
Information Flow丨China's first intelligent transportation micro-documentary was officially released to explore the high-quality development path of a transportation powerhouse

Information Flow丨China's first intelligent transportation micro-documentary was officially released to explore the high-quality development path of a transportation powerhouse

On December 23, produced by CCTV Finance, China's first micro-documentary on intelligent transportation themes, "Big Country Traffic - Car Road Zhixing", was officially released. This micro-documentary presents the intelligent transformation process of China's transportation field in a panoramic manner, and explores the Chinese path of high-quality development of a transportation power. It is reported that the micro-documentary "Big Country Traffic - Car Road Wisdom Walk" has a total of five episodes, which will be broadcast simultaneously on CCTV financial clients, CCTV video clients and other platforms from December 26.

Starting from the overall goal of "People's Satisfaction, Strong Guarantee, and World's Forefront" put forward in the "Outline for the Construction of a Strong Transportation Country", the micro-documentary "Great Power Transportation - Vehicle Road Wisdom Walk" is the main line, and uses real scene cases to show that the technology enterprises represented by Baidu and other countries cooperate with local governments in autonomous driving, vehicle-road coordination, smart high-speed, smart traffic management, smart parking, etc., and jointly explore the Chinese path of high-quality development of transportation power. The five-episode micro-documentary content is respectively zhixing to help the country, the era of smart cars, the digital innovation road, empowering new traffic management and transportation to start for the future.

According to the "Monitoring Report on Commuting Time consumption in Major Cities in Major Cities" released by the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, more than 10 million people in 36 key cities across the country are suffering from an extreme commute of more than 60 minutes, and in addition to factors such as long living distances, traffic congestion is a "big problem". When the intelligent era of the Internet of Everything comes, how to seize the opportunity to solve the pain points in the transportation field has become the expectation of the whole society.

As early as 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission and 11 other ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Intelligent Vehicle Innovation Development Strategy", pointing out that "vehicle-road coordination" is an important development direction in the future. The micro-documentary "Big Country Traffic - Car Road Zhixing" is also showing how the "Car Road Zhixing" driven by artificial intelligence technology is changing the country's traffic landscape.

Taking Baidu ACE intelligent transportation as an example, at present, Baidu intelligent transportation series solutions have landed in nearly 50 cities across the country in terms of intelligent networking, intelligent traffic management, smart high-speed, and smart parking. In Beijing, Baidu Apollo took the lead in obtaining the pilot license for commercial services, and obtained the first order after the commercial pilot operation of the first autonomous driving travel service in China; in Baoding, the dynamic green wave control of the core urban area was realized through the "AI Traffic Management Brain" intelligent signal control system, which can achieve almost a green light, while the adaptive variable lane can detect traffic, change the direction of the lane in real time, and increase the vehicle traffic efficiency by 25%.

The recent central economic work conference pointed out that efforts should be made to promote the high-quality development of transportation, serve the stable macroeconomic market, and maintain the stability of the overall social situation; we must focus on smoothing the national economic cycle; and accelerate the formation of a safe and efficient logistics network that is connected inside and outside. The transportation industry should deeply understand the importance of doing a good job in ensuring the smoothness of the work, focus on the key points, dredge the blockages, accurately exert forces, and comprehensively implement policies to provide an important guarantee for promoting the economic cycle and the smooth flow of the industrial chain.

Experts said that regarding the future development of transportation, China has also proposed to vigorously develop smart transportation and smart logistics, and promote the deep integration of new technologies such as big data, the Internet, artificial intelligence, and blockchain with the transportation industry, so that people can enjoy their travel and the flow of goods. The intelligent upgrading of the transportation industry led by the national level has been fully opened, in the face of China's complex road conditions, the in-depth formation of the "vehicle-road coordination" network, the digital transformation and upgrading of the transportation field in the future will allow more people to enjoy the convenience of travel.

Upstream journalist Yang Ye intern Zhang Kezin

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