
10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

Regarding the human, ironic, humorous, and dark illustrations, Xiao Dai has shared too much with you in recent times, almost becoming a series, but there are still many people who leave a message in the background saying that they can't see enough, and hope to share more of these illustrations.

Indeed, as a wordless artistic language, illustration can be closer to the public and can also bring people a broader imagination. A thousand people have a thousand Hamlets, and a thousand people have a thousand interpretations of these profound illustrations.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

Living in this fast-paced real society, it is inevitable that there will be problems and ills of one kind or another, but we are numb, or ignore. Some things don't go according to plan, and what we see isn't the whole truth, or what we're after, not necessarily what we really want... Can't see the problem, does not mean that the problem does not exist, illustrators, with their own works of art, presented to people some cruel reality, let us reflect, to discover, so as to solve.

Guy Bildt from France is very good at satirizing real society in a humorous way. His illustrations have a little "magical" meaning, some scenes that cannot appear in reality, appear repeatedly in his illustrations, distorted reality, in order to let people better understand the vagaries of daily life.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

Guy Bildt's illustrations reflect the ups and downs of life, satirizing in a humorous way, without any textual explanation, which seems simple but very eye-catching. Shadows, boats, trees, labyrinths... For illustrators, the optical illusion exists in any corner of real life, and this reality is always eventually distorted and deformed by the script, so that our lives are always a mess.

In Guy Bildt's illustrations, irony and criticism can be seen everywhere. Next, let's interpret the work of this illustrator together, from his illustrations, can you read what the artist wants to say?

1. Saw tree people.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

2. Water flow.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

3. Reflection.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

4. Labyrinth.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

5. The Great Wall.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

6. Key.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

7. Leaning Tower.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

8. A steamship.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

9. Looking at each other.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

10. Horses grazing.

10 wordless illustrations, fiercely satirizing this real society, real to the heart

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