
The country is known as the Empire of the Rising Sun, but the women of World War II were tragically killed by the US military, leaving behind millions of illegitimate children

War is an inevitable thing for mankind, from the beginning of human activities, until now, mankind has experienced countless wars, and the largest scale is the Second World War. World War II is the largest and deadliest war that human beings have experienced, and this war has also changed the pattern of the world, such as the former world hegemon, the empire has fallen to this point where the sun never sets, the land area is constantly shrinking, even the military power is constantly declining, the most serious is because of the Brexit problem, they are still facing the danger of falling apart. However, during the Second World War, Britain had not yet fallen to this point, but the women of their country were tragically victimized by the Us military, leaving behind millions of illegitimate children after the end of the Second World War.

The country is known as the Empire of the Rising Sun, but the women of World War II were tragically killed by the US military, leaving behind millions of illegitimate children

As we all know, the United States did not join the war in the early stages of World War II, but always observed the entire war situation as an arms dealer or a wall view, until the Japanese sneaked into their Pearl Harbor, and they really joined the war. Some of the U.S. troops who joined the war were dealing with Japan, and some of them formed allies with Britain and other countries to resist Germany. In 1942, the United States sent 1.5 million American troops to Europe, and these American troops were stationed in Britain, because they were not ready to fully counterattack Germany, so most of the American troops were idle, and at this time they set their sights on British women and formed a family with them.

The country is known as the Empire of the Rising Sun, but the women of World War II were tragically killed by the US military, leaving behind millions of illegitimate children

Britain was one of the first countries to be invaded by Germany, and in order to defend the country, a large number of British soldiers joined the army, dead and wounded, leaving a large number of single women, and these women were taken down by American soldiers. Because, the United Kingdom was once invaded by Germany, the country's economic development is not very good, and a large number of men have joined the army, most of the domestic are old and weak, sick and disabled, and the American soldiers simply can not compare, not to mention that these American soldiers are very generous to British women, what perfume, chocolate, etc. and do not want money to give them, so British women did not resist the offensive of the American soldiers, and finally were charmed under the uniform of the US military, and they fell in love, and even formed a family.

The country is known as the Empire of the Rising Sun, but the women of World War II were tragically killed by the US military, leaving behind millions of illegitimate children

However, this kind of Japan did not last long, because after the success of the Allied D-Day landing plan in 1944, france was liberated from German rule, and the American mission in Europe was completed, so they began to withdraw their troops on a large scale, and most of these British women were left behind, becoming young widows, and only a small number of them were taken away by these American troops. However, this is not the most miserable place for British women, because the folk customs of Western countries are relatively open, they do not have a very serious conservative concept, and the tragic thing is that a large part of these abandoned women are pregnant and have children.

The country is known as the Empire of the Rising Sun, but the women of World War II were tragically killed by the US military, leaving behind millions of illegitimate children

According to statistics, during the Second World War, a total of 5.3 million newborns were born in Britain, and one-third of these newborns belonged to the illegitimate children left by American soldiers, which is equivalent to more than 1.8 million British children Who are American children, but they cannot recognize their fathers in this life, and can only live a lifetime in the name of illegitimate children. I have to say that this is also a sign of Britain's decline, a manifestation of lax system management, which is also strange, once the sun never set on the empire, once the world hegemon, but now mixed into this picture, and even followed his own little brother to mix days, it can be said that it is very depressed.

The country is known as the Empire of the Rising Sun, but the women of World War II were tragically killed by the US military, leaving behind millions of illegitimate children

However, it is not only the United Kingdom that has suffered this, the United States seems to have become a tradition of being merciful everywhere and having illegitimate children everywhere, and after the end of World War II, the Vietnam War they launched also left a large number of illegitimate children of American soldiers in Vietnam. Nowadays, the international wind evaluation of American soldiers is not very good, and many of their scandals are endless, in fact, this is also a manifestation of the lax management of their troops, because there are almost no countries in the world whose armies will be as ruthless as the United States.

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