
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful

Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful

This beautiful group of works is from Laura Coombs Hills, (1859–1952), an American female artist.

Born on September 7, 1859, she specializes in watercolor and pastel still lifes.

Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful

She chose to paint with pastels, watercolors, or crayons that she was interested in, and these tools were considered to be only for drafts, let alone on exhibitions, but fortunately, it was not long before national and local watercolor associations were established, and people's love for such paintings became increasingly high.

At the same time, she became the first miniature painter to be inducted into the American Artists Association, and she was one of the founders of the American Miniature Painters Association.

Hills excelled at colorful tabletop flower arrangements, grown in her own garden, and one contemporary critic called her the "Queen of Floral Painters" (and also the "Queen of Miniature Painters"). Her floral colours are brilliant, full of the fragrance of the sun, her control of color is keen and free, and it is the best souvenir sold around the reproductions of her works in the art museum.

Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful
Pastel flowers by American artists, niche and beautiful

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