
Head burial Henan body buried in Hubei, touch the gold lieutenant respectfully far away, why Guan Yu's tomb has not been stolen for a thousand years?

The industry of tomb robbery has a long history, mainly because from the Spring and Autumn Period, the wind of thick burial began to rise, and a large amount of wealth was buried in the ground, so it came to be born people who stole tombs for a living. They specialize in the study of various technical means of tomb robbery, study the characteristics of tombs in different eras, especially good at studying feng shui, so tomb robbers mostly have some feng shui techniques.

Head burial Henan body buried in Hubei, touch the gold lieutenant respectfully far away, why Guan Yu's tomb has not been stolen for a thousand years?

Tomb robbery is roughly divided into two categories, one is the official thief, such as Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao and until the Tanglin thief Sun Dianying. These people are all people who hold power in the chaotic world, and they use their power in an open situation to mobilize the army to openly rob the tomb.

According to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao specially set up official positions for tomb robbery called General Faqiu Zhonglang and Lieutenant Touching Jin, and their duty was to steal the tomb and steal the burial goods in the tomb as military expenses. Due to the rampant tomb robbery and the combination of soldiers and disasters, the wind of thick burial has gradually converged.

However, the tombs of famous nobles are still very luxurious and the funerary goods are also very rich. Therefore, the profession of tomb robbery has been endless for generations. These little grave robbers are a different part of themselves – bootleggers, and these people are all small thieves who make a living from tomb robbers. In all ages. In order to make a living, they took risks and dug ancient tombs in order to make a fortune.

Tomb robbery was very rampant in ancient times, and there is a saying that there are no immortals in ancient and modern times, and there is no tomb that cannot be sent. Under the influence of this idea, many tombs in ancient times were stolen and excavated, and it is said that there were 247 pirate caves in the first curtain of the Qin Gong, and the imperial tombs of the Tang Dynasty were all stolen except for the Qianling Tomb of Gaozong Li Zhi and Wu Zetian.

Head burial Henan body buried in Hubei, touch the gold lieutenant respectfully far away, why Guan Yu's tomb has not been stolen for a thousand years?

In modern times, Sun Dianying commanded troops to blow up the Tanglin Tomb and steal the tomb of Empress Dowager Cixi. It is said that in order to exonerate himself, he bribed Song Meiling with an emerald watermelon. This emerald watermelon is a naturally formed sphere the size of a watermelon, and the appearance of turquoise has black lines, like a watermelon, and what is even more amazing is that this emerald watermelon is not complete but has a naturally formed crack, through the crack can see the red emerald inside. It's a hoax.

Ordinary tomb robbers are to steal the treasures of the burial for the purpose, but there are some different kinds of them to rob the tomb for the purpose is extraordinary, Song Huizong likes ancient bronzes, so there are local officials to their liking, tomb robbers to obtain bronzes for him first. There are also people who rob tombs in order to get some zombie meat or private bones.

What's more, for a book "Dansha Yishu" stole Tao Hongjing's tomb, and the ancient people were superstitious, believing that digging up other people's ancestral graves would break other people's feng shui, so in political struggles, there were people who dug the graves of their ancestors, such as the Ming Dynasty, which sent people to dig Up Li Zicheng's ancestral graves.

There are many tomb robbers in history, why are there no tomb robbers? After Guan Yu was killed by Lü Meng that year, he sent Guan Yu's head to Cao Cao, who immediately saw through the treacherous plan and buried him outside the east gate of Luoyang with the courtesy of a prince. It is reasonable to say that the specifications of this funeral are very high, and the funeral goods will not be less. Why didn't anyone rob the grave?

Head burial Henan body buried in Hubei, touch the gold lieutenant respectfully far away, why Guan Yu's tomb has not been stolen for a thousand years?

First of all, Cao Cao himself was revered as a grandfather by the tomb robbers of later generations, and Guan Yu, whom he ordered to be buried, at least no one dared to excavate when he was alive. Second, there is also a way to steal, and most of the tomb robbers are gang crimes, and they need to trust each other, be loyal to each other, and be righteous. Guan Yu's loyalty made people revere him, and the tomb robbers did not dare or want to rob Guan Yu's tomb. Stealing Guan Yu's tomb is against loyalty, and there is no way to mix in this line.

Another reason is that Guan Yu was canonized after his death, which became a folk belief, who dared to risk the world's great disobedience to steal the tomb of a god. Therefore, Guan Yu's tomb has weathered the wind and rain, and in the eyes of successive generations of tomb robbers, it has been regarded as a forbidden place and has been preserved unharmed.

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