
Trailer丨 6 truths that must be known before doing IVF

With the liberalization of the two-child and three-child birth policies, many couples, even elderly couples, are eager to give birth to a baby, but not all couples can get pregnant smoothly.

In China, due to various factors such as the rising incidence of infertility and the difficulty of giving birth at an advanced age, it is more and more common for fertility intentions to match fertility outcomes. More and more people who are willing to have children are trying to produce offspring through artificially intervened reproductive aids, such as IVF. At present, about 300,000 IVF babies are born in China every year.

So, who is suitable for IVF and who is not?


1. Age

In general, the woman is not more than 40 years old and the man is not more than 55 years old. The age of women who need to donate eggs can be relaxed to 50 years old, and men can be 60 years old. Must be in good health, all adapted to acute and chronic diseases of pregnancy, no genetic diseases, no psychiatric diseases and sexually transmitted diseases.

2. Severe fallopian tube disease

Such as pelvic inflammatory disease leads to blocked fallopian tubes, hydroplastic, tubal tuberculosis and normal endometrium, tubal blockage after ectopic pregnancy, tubal hypoplasia, tubal ligation, ectopic pregnancy and other bilateral salping resection.

3. Endometriosis, adenomyosis.

4. Immune infertility, such as the presence of anti-sperm antibodies, anti-endometrial antibodies, etc.

5. Male factors, namely oligospermia, weak spermatozoa, and teratosis.

6. Unexplained infertility.

7. Infertility treatment for other reasons is ineffective.

8. Those who have hereditary diseases that need to be diagnosed before transplantation.

9. Other: such as follicle non-rupture syndrome, etc.

Trailer丨 6 truths that must be known before doing IVF

Many people have many misunderstandings and misconceptions about IVF, and today we will recognize these misunderstandings one by one.

Myth 1: Do test tubes can choose men and women

Truth: Domestic law is clearly stipulated, and the sex identification of embryos without medical indications is illegal, and it is impossible for any formal medical institution to touch this bottom line.

Myth two: doing test tubes can give birth to twins

Truth: To improve ivy success rates, fertility doctors may transfer more than two embryos. When the embryos are successfully implanted, the possibility of conceiving twins is greater. Of course, the transfer of two embryos is not necessarily successful, it may only implant one, or even not implant; or there may be a situation where an embryo splits into two.

Medically, twins are high-risk pregnancies and are much more at risk than singletons. Mothers with multiple births are more likely to develop gestational syndromes such as diabetes and hypertension during pregnancy, and the probability of postpartum bleeding is also higher, and they are also more likely to have preterm birth.

Myth 3: Induction of ovulation before the test tube can cause damage to the ovaries

Truth: Women will have 10 or more follicles that begin to mature during a menstrual cycle, but usually only 1 dominant follicle can mature and release eggs, and those that do not mature will naturally lose with this menstrual cycle. Ovulation induction is simply allowing those follicles that have not matured to continue to mature, which can be understood as "waste" utilization, rather than "stealing" future eggs. Therefore, in principle, it does not lead to "premature aging".

Myth 4: During IVF treatment, you should lie down at home and rest in bed

Truth: Throughout the course of treatment, you can go to work as usual, move appropriately, and do not need to be fully bed rested, bed rest is not helpful to improve the chances of conception. Conversely, prolonged bed rest reduces uterine blood circulation, affects implantation, and excessive concentration can cause anxiety, lead to contractions, and increase the risk of thrombosis.

Myth 5: After losing the fetus, it will cause miscarriage

Truth: Some couples do not understand fetal reduction surgery, mistakenly believe that fetal reduction will cause miscarriage, so they refuse surgery, resulting in a bad pregnancy outcome, and regret it. Fetal reduction surgery is not like abortion to suck out or scrape the gestational sac, but only uses a small needle to extract excess gestational sac or terminate the development of excess fetus, which is quite stable at the technical level and hardly hurts the mother and the retained gestational sac. Keep this in mind: "The risk of losing a fetus is much smaller than the risk of continuing multiple pregnancies."

Myth 6: Children born with IVF techniques are not flesh and blood

Truth: There are often patients who believe that IVF is "artificially made" by the hospital, not the flesh and blood of both husband and wife, so they cannot accept this technology psychologically. In fact, this is a great misunderstanding.

IVF is an embryo grown in the laboratory with the woman's egg and the man's sperm, transferred to the woman's uterus, and like the naturally pregnant child, it is the flesh and blood of the husband and wife, inheriting the genes of both husband and wife.

What exactly is the IVF process? Tonight at 6:00, pay attention to the News Channel of Shandong Radio and Television Station "Healthy Shandong", Wen Ji, chief physician of the Department of Reproductive Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, will popularize your science.

Invited Experts:

Wen Ji, Chief Physician, Director of the Department of Reproductive Medicine, Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

He is the chairman of the Reproductive Health Professional Committee of Shandong Health Management Association, the vice chairman of the Third Reproductive Medicine Branch of Shandong Medical Association, the vice chairman of the first committee of the Reproductive Health Branch of Shandong Maternal and Child Health Care Association, and the vice chairman of the Reproductive Immunology Professional Committee of Shandong Immunological Society.

He specializes in the treatment of infertility in men and women by combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine: female endocrine adjustment, such as polycystic ovary, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, etc., various pelvic inflammation, such as hydrosalpinx, tubal obstruction, etc.; male oligospermia, weak spermatozoa, azoospermia and various assisted reproductive technologies, such as artificial insemination, IVF, etc.

Clinic hours: Monday to Friday all day, Saturday, Sunday morning

Trailer丨 6 truths that must be known before doing IVF
Trailer丨 6 truths that must be known before doing IVF

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