
Zodiac dog, belongs to the dog people good luck and bad luck year

Dog people are loyal and self-motivated, but also have some stubbornness. Their advantages are obvious, and their disadvantages are more obvious. People in this zodiac are often not sociable, but they are quite single-minded. Let's take a look at what are the good luck and bad luck years for a subordinate dog.

Zodiac dog, belongs to the dog people good luck and bad luck year

The year of good luck and bad luck of the dog person, the year of the luck and bad luck of the dog person

First, it is a good luck year for dog people

1. The dog people in the year of the rabbit, its year runs the main palace, the auspicious, the auspicious star is high, and everything goes smoothly.

The dog people have auspicious fortunes in the year of the rabbit, although there are thieves plotting this year, but the auspicious star is high and generally absent. In his years, he should be benevolent and righteous, serve his family with the right way, and avoid taking the sword to the side, resulting in a failure. Dog people in the Year of the Rabbit should do more good deeds, avoid staining, and usually leave more savings for emergency use.

2. In the year of the horse, the dog people are transported away in the year of the horse, and the wealth is auspicious, and the source of wealth is widespread.

Dog people encounter the Year of the Horse, often financially prosperous, should pay attention to the body, to prevent overwork. Although this year is an auspicious year, at the end of the year, there can be a small break of the white tiger, some small losses, or there are relatives and friends in danger to annoy people, so in the Year of the Horse dog people need to pay special attention to dealing with the relationship between relatives and friends, to avoid causing jealousy, and at the same time avoid relatives and friends, so as not to be kind and unrequited.

Second, it is a bad luck year for dog people

1. Dog people encounter the Year of the Dragon and the March of the lunar calendar every year, the fortunes are turbulent, and investment and financial management need to be cautious.

Dog people encounter the Year of the Dragon, because their year is transported shoulder to shoulder, the struggle for wealth and profit occurs from time to time, the career management ups and downs are larger, chance and frustration coexist, good or bad success or failure, all in themselves. This year should be careful to keep the book, it can be a lot of benefits. From the perspective of the whole year, the fortunes of dog people are still relatively good, and grasping the opportunity can expand investment and entrepreneurship.

2. Zodiac dog encounters the Year of the Rooster, encounters the monthly lunar calendar in August, there are many things that make mistakes, so in the work career, at the same time, friends must get along harmoniously, and you need to try to avoid tongue-in-cheek and disputes.

The dog people in the Year of the Rooster, despite their successful careers, lose their bodies and injure their bodies, resulting in physical and mental damage. This year should go with nature, stand up to the basics, and fortune has no luck, usually cultivate more self-cultivation, low-key behavior, can ensure peace.

3. Zodiac dogs encounter the Year of the Goat and the june of the lunar calendar every year, it is easy to work hard, tired, and the performance of poor luck, so careful cultivation and avoiding investment are the best choice.

Zodiac dog meets the year of the sheep, its annual fortune is financial, busy business, little profit, tongue often rises, independent support, physical and mental damage; but the lucky star hangs high at the end of the year, the career can be stable. Therefore, although this year,during the year, although Tiande was in difficulty, there were few disasters, and the overall problem was not a big problem.

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