
Thyme Care Manual

author:Floral trivia

There is an old Folk Song in England called "Scarborough Fair", which has the lyrics Are you going to Scarborough Fair? (Are you going to Scarborough Market?) )Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme. (Parsley, sage rosemary and thyme)

Thyme Care Manual

These four plants are the most common vanilla, of which thyme should be the best one to raise. The flower language of thyme is "courage", in the European Middle Ages, people would give thyme to the warriors who went on expeditions, as for the taste of thyme, there is a better name, called: Heaven at Dawn.

Thyme Care Manual

Thyme is often used as a paving vegetation in foreign countries, and the leaves and tastes of different varieties are different, so let's briefly introduce it:

1. Lemon thyme

Lemon thyme is a fragrant plant, somewhat similar to the taste of lemon, can be aromatic and refreshing, can also repel mosquitoes, the leaves are evergreen all year round.

Thyme Care Manual

2. Spotted leaf thyme

Spotted thyme is a native musk fragrance native to New Zealand with irregular markings on the leaf margins that are milky white or silvery white.

Thyme Care Manual

3. French thyme

French thyme and spotted thyme are also native musk-type vanillas, with leaves ranging in color from dark green to dark turquoise, small and pointed, with a leafy, and a leafy stem.

Thyme Care Manual

4. Phnom Penh thyme

The phnom penh variety of lemon thyme is the same as the lemon thyme, with gold on the edge of the leaf, which appears at low temperatures and disappears at high temperatures.

Thyme Care Manual

5. Broad-leaved thyme

The leaves of broad-leaved thyme are thin and large, belonging to the native musk type, with a lighter odor.

Thyme Care Manual

6. Leafy thyme

The leaves are smaller and denser than thyme in France.

Thyme Care Manual

7. English thyme

The leaves are larger than thyme in France, the leaves are greener in color, grow faster, and have a lighter taste.

Thyme Care Manual

8. Valley morning light

The Japanese variety, lemon-scented, has leaves that change with temperature, and there will be differences in green, yellow, and pink, which is very fascinating.

Thyme Care Manual

Conservation of thyme

1. Soil

Thyme prefers well-drained soil, otherwise the roots are prone to water accumulation and death.

2. Lighting

Prefers light, but has poor heat tolerance and cannot be exposed to the sun in summer.

3. Water

Under the premise of ensuring good drainage, do not dry and do not water, and water thoroughly at one time.

4. Fertilize

Use flower more liquid fertilizer.

5. Hardy

Thyme is very hardy, and the low temperature in winter is above 10 degrees Celsius, which can safely survive the winter.

Thyme Care Manual

Sow and divide the plants

1. Sowing

It is not recommended to cover the soil when sowing, sprinkle the seeds on the moist soil, gently compact, ensure that the soil is moist, and germinate in about a week.

Thyme Care Manual

2. Strip pressing

If you buy a plant that has already been planted, you can use the method of pressing strips to propagate.

(1) Pick robust thyme branches and bury them in the soil.

(2) After the buried branches take root, dig out with the soil and replant them into pots.

Thyme Care Manual


According to my experience in planting, there are very few diseases and pests of thyme, and the reason for not being able to feed is mainly because the soil is too wet, resulting in root rot, which in turn produces various diseases.

In order not to let too much water accumulate in the soil, first choose a well-drained soil, and it is recommended to put a layer of pottery grains at the bottom of the pot for drainage.

Secondly, choose clean and hygienic soil, as well as healthy and strong seedlings, to prevent disease.

Thyme Care Manual

Recipes with thyme

1. Thyme iced tea

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1. Cut a few fresh thyme branches and cut them into small pieces;

2. Take an ice box, put the thyme into the ice grid, add pure water and put it in the refrigerator to freeze;

3. After the ice cubes are frozen, take a cup of pure water, put one or two slices of lemon, and then put in the frozen ice cubes, you can drink!

Thyme Care Manual

2. Thyme salmon

1. Peel the salmon, add a little salt, pepper and thyme and marinate for 60 minutes;

2. Add a little oil to the pan and fry the salmon on both sides until golden brown;

3. Add a little salt and olive oil to the water, and blanch the spinach lightly to get out of the pot;

4. Plate with fresh thyme, put the salmon on the plate, sprinkle a little pine nut Titian on the spinach, and cut a few slices of lemon according to the taste.

Thyme Care Manual

Although thyme is good, don't be greedy!

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