
Wu Yingjie: Have you bought Kasai, Dega and Chema Box?

author:Main news in Tibet

This morning, Wu Yingjie, secretary of the regional party committee and head of the autonomous region's leading group for responding to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, went to relevant enterprises and market shops in Lhasa to investigate and guide the epidemic prevention and control work in our region, check the supply of materials in the Tibetan New Year festival market, and extend New Year's wishes to the people of all ethnic groups in the region. He stressed that it is necessary to further enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve the "two safeguards", firmly and resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, always adhere to the people-centered development thinking, and on the basis of making every effort to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control and ensuring the safety and health of the people, take multiple measures to ensure that the festival market is in sufficient supply, rich in variety and stable in price. Strive to let the people of all ethnic groups spend a safe, happy and peaceful Tibetan New Year.

Wu Yingjie: Have you bought Kasai, Dega and Chema Box?

This is in the production workshop of Tibet Tiansheng Disinfection Products Co., Ltd., Wu Yingjie has a detailed understanding of the production process and sales channels. Photo by reporter Yao Haiquan

Tibet Tiansheng Disinfection Products Co., Ltd. is a disinfection products manufacturer with national licensing qualifications in our region, and is currently going all out to step up production, with nearly 3 tons of daily alcohol, 84 disinfectant and hand sanitizer and other products. Wu Yingjie came to the production workshop to learn more about the production and sales situation, and thanked the company for the hard work of resuming production and employees in a timely manner. He said that all kinds of disinfection products are necessary for epidemic prevention and control, and he hopes that enterprises will further increase output and increase market supply on the basis of ensuring product quality and ensuring production safety, so as to meet the daily protection needs of the epidemic prevention and control and the masses.

In order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and reduce the flow of people during the epidemic period, Lhasa has set up 157 direct sales points and mobile direct sales vehicles for the benefit of the people throughout the city, so that the masses can purchase Tibetan New Year goods and various daily necessities nearby. Wu Yingjie randomly went to a direct sales point in the east of the city to check the supply of related goods. The two people were shopping for New Year goods in the store, and Wu Yingjie talked cordially with them: "Have you bought all the New Year goods?" Have prices changed from previous years? They said that it is very convenient to buy New Year goods at direct sales points, not only fruits and vegetables, but also dried fruits, "Dega" and other New Year goods, and the price is not much different from previous years. Wu Yingjie urged them to take the initiative to obey the management of the government and the community, cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work, purchase New Year goods nearby or through the Internet, and send them New Year's wishes in advance.

Wu Yingjie: Have you bought Kasai, Dega and Chema Box?

Tibet Tiansheng Disinfectant Products Co., Ltd., located in The Dazi District of Lhasa City, is going all out to step up production, with nearly 3 tons of nissan alcohol, 84 disinfectant and hand sanitizer and other products. Photo by reporter Yao Haiquan

Not far from the direct sales point of the community door, several people are selling homemade New Year goods - "Ta Jue", Wu Yingjie stepped forward to inquire about the production, sales and income, and understand the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures in the community, requiring them to pay close attention to various measures, develop good hygiene habits, wear masks when going out, wash their hands frequently, and protect themselves and their families.

As the Tibetan New Year approaches, the Bakuo Mall is full of New Year goods such as Chema boxes, colorful barley spikes and candies. Wu Yingjie came here, took the initiative to accept body temperature monitoring, talked cordially with merchants from time to time, learned about the purchase channels and sales of goods, learned that the current shopping mall is both prosperous, prices are stable, Wu Yingjie is very happy, I wish the majority of merchants and customers a happy new year, business is prosperous.

Wu Yingjie: Have you bought Kasai, Dega and Chema Box?

This is in the Bakou Mall, Wu Yingjie talked cordially with the merchants to understand the purchase channels and market sales of goods. Photo by reporter Yao Haiquan

"Kasai" and other pastries are necessary new year goods for the people of all ethnic groups in our region to celebrate the Tibetan New Year, and Wu Yingjie is very concerned about how the production situation of merchants is under the influence of the epidemic this year, and whether they can meet the needs of the masses. At a number of "Kasai" processing and sales points located on Lingo North Road, workers are some in the noodles, some are frying, some are packing, a busy scene. Wu Yingjie had a cordial conversation with the head of the shop and the workers to learn more about the processing and sales. The person in charge of the shop said that in order to cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work, this year they actively sold through weChat and other online platforms, and at the same time opened up a door-to-door service to meet the purchase needs of the masses, and the workers not only have nearby farmers and herdsmen, but also work-study students. Wu Yingjie was very happy after hearing this, and told them to do a good job in personal health and protection to ensure food safety. It is required that the relevant management departments should base themselves on reality, actively explore, strengthen service work, and provide guarantee support for the normal production and operation of merchants, hoping that the children who work and study will actively learn scientific and cultural knowledge after returning to school, and make positive contributions to Tibet's economic and social development in the future.

Wu Yingjie: Have you bought Kasai, Dega and Chema Box?

As the Tibetan New Year approaches, Lhasa's festival market is full of New Year goods such as Chema boxes, colorful barley spikes, "Kasai", and young seedlings. Photo by reporter Yao Haiquan

Wu Yingjie emphasized in the survey:

It is necessary to continue to strictly follow the requirements of "strengthening confidence, working together in the same boat, scientific prevention and control, and precise measures", highlight the key points, make overall plans, give classified guidance, and implement policies in different regions, go all out to grasp the epidemic prevention and control work, and resolutely overcome the lax and paralyzing thinking and war-weariness.

All kinds of markets, supermarkets and shops are densely populated, which is an important place for epidemic prevention and control, and relevant departments should accurately implement policies, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, strengthen internal management, implement prevention and control measures, and make every effort to do a good job in environmental sanitation and daily disinfection.

It is necessary to educate consumers and business operators to do a good job of self-protection, guide everyone to change from "I want to protect" to "I want to protect", enhance the awareness of prevention, and build a prevention and control pattern of mass prevention and mass governance.

It is necessary to meticulously organize the supply of goods, strengthen market supervision, and ensure adequate supply, orderly circulation, and stable prices.

It is necessary to further maintain the order of market operation, strictly control food quality and safety, ensure the richness and diversity of the masses' holiday tables, and ensure the safety of the "tip of the tongue."

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen safety management, carry out in-depth investigation of potential safety hazards such as fire, do a good job in relevant emergency plans, and make every effort to ensure safety and harmony during the festival.

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