
Vyali: I'm still battling cancer, and hopefully in the future you'll have to live with my presence

Vyali: I'm still battling cancer, and hopefully in the future you'll have to live with my presence

Former Juventus and Chelsea star Jenlucca Vialli recently spoke to the media at a book launch in London, saying he is still battling cancer.

Viali is currently part of the Coaching Staff of the Italian national team, he is like a mentor to the Italian internationals, many players consider his dressing room speeches to be passionate, and this summer he played an important role in the process of winning the European Championship with the Blues.

Vialli, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few years ago and then relapsed after chemotherapy, revealed that the tumor was still in his body, saying: "I feel good, but my journey is not over. ”

"I call the tumor in my body 'uninvited guest' and it's still with me. At this moment I am in maintenance mode, the tumor is still there, sometimes its presence is more obvious, sometimes it is less obvious. ”

"I will continue to fight because I want to stay here for many more years, and I hope that you will continue to endure my presence for a long time to come."

"I get that strength from my family, my friends, and all the people who gave me that courage."

(Goblin Killer)

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