
OnePlus 10 Pro official announcement real machine hand map to see first

Zhongguancun online news: Liu Zuohu, founder of OnePlus, announced that the new machine OnePlus 10 Pro will be officially released in January next year.

OnePlus 10 Pro official announcement real machine hand map to see first

Prior to this, foreign media exposed the real machine hand map of the OnePlus 10 Pro, the new rear camera module adopts a highly recognizable design, the module side is printed with Hasselblad Logo, if there is no accident, Hasselblad Professional Mode will still be installed in one plus 10 Pro.

OnePlus 10 Pro official announcement real machine hand map to see first

In addition, the front screen of the new machine has not found any traces of digging holes, one plus 10 Pro or will use off-screen camera technology, in addition, one plus 10 Pro will also be equipped with a new generation of Snapdragon 8 processor, other configuration information is currently unknown, more related news in Guancun Online will continue to report for you.


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