
Water retrograde strikeSA Scorpio Twins will be affected

During mercury retrograde, because Mercury affects our emotions and thinking, we will encounter many emotional problems during the water retrograde, becoming flammable and explosive, emotionally unstable, or there will be a lot of bad luck. So what impact will it have on some zodiac signs during the first water retrograde next year?

Water retrograde strikeSA Scorpio Twins will be affected

Water retrograde strikeSA Scorpio Twins will be affected

The ascending sign or sun sign is Aries

Aries in the first water retrograde next year, Mercury retrograde will affect your communication and communication with others, so when the water retrograde is easy to produce communication barriers, words do not meet the intention, quarrels, misunderstandings and other issues. At the same time, there will be problems with the carrier used to transmit information, electronic products, social software, communication equipment, etc. there will also be problems, such as file backup loss, document not saved, computer system crash, mobile phone loss or broken screen and so on.

The ascending sign or sun sign is Scorpio

Due to the retrograde influence of Mercury, you will encounter some health problems, such as the nervous system, brain, vision, mouth, tongue, respiratory system, arms, and nerve functions related to perception. At the same time, Mercury retrograde will make you deeply immersed in memories and nostalgia, may recall the old people, and the memories of your predecessors, former bosses, and former colleagues will come to mind, and even produce the idea of compounding or re-cooperation. It is recommended that you do not start new projects during the water retrograde period unless you have made very, very careful and careful measurements.

The ascending sign or sun sign is Gemini

During the first water retrograde next year, geminis will have problems with representative vehicles during the water retrograde period, so you are more likely to encounter traffic jams, tickets, flight delays, temporary cancellations and other issues during the water retrograde. It is easy for couples to turn over old accounts, and they are grumpy and crazy because of a small matter. Many people say that water retrograde can easily lead to breakups, but in fact, breakups have a source, and water retrogrades amplify these problems. The point is that the effect of the water retrograde is applied to all people, not to a certain sign, to a certain person, but some signs, some people are more seriously affected.

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