
【Dongting Writer】 He Zhixian / Crane Hair Boy Yan Centennial

Crane hair childlike centenarian

Author:He Zhixian Photo/Text (Original)

【Dongting Writer】 He Zhixian / Crane Hair Boy Yan Centennial

In 2021, this special era, the new crown pneumonia epidemic continues to plague the world, and human life is challenged as never before. People will have a deeper understanding of the right way to realize the value of life and pursue the meaning of life. The greatest wealth in life is to be alive, and the greatest happiness is health and peace.

On December 15, 2021, I visited Fang Yuxiang, a 102-year-old Fang Yuxiang in Liren Village, Mujin Township, Pingjiang County, although it is the "heavy snow" season in winter, she still does not wear a cotton jacket, dressed in autumn clothes, crane hair and childlike face, cooking, laundry, and laying vegetables, moving freely and in a steady body. The wrinkles on her face and the green tendons highlighted by her hands are the imprints left by the vicissitudes of the years, and the happy smile in her heart is a landscape reflected by the times. I am pleased to see that in the grand blueprint of rural revitalization, the rural elderly yearn for a better life.

【Dongting Writer】 He Zhixian / Crane Hair Boy Yan Centennial

At noon that day, Fang Jiaoyu was cooking in the kitchen, I set up a camera to shoot her burning pot, unexpectedly, she suddenly ran over to seize the camera position to check my shooting effect, which caught me off guard, fortunately, I had a mobile phone to take pictures to help. Being so old and having such a sharp mind is amazing and makes me awe-inspired.

When I asked her the secret of health and longevity, she smiled plainly and said: "The key to health is to have a wide heart and not to be angry." She has experienced many unsatisfactory things in her life, and she always laughs at the things that others care about. Fang Jiao's life is very regular, he gets up early and goes to bed early every day, eats lightly, treats people very kindly, and is an admirable benevolent and old lady.

【Dongting Writer】 He Zhixian / Crane Hair Boy Yan Centennial

There is an old Chinese saying "Renhe Zhishou", an extension of the word "Shou", which carries the thinking of thousands of years of longevity culture; the extension of a "He" word has created the longevity dream of countless families, and renhe Zhishou has always been a kind of cognition of the length of life of Chinese people. Anthropologists believe that life is given by heaven, life is fought for by oneself, and recognizing people's psychological activities is one of the important secrets of human health and longevity.

Fang Jiao's health story of health and longevity has made me have a deeper understanding of the health and health culture of the elderly, and she has left me with a deep memory that is touching. My 2021, shooting and writing this photographic story, is my feelings about the highest level of photography.

【Dongting Writer】 He Zhixian / Crane Hair Boy Yan Centennial

About the Author

He Zhixian, a farmer, a member of the Communist Party of China, screen name: Yueyang Farmer Father. Love to read books and newspapers, photography writing, is now a member of the China Old Photographers Association, a member of the Hunan Photographers Association, a lifetime member of the Yueyang Photographers Association, a member of the Pingjiang County Longevity Poetry Calligraphy and Painting Association, and a cultural volunteer of the Hunan Reading Club.

Image: Author

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