
Zodiac chicken is a year of good luck and bad luck for chicken people

Zodiac chicken people are straightforward and impulsive, and they are easy to be provoked. Their impulsive personality is easily taken advantage of by others if it is not well controlled, and they become the head bird. Let's take a look at what are the good and bad luck years for a subordinate chicken man.

Zodiac chicken is a year of good luck and bad luck for chicken people

The year of good luck and bad luck of the chicken people, the year of the luck and bad luck of the chicken person

First, it belongs to the good luck year of the chicken people

1. The chicken people are in the year of the tiger, their annual operation is positive, the business is prosperous, the source of wealth is luxuriant, and where the business is scheming, the potential is multiplied.

Chicken people to the year of the tiger, often business is prosperous, the source of wealth is luxuriant, where the business of seeking, the potential is multiplied, sometimes there are small diseases and small consumption, there is no major obstacle, sometimes there are small people jealous, there will be small consumption.

3. The year of the rooster is every year of the snake, and its year is transported away from the main palace, and the flow of the year is smooth, and everything is successful.

The chicken people in the year of the snake often transport away from the main palace every year, and the years are smooth, but unfortunately, the white tiger breaks the wealth, has no profit, is innocent for a year, to a small fortune, not in harm, always fierce and auspicious, successful at the end of the year, although the fortune has passed, this year is not short of food and clothing.

Second, it is a bad luck year for chicken people

1. Chicken people encounter the Year of the Rabbit, encounter the lunar calendar in February every year, mostly for the unstable fortunes, so these days must pay attention to investment and financial management.

Belonging to the year of the rabbit, the year of the rooster is partial to wealth, management, joint stock, not chicken and scattered, speculation does not become anti-erosion; nothing can not show the Lord, but the wealth does not return. Fortunately, with the ancestral shadow, the noble people help each other, and undertake the response of husband and wife friends, it is not a big harm; this year should be less lucky, it is best to avoid partnership with others, hard work will be able to get rich safely.

2. The zodiac chicken encounters the Year of the Dog and the 9th month of the lunar calendar every year, which is easy to commit villains. Therefore, in the work career, at the same time, friends must get along harmoniously, and try to avoid disputes between tongue and tongue.

The chicken people encounter the year of the dog, and their year runs the right seal, step by step, the heavenly god star is always illuminated, the four sides seek fame and fortune, there is no definite day, out of the country, it is easy to have trouble.

3. Zodiac chicken encounters the main life year and the eighth month of the lunar calendar every year, easy to be mentally tired, laborious, and bad luck. It is recommended to meditate and avoid investing.

Belonging to the year of the rooster, the annual business plan is not smooth, the cause is limited, the authority can be held, although there is little wealth, but it is also offset by name, the lawsuit is not affordable, and there is a small gain at the end of the year.

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