
The winter solstice has arrived, what are you eating today?

"Little to"

Du fu

The days and hours of personnel are urged, and the winter solstice and the yang are born and spring comes again.

Embroidery five lines add weak threads, blowing six tubes of floating ash.

The shore is waiting for the wax to be shu willow, and the mountain is cold and wants to release the plum.

Clouds and things are not different from each other, teach children and cover the cup in the palm of their hands.

The winter solstice, also known as the sun south solstice, the winter festival, the sub-year, etc., has both natural and humanistic connotations, which is not only an important festival in the twenty-four solar terms, but also a traditional ancestor worship festival in Chinese folk. The winter solstice is one of the four seasons and eight festivals, which is regarded as a major winter festival, and in ancient times there was a saying that "the winter solstice is as big as the year". Winter solstice customs vary in content or detail depending on the region. In southern China, there are customs of ancestor worship and feasting on the winter solstice. In northern China, there is a custom of eating dumplings every year on the winter solstice.

Talking about the winter solstice, it is estimated that many people first think of a pot of hot lamb soup or a plate of fragrant dumplings, and there are indeed many food that makes people eat in winter, and when they meet the festival, it is more of a sense of ceremony.

In different places, because of different customs, eating different foods, eating roasted pork and ginger rice, eating sweet potato soup fruits, eating tangyuan... Varied.

The winter solstice is an auspicious day, as the Book of Han says: "The winter solstice is full of yang, and the king is long, so he is congratulated." "After the winter solstice, the days are getting longer and longer, and the sun rises, which is the beginning of a round-trip cycle of direct sun points, which should be celebrated."

On the day of the winter solstice, although the sun is low and the days are short, meteorologically, the temperature of the winter solstice is not the lowest. In fact, due to the "accumulated heat" on the surface, it is usually not very cold before the winter solstice, and the real cold is after the winter solstice. Due to the huge difference in climate across the country, this climatic winter is obviously late for most parts of the country. The solstice of the winter solstice marks the imminent entry into the cold season, and the folk begin to "count nine" to calculate the cold day (folk proverb: "The summer solstice three Geng into the ambush, the winter solstice every day number nine).

To put it simply, after the winter solstice, the weather will be colder, and everyone should remember to wear winter clothes and keep warm when they go out.

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