
These people have actually been silently in love with Pisces...

These people have actually been silently in love with Pisces...

These people have actually been silently in love with Pisces

Scorpio: ★★★★★

The combination of Pisces and Scorpio is like a romantic love blockbuster with ups and downs, sometimes open, sometimes deep, sometimes sweet, sometimes sadistic. Scorpio is mostly a controlling and strong party, Pisces is mostly a cooperative and weak party, a rigid and a soft complement, is a pair created in heaven and earth.

The two people who are also water signs are super sensitive, have the same strong desire to control, and pursue the concentration and depth of feelings. When they fight for love, blind and happy, let the turbulent waves of love drown two people, and there is no room for a third person in their world.

Cancer: ★★★★★

As a group that also suffers from insecurity deficiency, Pisces and Cancer are a couple who can feel sorry for each other, do not hesitate to give in their feelings, and will strive to give each other the most needed sense of security. Although Pisces seems to be a little careful, they believe that the person in their hearts will be single-minded and will not let Cancer think wildly.

Cancer is hard to please, they have extremely high requirements for feelings, there is no sand in their eyes, and they can satisfy the love that Pisces likes to be fully committed to. Because of the fear of losing each other, they will stick more and more closely together, and they will become a loving couple like glue.

Capricorn: ★★★★

Pisces and Capricorn are both negative signs, water elements and earth elements can be well integrated, and the aura is a combination of one strong and one weak, very speed-matching. Pisces is gentle and considerate, empathetic, and hard Capricorns will be melted by this tender attack.

Because in Capricorn's view, the other half of life is better to have what they lack the most, such as the trait of being caring for others. Capricorn's own stability and steadiness will also give Pisces an incomparable sense of belonging. This pattern of love and being loved complements each other and is enviable.

Taurus: ★★★★

The feelings of pisces men and taurus women are accumulated little by little by time, and the more they get along, the more they can find each other's benefits, at least everyone is very comfortable, and the sweetness is all in the word. Taurus is a person who does not know how to express romance, but she has this heart, and in many details of life, she can give Pisces the feeling of caring.

In pisces love, the feeling of being willing to sacrifice oneself also deeply touches Taurus, developing to the stage of death, pisces men can feel the strong possessiveness of Taurus women, feel that they are completely surrounded by love, not only do not resent, but also very exciting. In terms of sex, the Taurus woman will be very concerned about the feelings of the Pisces man, and will try her best to make him satisfied, so as long as the Pisces man shows his strength - dress, even if it is not necessarily the truth, the spirit can reach the state of water and milk.

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