
Take the hand as the ruler, the end of the world, the hand as the medium, a few more acacias, a few more sorrows

Take the hand as the ruler, the end of the world, the hand as the medium, a few more acacias, a few more sorrows

Literature and history is a painting, culture is painting paper, history is countless waves, culture is a river, history is a gorgeous flower, culture is a big garden, history is a star. From a historical point of view, this article describes the development process of the word "hand" and the meaning of its extension.

"Hand" is the earliest identified hieroglyph in the archaeological discovery of Yin Ruins, and in the ancient pre-Qin period, the word "hand" was given many other meanings. Starting from the "hand", we ancient ancestors used the hand as a natural unit of measurement and set the earliest units of length such as rulers, inches, inches, and feet. In the Zhou Dynasty", it is recorded that "the cloth hand knows the ruler", which shows that at that time, the foot was about the length of the thumb of one hand to the middle finger, that is, what is called "one long" today. This length is also similar to the length of the hand itself (wrist line to fingertip), which is about 17 to 19 cm according to today's average male data.

So, how long is a foot? In ancient times, men were called "husbands", and in the Ming Dynasty Shi Nai'an's "Water Margin", there was a third lady, who was tall and tall, and was given the nickname "YizhangQing". So, how tall is this one? In ancient times, it was said that ten inches was a foot, and ten feet was a foot, and today's one inch is about 3. 3cm, one foot is about 33. 3cm, then a zhang is more than 3m, are our ancient ancestors giants? In fact, our measurement units of length such as rulers and inches today originated from the "Law of Weights and Measures" formulated in 1929, which was the result of learning from the advanced culture of the West at that time and connecting with international standards. And our ancient pre-Qin and later one foot, the length of each dynasty is also different.

In the ancient Qin and Han Dynasties, a foot was about 23cm, and the "husband" needed to be more than 2.3 meters tall. From again, from ten, that is, 10 times the length of the ruler (hand length), "Zhang" is written on the Warring States Jian Mu "hand zhang", a distance of about 2 meters. Further ahead, in ancient times, the Shang Dynasty ivory ruler, bone ruler and other measurement units excavated from the Yin Ruins in Anyang, Henan Province, were 15.5 meters long respectively. 8cm、16. 9cm, that is, Ichijo is around 160cm to ~170cm. The title of "husband" should be based on the length unit of the Shang Dynasty in ancient times. However, in fact, from the texts of ancient texts, it is also possible to roughly deduce the ancient standard of length.

In the "Sayings", it is recorded: "The zhou system, the measures of inch, foot, hand, search, constant, and yu, are all based on the human body as the law. "It can be seen that in ancient times, the unit of length often refers to the natural proportion of human hands." Inch" wrote a small seal on the JianMu of the Warring States, like a hand, and marked the position of the inch with a horizontal painting: that is, the distance from the wrist down to the pulse, that is, "one inch". Take a ruler and measure it, it is about 2cm or less. If one inch press 1. 7 cm calculated, one is 13. 6 cm, one foot is 17 cm, one foot is 1. 7 meters. In ancient times, "咫" was slightly shorter than "ruler", mainly referring to the length of a woman's hand. The Sayings explain: "The hand of a middle woman (a medium-sized woman) is about eight inches long. "It is almost the same as the ruler, so there is a saying that "close at hand" and "close to the end of the world".

Modern society, with the development of modern electronic equipment, people communicate greatly conveniently, the end of the world is within reach, but in this reinforced concrete pouring city and countryside, people's distance is getting farther and farther, emotional communication is more and more difficult, you dig your heart out to tell each other the true feelings, but it is misunderstood and distrusted, this is "close to the end of the world". Take the hand as the ruler, the end of the world, the hand as the medium, a few more acacias, a few more sorrows.

Friends, culture is a river, history is a gorgeous flower, a thousand readers, there are a thousand Hamorets, a family word, for reference only. The above analysis, inappropriate, please criticize and correct. I'm Funny Sky C, a little history-loving clerk, a big-headed soldier obsessed with. (The picture data comes from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete)

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