
Three miscarriages in two years, the young couple was surprised: why can't they keep the child?

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Correspondent Wang Wenting Reporter He Lina

Holding the B super single that was 7 weeks pregnant, Ms. Hu was so excited that the tears fell down, recalling the whole process of her "seeking a son", she could not say a word: others gave birth to babies and looked very smooth, but it was their turn to their heads, I really did not expect that it would be so difficult...

Three miscarriages in two years, the young couple was surprised: why can't they keep the child?

It was easy to hit, but every time the child "ran away"

Ms. Hu, 28 years old, has been married for more than 2 years, but these two years have been extremely difficult times for her.

In February 2019, Ms. Hu and Her Husband entered the marriage hall, and she has always longed for family life, and after marriage, she actively prepared for pregnancy with her husband. Just a month after marriage, the little life came. Holding two red bars of pregnancy test sticks, Ms. Hu felt that her happiness came so quickly. She and her husband were immersed in the joy of giving birth to life. However, the happiness did not last long, and after going to the hospital for examination, the doctor told her that it was just a biochemical pregnancy, the embryo did not implant, and she would come back next time.

After learning the news, although Ms. Hu was depressed, she did not pay too much attention to it. People around me even doctors say that it's okay to have an occasional miscarriage or biochemistry, and the next time it's fine.

Half a year later, Ms. Hu easily conceived the baby again, she went to the hospital early for laboratory tests, and the blood test indicators also doubled. The heart that was picked up finally put down a little bit, but what made people feel vaguely uneasy was that every B ultrasound examination did not hear the fetal heart, until 2 months later, the doctor pushed her to the bottom with a word: "It is a miscarriage, and the B ultrasound still can't hear the fetal heart." ”

Time has passed for another six months, Ms. Hu did not dare to be careless this time, went to several hospitals for various examinations, and found no problems. As before, she soon became pregnant, but the test results were still extremely cruel - ultrasound B did not see a trace of the pregnancy sac, and the indicators of the blood test slid like a roller coaster to the trough, never came back, and miscarried again.

Couples are puzzled, obviously have done relevant reproductive examinations, every time can be immediately and smoothly pregnant, how can not keep the child?

Three pregnancies, three miscarriages, almost desperate Ms. Hu was introduced by a friend to the recurrent miscarriage clinic of a hospital in Hangzhou.

After a series of laboratory tests were performed for Ms. Hu, the deputy chief physician of Xia Jianmei, who was treated, she was medicated for 2 months for her condition. Three months later, Ms. Hu was successfully pregnant again, which led to the opening scene. Today, Ms. Hu is 8 months pregnant and in a stable condition.

Three miscarriages in two years, the young couple was surprised: why can't they keep the child?

Image source: Visual China

The causes of spontaneous abortion are complex

An article published this year by the authoritative magazine The Lancet shows that there are 44 spontaneous abortions every second in the world, which seriously affects the fertility of the whole society.

Spontaneous abortion (SA) refers to the failure of the gestational process before a certain gestational week, including biochemical pregnancy, empty gestational sac, embryo cessation of development, loss of fetal heartbeat, death of the embryo or fetus, and excretion of the embryo and its appendages. A situation like Ms. Hu's is an upgraded version of spontaneous abortion – recurrent abortion (RSA). This refers to 3 or more consecutive spontaneous abortions, also known as recurrent miscarriages.

There are many causes of spontaneous abortion, such as: chromosomal abnormalities in couples, immune metabolic factors, infections, and anatomical abnormalities of the reproductive tract, which can lead to this result, of which 50% of the causes are unclear, and unknown causes may be related to the body's immune status and immune diseases. Human immunity and pregnancy physiology are closely linked and interact with each other. Unexplained spontaneous abortion is more difficult. In addition to causing miscarriage, premature birth, fetal intrauterine growth restriction, preeclampsia, fetal heart atrioventricular block, stillbirth, etc., it will also expose the originally hidden immune system problems during pregnancy, such as: systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid syndrome, connective tissue disease, etc., which may also lead to aggravation of the original condition, which in turn causes multi-organ function damage such as thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia, liver and kidney function damage, etc., seriously endangering the life of the mother and child.

The smooth birth of a healthy baby is the wish of every family, and women with special circumstances such as: patients with a history of miscarriage; patients with immune-related diseases; patients who have had a history of poor pregnancy such as stillbirth in the month of large months, early-onset severe epilepsy or eclampsia, fetal growth restriction, etc.; patients with thrombosis and arteriovenous thrombosis; obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactin, insulin resistance, diabetes and other endocrine metabolic abnormalities. It is also necessary to seek the help of relevant specialists and prepare accordingly in advance.

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