
What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

author:Lean Dragon Health

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You love milk tea, you know there's a lot of sugar in it.

But I can't help but want to eat, I suggest you put on a mask immediately after eating, haha.

Sugar will bring a variety of sweet burdens to the body, a very important effect is that it will hinder the absorption and utilization of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

High sugar interferes with nutrient absorption and leads to nutrient depletion, which is the root cause of all the harmful effects of sugar on the body, whether it is a weakened immunity, weakened bones or diabetes can be a sequelae of malnutrition.

Too much intake of sweets can hinder the absorption of too many vitamins and minerals, one of which is the most affected, which is vitamin C.

Unlike most mammals, humans cannot synthesize their own vitamin C, so we must obtain it from external sources.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

Studies have found that high blood sugar inhibits the entry of vitamin C into our cells and reduces absorption.

People who reduced their sugar intake had significant improvements in their vitamin C levels and their benefits.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="33" > the importance of vitamin C</h1>

→ maintain youthfulness and anti-aging

Vitamin C is one of the important vitamins that strengthen our immune system.

We need vitamin C to produce collagen, which makes up 30% of protein in the body, as well as muscles, cell membranes, joints and skin to maintain healthy and youthful health.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

→ anti-cold

The white blood cells of immune cells require very high doses of vitamin C to function properly, and these immune cells require vitamin C 50 times higher inside than extracellular cells.

In His book Vitamin C and the Common Cold, Dr. Pauling insists that the common cold can be controlled almost completely by consuming enough ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

→ antioxidants, viruses, cancer cells

One study found that "vitamin C deficiency is common in patients with advanced cancer, while patients with low plasma vitamin C concentrations have a shorter survival period." ”

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

In addition, vitamin C may also help cure the coronavirus that is raging.

At least 30 clinical trials are evaluating the effects of vitamin C alone or in combination with other treatments on COVID-19, some at doses up to 10 times the recommended 65 to 90 mg of vitamin C per day. ⑦

People most likely to be infected with COVID-19, including the elderly, blacks, men, and people with chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, and diabetes, tend to have lower vitamin C levels, which is why vitamin C therapy is considered an effective treatment.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

The researchers also point out that patients may also develop vitamin C deficiency during the COVID-19 disease because vitamin C is consumed more quickly during infection, which is why multiple vitamin C supplements are needed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="218" > people who love sugar have low vitamin C</h1>

→ the competitive relationship between sugar and vitamin C

In the 1970s, while studying cancer, a scientist named Dr. John Ely discovered the glucose-ascorbic acid-antagonistic (GAA) theory.

Dr. Ely found that glucose and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) have very close chemical compositions, and that they have the same competitive pathways into our cells.

This means that whenever the sugar in the blood is elevated, the chances of vitamin C entering the cells are reduced.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

Both vitamin C and glucose enter cells using a key protein called glut-1 receptors.

Glut-1 receptors favor glucose, which means that if there is any chance of sugar, it will choose sugar over vitamin C.

This is also a challenge for white blood cells, which require 50 times more vitamin C than the surrounding plasma, and vitamin C in the cell wall to effectively combat oxidative stress.

There is also a decrease in the phagocytosis index, which measures the ability of white blood cells to destroy abnormal cells such as bacteria, viruses and cancer.

The results of the study found that a blood glucose value of 120 lowered the phagocytosis index by 75%.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

In other words, if your blood sugar is always high, your immune system will definitely be damaged.

→ eating sugar can cause your immune system to collapse

This is also why as long as you eat sugar, eating too much carb water is easy to get sick, we have also shared the study before, as long as you eat sugar, the immune system will be paralyzed for 5 hours.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

Imagine waking up in the morning with a bowl of cereal followed by a glass of juice, or another sandwich later in the day, plus a piece of cake dessert, and you're in a state of high sugar all day.

Vitamin C has little chance of getting into the cell because blood sugar is always occupying the channel.

→ eating sugar reduces antioxidant capacity and improves oxidative stress response

Another study about hyperglycemia inhibiting the antioxidant capacity of tubular epithelial cells.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

Oxidative stress is a common causative factor in diabetic nephropathy, and the reason why kidney cells in diabetics are susceptible to oxidative damage is unknown, but vitamin C plays a central role in the antioxidant defense system.

As dehydroacorbic acid and glucose compete for glucose transporters, hyperglycemia excludes vitamin C from the cells, resulting in reduced antioxidant capacity of some kidney cells that rely on dehydroacorbic acid.

By competing for common transport mechanisms in glucose and dehydroacorbic acid, the exclusion of vitamin C from tubular epithelial cells deprives cells of their antioxidant capacity and may lead to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species, increasing oxidative stress responses and leading to kidney disease.

The more sugar → eat, the greater the demand for vitamin C

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

Not only does sugar directly interfere with the absorption of vitamin C, but more vitamin C may actually be needed to neutralize the oxidative radical response due to excessive sugar intake.

In a 2000 study, researchers tested blood samples from a group of healthy adults who, after fasting for 12 hours, took an aqueous solution of glucose with the sugar equivalent to two cans of cola.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

Compared to the control group, the free radicals produced by the test group doubled after two hours. During this time, their levels of the active form of antioxidant vitamin E also dropped by 4 percent.

As an antioxidant, vitamin C acts to neutralize free radicals, and vitamin C molecules neutralize the reaction by providing an electron to the free radical.

When you consume too much sugar, your body introduces more free radicals, and vitamin C may sacrifice itself to neutralize the sugar effect, leaving you with no resources to neutralize free radicals in other parts of the body.

At this time, even if vitamin C is absorbed, it may not achieve optimal use value.

→ eat sugar and gain weight, resulting in poor absorption of nutrients

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

Obesity is a result of nutritional and energy deficiencies, in part due to excessive intake of added sugars (especially high fructose corn syrup and sucrose).

Added sugars provide energy (calories), but they hinder nutrient absorption, and since added sugars that do not contain micronutrients replace nutrient-rich foods in the diet, diluting nutrients in the body's reserves, further contributing to the occurrence of obesity and disease.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="219" > how to increase vitamin C levels</h1>

In addition to reducing sugar intake, there are many other ways to help increase vitamin C levels in the body:

→ a low-sugar diet

There is no doubt that high-sugar foods (rice noodle sweets, etc.) are first reduced to obtain the high absorption rate of vitamin C.

→ ingested in whole foods

The second is to eat more vitamin C-rich foods as the most natural supplement, including bell peppers, green leafy vegetables, lemons, limes, broccoli and so on.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

→ mineral salts of ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is all ascorbic acid, but some types of vitamin C agents contain mineral salts of ascorbic acid.

Excessive use of vitamin C ascorbic acid can put a burden of irritation on the stomach, so mineral salts with weaker acidity are often the preferred supplement, using mineral "buffered" vitamin C to reduce digestive irritation.

→ synthesize vitamin C

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

Synthetic ascorbic acid, which has the same chemical composition as ascorbic acid in rose hip or acerola cherry powder.

There is not much difference in bioavailability between natural vitamin C and synthetic vitamin C.

Researchers are pretty convinced that the reason why consuming whole foods is preferable to relying on supplements is simply because other nutrients are also found in eating fruits or vegetables.

→ Other types of vitamin C supplements (gummies, beverages, capsules, powders)

Since modern soils are not as nourishing as they used to be, and crops vary in nutrient content, sometimes you may need some supplements to increase your vitamin C intake.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

The healthier a person is, the lower the body tolerates a dose of vitamin C, and vice versa, healthy people can easily tolerate at least 5 to 10 grams of vitamin C per day.

But you need to be aware that many of these supplements contain a lot of sugar.

It is recommended to carefully read the nutrition facts list on the back of the package, as many popular supplements on the market are sold in high doses of vitamin C, but at the same time contain more sugar, often varying widely, up to eight times the amount of sugar in excess of vitamin C.

Try to choose vitamin C supplements that contain no sugar or low sugar.

→ liposome vitamin C

Liposome vitamin C provides a better way to absorb vitamin C.

Liposomes are nutrient-dense microscopic spheroids that deliver vitamin C from the digestive system to the bloodstream, bypassing limitations that make vitamin C difficult to absorb from oral supplements.

Liposomes can be assimilated into cells, releasing vitamin C where it is needed for absorption. This breakthrough technology allows the body to absorb more from vitamin C supplements.

Vitamin C is given intravenously →

To achieve good results, many people choose intravenous injection, which bypasses the digestive process by delivering large doses of vitamin C directly into the bloodstream, and the absorption rate is the most efficient.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

However, IV intravenous vitamin C treatment is very expensive, limited to the needs of special populations, and requires the guidance of professional teams such as medical spas and hospitals.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="220" > key skinny dragon said</h1>

The harm of excessive intake of sugar is too much, this article mainly talks about how sugar reduces the absorption of vitamin C, excessive consumption of vitamin C levels in the body.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

For girls, eating sugar is not just about gaining weight, it will really make you aging, and collagen synthesis will be a problem.

The lack of vitamin C will also bring you more fatal health, such as scurvy (in severe deficiency), weakening the immune system, blocking collagen production, reducing antioxidant stress and so on.

I have to remind that the harm of sugar to the body, like an invisible killer, constantly hurts your body, reduces the absorption rate of many nutrients including vitamin C, and leads to various physical problems.

Therefore, a low-sugar low-sugar low-carbon ketogenic diet can really help and improve the absorption of vitamin C and other nutrients, reduce most of the health problems caused by excessive sugar intake, and enhance antioxidant capacity to rejuvenate your body.

What people are prone to illness, aging, and vitamin deficiency? How can I increase my vitamin C levels? The Importance of Vitamin C For People who love sugar, vitamin C is low and how to raise vitamin C levels is key to Leptosaurus said

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