
Songtai Square opens to the public: recreating the scenery of Songfeng Mountain The first step of Songtai Mountain

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Wenzhou News Network

Songtai Square opens to the public: recreating the scenery of Songfeng Mountain The first step of Songtai Mountain

Green technicians planted modeled black pines in Songtai Square

Wenzhou Network News The Songtai Square in the Urban Jiushan Park - Songtai Mountain Historical and Cultural Upgrading Project is open to the public today.

The 14 black pines and 10,000 ginger lotus flowers in the Songtai Square area are the two attractions of the square.

These 14 shaped black pines, which are 3.5 meters to 4 meters high, have recently been transported from the south and planted in the Songtai Square area, two of which are planted in the lake pavilion on the south side of the square, known as brother pines.

Huxin Pavilion was built on the original site of Yiyuan Garden. Yiyuan Garden, also known as Zengzhai Garden, was built by the Famous Men of Wenzhou in the third year of Qing Daoguang (1823) by the brothers Zeng Peiyun and Zeng Yiyun, and is one of the top ten private gardens in Wenzhou. Yiyuan takes the meaning of "brother Yiyi" in the Analects, which means brother and Yue are close to each other. The relevant person in charge of the Lucheng District Landscaping Management Center said that the two black pines next to the pavilion in the center of the lake symbolize brotherly love.

Songtai Mountain in ancient times because of the mountain more pine, the top is flat as the platform and named, in modern times due to historical and natural reasons, the number of pine trees on the mountain gradually decreased, the advantages of tree species were replaced by other plants, losing the unique plant landscape of Songtai Mountain.

After the Jiushan Park-Songtai Mountain Historical and Cultural Upgrading Project entered the construction site in May this year, the Lucheng District Landscaping Management Center relied on the Songtai Mountain Historical and Cultural Improvement Project to recreate the Songtai Mountain's Pine Wind Resort and make Songtai Mountain a pine viewing resort. In the future, the management center will also plant pine forest communities around Songfeng Pavilion on Songtai Mountain to create the aural effect of Songhai Tingtao, and create an open pine-themed bonsai garden at the top of Songtai Mountain, implanting rockeries, carved stones, plaques, and yanglian to form a theme landscape.

He also reminds that during the National Day, when citizens visit Songtai Square, please do not climb or push these 14 shaped black pines, so as not to bring personal safety hazards to themselves or damage them.

In order to better set off the Zen cultural atmosphere of Songtai Mountain, ginger lotus flowers, as one of the highlights of the plant set of the Songtai Mountain Historical and Cultural Enhancement Project, have been planted in the late August this year in the form of single flower beds and flower fields around the cliff carvings of Sujue Mountain and the statue of Master Sujue.

Ginger lotus, native to Chiang Mai, Thailand, is known as the "tropical tulip", and the flower language has a noble and elegant meaning.

The Songtai Square area is planted with 6 varieties of Chiang Mai powder, raider, jade ruyi, green angel, solomon, white snow, and 10,000 ginger lotus seeds, and flowers are blooming to welcome the National Day.

This article is from [Wenzhou News Network] and only represents the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information dissemination services.


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