
Our army won the counterattack against Vietnam and took something with us when it withdrew, leaving Vietnam devastated

In recent years, there have been more and more contradictions between China and Vietnam, and the relations between the two countries are also very tense. In the past, the relationship between China and Vietnam was relatively good, and the United States went to war with Vietnam, and Vietnam asked China to lend a helping hand. In the face of Vietnam's request, China also did its best to help Vietnam defeat the United States. But I didn't expect that after winning the victory, Vietnam turned around and confronted China, and our army finally won the counterattack against Vietnam, and took some things with it when it withdrew, so that Vietnam was devastated.

Our army won the counterattack against Vietnam and took something with us when it withdrew, leaving Vietnam devastated

The Chinese army brought supplies back home to help Vietnam

In the war of counterattack against Vietnam, after the Victory of the Chinese Army, it will bring back all the materials and equipment that rescued Vietnam at that time, and those that cannot be taken away will be destroyed on the spot, and the Vietnamese government will never be cheap. If two countries can get along with each other, help each other, and make progress together, it is best, but one of them is not willing to continue to coexist peacefully, then there is no need to help this country. We will also take away all the materials and equipment that will help them, and we will not give any more assistance to such a country that will "take revenge".

When it saw that China was going to take away weapons and equipment and various materials, the Vietnamese army could not sit still and adopted various despicable measures to prevent the Chinese army from taking away the materials. Although the Chinese army was damaged, we did not leave a single cent for Vietnam for everything that did not belong to Vietnam.

Our army won the counterattack against Vietnam and took something with us when it withdrew, leaving Vietnam devastated

Vietnam's development has also been at a standstill because China has taken away the facilities and equipment it aided at that time. Nowadays, the strength of China and Vietnam has long been a big difference, and Vietnam sees China's current strength, even if it wants to suppress China, it will not dare to take it easily.

Vietnam bites back at China

At that time, the relationship between Vietnam and the United States broke down, the United States launched a war against Vietnam, Vietnam was isolated and helpless to Send a plea for help to China, the Chinese Government learned of it, it immediately contributed money to help Vietnam out of the predicament, and finally under the efforts of the Soviet Union, China, and Vietnam, the US troops withdrew their troops back to China and stopped the war. It should be known that China's development at that time was not very good, and many materials and funds were very scarce, but for the request of neighboring Vietnam, China still chose to maintain world peace and poured all its resources into it.

Our army won the counterattack against Vietnam and took something with us when it withdrew, leaving Vietnam devastated

But I never expected that my own efforts would be ignored by Vietnam. The Vietnamese government believes that the removal of the United States is its own credit, completely forgetting China's efforts, and feels that it is very powerful. So after they drove away the United States, they began to embarrass China and repeatedly provoked China's border territory. China is willing to help any country persecuted by war, but when its country is threatened by other countries, it will never be bullied.

When China confronted the United States, there were countless casualties, and it has been doing its best to protect Vietnam's territory, but such sincere efforts have not been exchanged for a good word, and after the Vietnamese government won the victory, it began to change its face, turning against the Soviet side, Vietnam knew that the relations between China and the Soviet Union had broken down, did not feel grateful, did not remember China's kindness to help them, and stood with the Soviet Union against China.

Our army won the counterattack against Vietnam and took something with us when it withdrew, leaving Vietnam devastated

It may be that before defeating the United States and feeling that it is actually very powerful, coupled with the support of military powers such as the Soviet Union, Vietnam has become more and more rampant, repeatedly provoking China's border territory, as long as it is Chinese living in Vietnam will be suppressed by the Vietnamese government, and there is no fair rights and protection. In order to prove that China is not a bully, but also to protect the Chinese people and territory, the Chinese government decided not to be patient in the face of Vietnam's oppression and sent troops to Vietnam.

Our army won the counterattack against Vietnam and took something with us when it withdrew, leaving Vietnam devastated

The incident of Vietnam against China can't help but remind us of the story of "farmer and snake", China was kind enough to help Vietnam out of the war, but did not think that Vietnam was originally a "snake", the nature of the "snake" is cold-blooded and ruthless, even if it is saved, it will bite you back. Of course, China did not regret helping Vietnam against the United States at that time, because China had experienced many wars of aggression by other countries and knew well the suffering brought by the war to the people and the impact on the country's foundation. Therefore, in the face of such a powerful country as the United States, it is also willing to help Vietnam and maintain world peace.

Reference source: World Wide Web

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