tongue, non-formed stool or diarrhea.

When there are obvious symptoms: When children have colds, coughs, fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, eczema and other obvious diseases, it is not recommended to eat longan.

Long summer afternoon tea, prepare a bowl of cinnamon sugar water

In addition to being suitable for fresh eating, longan can also be boiled with dried guiyuan boiled sugar water as an afternoon tea and meal for children's summer vacation.

Guiyuan is warm, sweet, return to the heart, spleen meridian, can replenish the heart and spleen, nourish the blood and calm the spirit; lotus seeds are flat, sweet, astringent, return to the spleen, kidneys, heart meridians, can supplement the spleen and stop diarrhea, benefit the kidneys and nourish the heart. Guiyuan and lotus seeds are into the heart and spleen two classics, combined together can be a good tonic spleen, peace of mind, made into Cantonese sugar water, and then appropriately add some brown sugar seasoning, the taste is sweet, very able to cater to the taste of children.

Guiyuan lotus seed sugar water


10 grams of dried guiyuan, 5 heartless white lotus seeds, brown sugar to taste


1. Wash the lotus seeds and set aside;

2. Dry clean soak 30 minutes;

3. Put the lotus seeds and cinnamon balls in the pot, put the appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil on high heat and reduce the heat to low heat and cook for 40 minutes;

4. Add brown sugar to taste.


Rest assured, replenish the heart and spleen

It is advisable to avoid:

Use when you are over 3 years old and have good digestion and no pain.

Fava bean disease can be used.

● Choose different sugars according to your constitution

In general, I recommend that parents add brown sugar to flavor because brown sugar is milder. However, if the child is usually more likely to get on fire, it is easy to have symptoms such as tongue redness, throat redness, long hot prick, eye droppings, yellow urine, dry stool, mouth and tongue sores, etc., you can replace the brown sugar with rock sugar. Rock sugar is cool, sweet, return to the spleen, lung meridian, can replenish the qi, and stomach moisturizing lungs, nourish yin and jin. If your child's spleen and stomach are cold, you can replace the brown sugar with brown sugar.

● After yin deficiency and sweating, you can add 8 grams of lilies

The fluid in the body of children with yin deficiency and fire is insufficient, and such children usually have symptoms such as hot hands and feet, night sweats, red tongue and less moss. In addition, the summer weather is hot, and children can easily sweat when they are active, and sweating will consume the fluid. In both cases, you can add lilies on the basis of the original square. Lily is cool, sweet, return to the heart, lung meridian, can nourish the yin lungs, pure heart and calm, is a good ingredient for nourishing yin and life.

● Dry, hard, constipated stools, you can add 1 dried fig

If the child usually has dry stools and constipation, you can add dried figs on the basis of the original recipe. Dried figs are warm, sweet, return to the lungs, stomach, large intestine meridians, can moisten the lungs and cough, clear the heat and moisten the intestines, and achieve laxative effect. In addition, children with dry stools and constipation can also choose purple potato snow ear sugar water and sweet potato sugar water for daily health care.

Source: Xu Youjia Parenting Hall WeChat public account

This article was scientifically checked by Xu Youjia, director of the Department of Pediatrics of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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