
Late tide | The Hangzhou poet Zhang Hailong wrote three poems to Xiaoshan: the first three chapters

The first three chapters

Zhang Hailong

Late tide | The Hangzhou poet Zhang Hailong wrote three poems to Xiaoshan: the first three chapters

First, the world salt

Who boils sea salt in the distance?

Who sees all the fireworks on Jinji Mountain?

Who is it, through the state house, the lantern to return home,

Turning a taste of life into silver and taxation?

Who is my flowing water today, who is

Your bright moon predecessor? Who's from San'in?

Who's going to go? Who's in front of you

Hear the drum horns of the Three Thousand Yue Jia Swallow Wu?

Who is in front of the house, watching the merchants sit on the jia and trade with the people of the world?

Lie down and taste the guts, try to dominate the world

The mountain seems to be pestering Wufu, who on the Yue King Zheng who hid three thousand soldiers?

Sails are lined up, boats are connected to the water

The water is like a delicate girl, who sails on the West River?

Why are we constantly moving through time and space at this moment?

At this moment, we visit the ancient and modern to explore how prosperous Qiantang is?

Up and down the eight provinces, there is no bamboo wood tea leaves tung oil paper

Exchange of salt and aquatic products with satin cloth

The portrayal of less than a hundred years of life is also like the salt of the world before it

It is fried from the sea and melted in the sea.

Late tide | The Hangzhou poet Zhang Hailong wrote three poems to Xiaoshan: the first three chapters

Second, tea in water

All things have animism, and a thousand years have passed at the snap of a finger

The mountains and rivers are still the same, and the world has not changed a little

Dusty, the avenue is lined with tea rows

Between the grass and trees, people still live on it today

"Before the rain before the Ming Dynasty, spring tea is pleasant, fast time

You can pick a basket of 80,000 young buds of tea in one day! ”

Sanliwang Village, Xiangliwang Village, Sanquanwang Village

The grandmother, who has calluses on her hands, is always full of spring breeze

Yellow leaf early, black cow early, Longjing, white tea

These beautiful names alone can withstand ten years of dust dreams

Spreading, killing, kneading, baring, baking

Isn't the process of stir-frying tea another rite of passage?

Grass is tougher than people: one year old and one withered, and the spring wind blew and grew again

Mubi is more magnificent than the people: the boundless falling wood is xiaoxiao, and the Yangtze River is rolling in endlessly

The predecessors are well versed in the essence of life between the grass and trees

Ten thousand cartons of annual tea, one billion yuan of goods and silver, will open more than 400 tea estates all over the place

Tea in the water, more rustic and susceptible than the flowers in the water

This cup of tea reflects the Tang and Song Dynasties Mingyue also cares about today's livelihood

Xiao Shan's predecessor who was happy to run and was a good businessman

Another tea road was pioneered

Tea, a leaf sampan, sailed to the home mountain

Tea, 100,000 heavenly soldiers, have to cross the world

Late tide | The Hangzhou poet Zhang Hailong wrote three poems to Xiaoshan: the first three chapters

3. The preface

Before that, it always reminds people of what is behind them

Behind you, there are trade-offs and trade-offs

But the king of the world, Ge Yunfei Dinghai died

After winning the posthumous name, Qiu Huaigu sacrificed himself for righteousness

Lou family compound, ninety-nine and a half houses

Now there is only a lot of grass left

On the hero's tomb, the flowers on the other side are like a crown

Witness the determination of flowers and leaves to never see each other

In the Hui Wu Temple, who can break through the epiphany of life and death?

In Chongde Hall, who donated seven feet of body for the homeland?

Brother Liang Bo, and drink this cup, do not get drunk and do not return

You see the rain pipes in front of this house are made of wine urns

Rain is falling all over the world, and everything is ringing

How does water turn into a violently swaying wine?

The dead young man left his last words: "In the time of victory,

Please don't forget me! ”

Rain from all over the world is falling, before the East

It falls on all the living and the dead

What is written before, what is after the fact.

Asagiri said, death can be done.

Note: According to Li Yonghe's "History of Soqian Town", "Since the middle of the former Ming Dynasty, the salt administration reform set up the Shaoxing Inspection Institute Yamen, and the five fields of Cao'e, Qianqing, Sanjiang, and Jinshan in the Dongjiang River were transported to the land of the inspection institute, and the former name of the institute was originally here. ”

On September 10 and October 27, 2021, at Baosheng Hotel on Shanyin Road, Xiaoshan

Late tide | The Hangzhou poet Zhang Hailong wrote three poems to Xiaoshan: the first three chapters

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