
Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

The Glory of Kings KPL Finals will be held in December, and as expected, the new KPL series of skins has finally been unveiled. This squad, called "Hidden Light Squad", means to hide in the shadows.

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

The logo of the Hidden Light Squad is a pattern that reflects each other. This sudden is of deep significance, because it was the first player.

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

The Hidden Light Squad, which seems to be on the opposite side of sirius squad, is at least not a friend relationship. Because the story begins with the Hidden Light Squad invading sirius squad's system program.

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

But it is said to be an opponent, but it does not mean that the Hidden Light Squad is bad. They just guard in different ways. A member of sirius squads, he is also a superpower hidden behind people. But among them, there are members like Shangguan Wan'er Dreamer. But the Hidden Light Squad is hidden in the darkness to pursue its own reality. Different positions and different starting points have led to contradictions between the two sides. Perhaps, some Of sirius squad's Easter eggs will appear on the Hidden Light Squad, and we'll see.

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

The first hero, who has only exposed the clue map so far. The Mystery of The Hidden Light is a puzzle for KPL's new skin that players need to solve. There's a clue on the graph that says, "From top to bottom, you'll see me." But I don't know what it means. The butterfly on the picture, shiny, seems to be composed of something, and seems to be the weapon of some hero. So, at this moment, do you already have your own answer in your heart?

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

The first hero of the Hidden Light Squad, code-named Butterfly, is the Hunter of Hidden Light. Positioned, should be an assassin hero.

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

In the video, there is actually a clue, which is a set of numbers, which is 0354. Can you guess the meaning of this set of numbers?

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

It's not a hero's serial number, nor is it a hero's online time. It's the number of times this hero was banned at the 2021 KPL Spring Tournament, and she was the mirror in the third place in the ban, exactly 354 times. It's such a coincidence, so this should be considered a real hammer evidence, otherwise there is no need to give this set of numbers a close-up in the video.

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

So, the first member of the new KPL series skin light squad, as previously rumored, is really a mirror. Looking back at the clues, whether it is from top to bottom, or the material of the butterfly, it is inextricably linked to the mirror. And the positioning of the mirror is exactly the assassin. Everything made sense.

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

If the online time is online, it should be around the 24th, because the time when this event ends is the 24th. On the 31st, the new Challenge Cup is about to start. Remember Sun Bing's KPL skin? It was launched on New Year's Day, so this skin should be similar.

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

A new season is coming, in addition to the skin exposure of the year that never sleeps, this time it is a new prop that is exposed, and it is related to qualifying. It's called the "MVP Plus Star Card." Although the players' demands, the loser MVP can not drop the star has not yet been realized, but waiting for the winner MVP to add star cards. This is also a big step forward. Maybe players play well and win the MVP in order to add stars. And the MVP plus star card are out, the loser MVP does not drop the star props, will it be far away?

Glory of Kings: KPL Hidden Light Squad Revealed, New Skin Hero Analysis, Plus Star Card Prop Exposure

Text/Glass of wine to interpret the king

Previously, there were two rumors about KPL skins, namely Guan Yu and Jing. In fact, the earliest is Guan Yu, who heard the most. Some time ago, if the rumors of the mirror increased, it was indeed not empty.

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