
After the annual inspection, my fault light is all on! What about swelling?

Pay attention to the serious shortage of balances in 2021

Fast forward to the end of the year

It's the peak of the annual inspection of motor vehicles again

Does your vehicle need to be online for annual inspection?

Riders who have not yet launched the annual inspection this year should pay attention!

After the annual inspection, my fault light is all on! What about swelling?

Here, Xiaobian wants to share my "annual inspection story"

It is said that not long ago Xiaobian drove last year to check

After a series of checks

It's easy

Drive home en route

Suddenly, I found that the various fault lights in the car were on


After the annual inspection, my fault light is all on! What about swelling?

[The picture text is only for brain hole entertainment, don't trust Oh O(∩_∩)O]

Huh?? My car is broken??

Hurry up and make a U-turn and rush back to the checkpoint

"——Master, after the annual inspection, my car broke down!!!!"

"--It's all right"

The teacher at the checkpoint said to me slowly with a cup of tea:

These are all fake faults coming from

You restart the car and drive a little longer. ”

I did as my teacher said

After rebooting, it opened for a while

Sure enough, all the fault lights naturally disappeared

After the annual inspection, my fault light is all on! What about swelling?

Originally, during the annual inspection of the car, such as car brake and other related tests, the inspector needed to slam on the brakes, or pull the handbrake violently. This can easily trigger the fault light.

In addition, the drive wheel of the car needs to run on the drum when doing the exhaust gas inspection, which can easily trigger the car's anti-skid system. Therefore, the car lights up after the annual review are basically ESP and ABS fault lights.

After the annual inspection, my fault light is all on! What about swelling?

Restarting like Xiaobian and then turning on the fault light for a distance will naturally be eliminated.

Here, Xiaobian reminds you: Under normal circumstances, the fault light is not eliminated and cannot participate in the annual review. The inspector will ask you to drive the car to the repair shop to repair it and then come back for annual inspection. Therefore, before the annual inspection, we must ensure that the car is running normally, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After the annual inspection, my fault light is all on! What about swelling?

Finally, I wish you all a smooth annual review

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