
Why did Hitler, who had been fuehrer for 12 years, still a corporal before his death, still be laughed at?

Why did Hitler, who had been fuehrer for 12 years, still a corporal before his death, still be laughed at?

Hitler was the initiator of World War 2, he was also known as a war maniac, has always advocated the use of force to conquer the world, is a lover of force. Hitler actively promoted fascism, ultra-nationalism, and anti-communism, and he also tried to establish a new order led by Nazi Germany on the European continent, and rearmed Germany, committing various crimes in the 2nd World War, and persecuting and killing 6 million Jews.

Why did Hitler, who had been fuehrer for 12 years, still a corporal before his death, still be laughed at?

Hitler fought in World War 1 in 1914 and later became head of the German Workers' Party, enjoying the right to direct everything, failing to launch the Beer Hall Rebellion in 1923, but coming to power in 1933 as Führer. But some people are curious, Hitler was the Führer for 12 years, but why has he always been a corporal, even after death, this rank has not changed?

Why did Hitler, who had been fuehrer for 12 years, still a corporal before his death, still be laughed at?

In fact, if you want to know the Fuehrer of Nazi Germany, he has a supreme position, whether it is in the military or political aspects, he has the right to speak and dominate, but his rank is only a corporal. Since he was the Führer, why not raise his rank?

Why did Hitler, who had been fuehrer for 12 years, still a corporal before his death, still be laughed at?

In fact, it goes back to Hitler's origins, that is, the SS, and the so-called Wehrmacht, although dissatisfied with Hitler and the SS, had to obey his orders, and Hitler himself was very disgusted and despised the Wehrmacht, so he did not want to be part of the Wehrmacht at all. Even when Hitler reached the position of head of state, he still did not raise his ranks, and later the title became the handle of ridicule by others, especially the Prussian Legion, who was even more contemptuous of Hitler's rank, and even privately called him "Corporal Bohemian".

Why did Hitler, who had been fuehrer for 12 years, still a corporal before his death, still be laughed at?

Obviously it was a mockery, but Hitler also had something to stand up to. On the other hand, since he has become the head of State of Germany, and also symbolizes its supreme position, and the political power of the whole country is in his own hands, and he alone has the final say, why add a so-called military rank name to himself?

Why did Hitler, who had been fuehrer for 12 years, still a corporal before his death, still be laughed at?

Hitler was originally a very proud man, and he was not limited to this aspect, after all, he was already in a high position of power. Besides, he has become the Fuehrer, and even if anyone dares to laugh at him, for those who look down on him, it may not be worth mentioning at all in his eyes, let alone making some changes for them!

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