
A big strange phenomenon in Beijing, the wheel "blockboard" after parking, the reason makes people laugh off the big teeth

Each owner's driving habits are different, the way of parking is different, some car owners are more careful, after parking the car will put away the rearview mirror, observe the car condition and then leave. There are also some car owners who will put a wooden board at the wheel after parking, what is the point of the owner doing this?

A big strange phenomenon in Beijing, the wheel "blockboard" after parking, the reason makes people laugh off the big teeth

Tourists who go to Beijing to play find a strange phenomenon in beijing's hutongs, many people will put a wooden board or an obstacle at the wheel after lifting the car. After careful inspection, everyone found that the tires of the car were not damaged, what is the use of the owner placing the wooden board? In fact, this board is not to prevent people, but to prevent dogs.

There are many stray dogs in Beijing's old hutongs, these stray dogs often pee on the tires, and the owners block the tires with wooden boards, also to prevent the stray dogs' urine from corroding the tires or staining the tires.

A big strange phenomenon in Beijing, the wheel "blockboard" after parking, the reason makes people laugh off the big teeth

What is the effect of dog urine on the tire?

Stray dogs occasionally excrete on the tires, which may not affect the tires at one time, and if the stray dogs urinate on the tires every day, the service life of the tires will definitely be reduced. Dogs' urine contains a lot of acidic substances, which will corrode the paint, and the wheel hub will lose its luster after a long time.

A big strange phenomenon in Beijing, the wheel "blockboard" after parking, the reason makes people laugh off the big teeth

Tires are the only medium for cars to contact the ground, and the bottom of the tire is relatively hard and not easily affected, but the side of the tire is the weakest place. Dog urine long-term corrosion of the side of the tire will lead to a decrease in the strength of the tire, and some cars will not be able to drive for a long time the tire will burst or even burst.

Stray dogs often excrete on tires, and excrement can make tires dirty and smelly, affecting the aesthetics of the car. Some car owners did not take the wooden board to cover after parking, and the next time they moved the car, they found that a large amount of excrement appeared at the wheel, which soiled the wheel, and the owner had to wash the car at his own expense.

A big strange phenomenon in Beijing, the wheel "blockboard" after parking, the reason makes people laugh off the big teeth

Many car owners did not cover the tires after parking, and then these owners learned to be smart, specially preparing a wooden board or a plastic board in the car, and after parking, the plastic board was blocked outside the tire, and stray dogs could not excrete against the tire. Over time, more and more car owners have learned this trick, and after parking, they put a wooden board at the wheel, which is low cost and very efficient.

A big strange phenomenon in Beijing, the wheel "blockboard" after parking, the reason makes people laugh off the big teeth

What else can you do but put a plank?

Some car owners do not prepare wooden planks in the car, and occasionally park the car once and find that the wheels have left stray dog excrement. It is best for the owner to wash away the excrement with water in time, which can not only keep the wheels of the car clean, but also prevent urine from corroding the tires and wheels.

The owner can also put some mothballs at the wheel, stray dogs are very sensitive to the smell of mothballs, a small mothball will expel stray dogs, stray dogs will not continue to excrete at the tire.

The owner can also spray some flower lotion at the tire, and the taste of flower dew is more pungent, which can cover up the smell of dog urine. Stray dogs pee on tires primarily to mark territory, and when they smell the dew on their tires, they probably won't continue to excrete there.

A big strange phenomenon in Beijing, the wheel "blockboard" after parking, the reason makes people laugh off the big teeth

Editor's Comments:

Many car owners in Beijing have suffered a lot of losses when they park in the hutongs, and the service life of tires after being corroded by dog urine has been greatly reduced. More and more car owners are learning to be smart, and they are beginning to put baffles on tires, a small baffle can isolate both dirt and stray dogs, why not? In addition, we should also pay attention to the maintenance of tires, and it is best to change the tires after the car travels 40,000 kilometers to 60,000 kilometers.

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