
Puyi has a habit before going to bed that is distressing, but Li Shuxian divorced him for this

Li Shuxian was Puyi's last wife and Puyi's only wife after the founding of New China. Therefore, for Puyi and Li Shuxian, they are of special significance to each other. Li Shuxian was a Han Chinese who was working as a nurse in a hospital in Beijing at the time, and the reason why Puyi married Li Shuxian was precisely because of these two aspects. For Puyi, he no longer wants to marry Manchu as a wife, and at the same time hopes that the other party is a new social woman with a job.

Puyi has a habit before going to bed that is distressing, but Li Shuxian divorced him for this

Before Li Shuxian, Puyi had four wives, many of whom were deeply loved by Puyi. However, in Puyi's words, when he was with Li Shuxian, he really understood what love is, before that he regarded women as a kind of plaything, when he liked it, he could not love himself, and when he did not like it, he could abandon it casually. However, a week after Puyi and Li Shuxian got married, Li Shuxian actually clamored for a divorce.

Puyi has a habit before going to bed that is distressing, but Li Shuxian divorced him for this

Puyi and Li Shuxian are married as the result of free love, and the two people have always been very happy together, and although Puyi people look more wooden, they are still very interesting, and often make some small jokes to enliven the atmosphere. However, when Li Shuxian and Puyi got married for a week, Li Shuxian discovered a secret of Puyi.

Puyi has a habit before going to bed that is distressing, but Li Shuxian divorced him for this

Because when Li Shuxian and Puyi got along before, most of them were during the day, and at night they went back to their respective homes, the two people formed a couple, naturally they had to sleep together, and it was this time that Li Shuxian found one thing. Since the first day of the marriage of the two people, Li Shuxian found that Puyi is simply a night owl, every day is very late to sleep, several times Li Shuxian woke up in the middle of the night, Puyi is turning on the light to read. Moreover, this is not what makes Li Shuxian collapse the most.

Puyi has a habit before going to bed that is distressing, but Li Shuxian divorced him for this

At first, Li Shuxian just thought that Puyi was insomnia or what, but it was like that for several consecutive days, Li Shuxian felt very strange, and one night Li Shuxian opened his eyes and shouted in fright. It turned out that Puyi was looking at Li Shuxian's face, and his eyes were wide open, which frightened Li Shuxian, and after a night of not sleeping, Li Shuxian asked Puyi why.

Puyi has a habit before going to bed that is distressing, but Li Shuxian divorced him for this

It was not easy, Puyi said that because too many things had happened before, puyi would feel very insecure and afraid of the dark for a long time. Therefore, Puyi will always turn on the light and read at night, until he is sleepy and cannot fall asleep. Moreover, Puyi has suffered too many assassinations from childhood to adulthood, which also makes him feel that everyone is not safe, so he will look closely at Li Shuxian's face.

Puyi has a habit before going to bed that is distressing, but Li Shuxian divorced him for this

Although Puyi explained his strange behavior and could indeed make people understand, Li Shuxian still felt that he could not accept it. Therefore, a week after the two people got married, Li Shuxian made a fuss about divorce, and Puyi could not persuade him how to do it, and Puyi, as the last emperor, should also encounter this kind of thing for the first time. In the end, there was no way, or someone else gave Lee Shu-hyun mediation, and Lee Shu-hyun gave up the matter.

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