
Musk said: China's GDP will be 2-3 times that of the United States!

According to the surging news, just past the Wall Street Journal CEO Council, Musk said that China's economy may be two or three times the size of the United States in the future.

The world of big coffee (WeChat public number: the world of big coffee) believes that the reason why Musk said this is not to shoot China's horse ass, but has the following meanings:

First, the Chinese market cake is getting bigger and bigger, and the attraction to foreign capital is getting stronger and stronger, and he is not willing to give up the Chinese market;

Second, I hope that the Chinese government will see his goodwill, not drive him away, and not embarrass his enterprises in China;

Third, the trade struggle between China and the United States once affected him, which made him feel uneasy and did not want to affect it again;

After seeing China's sanctions against Lithuania, it is very shocking that a country that does not have many enterprises in China can be affected so much, let alone a country like the United States that has a lot of enterprises in China. Do not want cannon fodder for the Sino-US trade conflict;

Fifth, China's political situation is stable, its political and economic policies are coherent and predictable, and American capitalists are increasingly favorably interested in China;

According to the existing forecasts, it is normal for China's economy not only to surpass the United States, but also to reach 2-3 times that of the United States;

Seventh, I publicize and endorse China in the global capital circle, hoping to exchange china's preferential treatment and care for china and make more money in China.

To be honest, the world of big coffee still has a good feeling for Musk. For he is an out-and-out American capitalist, a true international capitalist, and a cosmologist.

Musk took his core technology to occupy the market of a second-ranked large country and was also allowed to set up a sole proprietorship.

What about some big capitalists in China under the banner of international capitalists and national capitalists?

However, it is to take the core technology of foreign countries, come to China to set up a joint venture sales company with state-owned capital, and sell foreign core technologies and products in China!

This is even if you don't have the ability to develop. However, he is also deliberately diluting China's state-owned shares, and what is even more difficult to accept is that, further, under the banner of following the standards of foreign companies, with an annual salary of about 100 million, he must also let China respect him as a national enterprise, a national capitalist!

What kind of national enterprise and national capitalist is this?

Fuyao Glass Cao Dewang went to the United States to set up a company, which is considered a national enterprise in China, and Musk went to China to set up a company, which is regarded as a national enterprise in the United States.

A conscientious enterprise brings the core technology and products of the United States to China to sell, and it should be called a national enterprise in the United States!

How can such an enterprise be called a national enterprise in China? How can such a capitalist be called a Chinese national capitalist?


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