
Cataract surgery helps the 92-year-old see the light again

Cataract surgery helps the 92-year-old see the light again

Recently, a patient and his family came to Yueyang Aier Eye Hospital and sent a pennant while reviewing their vision. It turned out that 92-year-old Grandma Mao Shizhen was from Yueyang County, affected by senile cataracts, and her eyesight had been declining for half a year. Due to his advanced age, the elderly have always been worried that their eye surgery will increase the burden on their children, and they have not paid too much attention to the problem of the eyes. Only recently, under the persuasion of her children, did Grandma Mao make up her mind to come to the hospital for surgery.

It is understood that in the 70s of the last century, Grandma Mao gave birth to 7 children, but the family conditions were not good, coupled with the husband's work outside the home, his own physical condition was not good, and he simply did not have the time and ability to take care of these 7 children. Faced with the actual family difficulties, after consulting with the family, Grandma Mao made a painful decision to give her 1-year-old daughter to others to raise.

Fortunately, after nearly 50 years of separation, the mother and daughter found each other through the baby home public welfare platform, and the happy life of their mother and daughter has just begun.

However, Grandma Mao, who has been plagued by eye diseases, has become more and more difficult to see, the number of outings has become less and less, and later even can only distinguish people by sound, which makes Grandma Mao's little daughter worried: "It has been more than 30 years since my father died, and I only returned to my mother 5 years ago. The younger daughter especially cherished the day of returning to her mother's side, and the brothers and sisters also discussed together, no matter what, to cure the mother's eyes. On November 20, accompanied by her children, Grandma Mao came to Yueyang Aier Eye Hospital for help.

After a detailed examination by President Lu Hongyu, it was learned that Grandma Mao's cataract situation is very serious, her vision is blurred so that even her fingers cannot see clearly, according to Grandma Mao's physical condition and eye examination, due to Grandma Mao's higher age, serious hunchback, legs and feet are not convenient, after repeated research and discussion between Dean Lu Hongyu and the cataract team, President Lu Hongyu decided to personally perform surgery for Grandma Mao.

After communicating the surgical process and surgical risks in detail with Grandma Mao's family and actively improving the preoperative preparations, on November 21, Dean Lu Hongyu personally carried Grandma Mao with limited mobility to the operating table and led the surgical team to successfully perform cataract surgery for Grandma Mao.

The day after the operation, the gauze was unveiled, and Grandma Mao felt that her eyes were bright, and the objects in the house were clearly in view, which made the elderly and children very happy.

An ordinary cataract operation allowed the ninety-year-old man to see the light again, but also felt the warmth and love of Yueyang Aier Eye Hospital.

It is reported that senile cataracts are also known as age-related cataracts, that is, after a certain age, the transparent lens in the eye becomes cloudy and affects vision. If the elderly have one of the phenomena such as blurred vision, heavy vision, myopia or decreased old vision, they should consider the possibility of cataracts and go to the ophthalmology department of the hospital for professional examination in time to determine whether they have cataracts and their degree of development.

Yueyang Aier Eye Hospital reminds that surgery is the only effective way to treat cataracts. How to restore the patient's vision after surgery, how to improve the visual quality, can be customized through professional examination suitable for the refractive surgery program of the patient, while solving a series of refractive problems such as cataracts, myopia, astigmatism, presbyopia, etc., so that the patients have a clear and comfortable full vision of seeing far, seeing, and seeing close at the same time, and improving the quality of life of cataract patients in the elderly.

Correspondent Fang Fang

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