
41 people built a country and fought for 400 years, and the result was a world power

On October 12, 1492, a young Italian named Columbus discovered a "New World" across the ocean. This land thus appeared in the eyes of Europeans. In 1607, a group of About 100 English colonists arrived here, and they reached Bechabeek Beach and established the town of James. The town was britain's first permanent colony in the Americas and britain's first stronghold on the land.

41 people built a country and fought for 400 years, and the result was a world power

This land is the American continent, and the first inhabitants of this continent are not them, and the indigenous people are called Indians by them. It is the name given to all Native Americans except the Eskimos, the only written record of the ancient Indians. About 40,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Indians arrived in North America from Asia, and then developed throughout the Americas. Ten thousand years ago, another group of Asians arrived in North America, the later Eskimos.

41 people built a country and fought for 400 years, and the result was a world power

Before Columbus arrived in the Americas, there were about 30 million Indians living here, and there were 400 cultural forms between them, but none of them were related to each other or interfered. It wasn't until the arrival of European colonists that they brought disaster to this group. European colonists massacred Indians, robbed them of their money, and occupied their land. After that, blacks were brought from Africa to serve as laborers and then establish their own civilization.

41 people built a country and fought for 400 years, and the result was a world power

Arrived in 1620, a group of Puritans, a group of Reformers who demanded a clear understanding of the Catholic remnants of the Church of England. They arrived at the port of Plymouth and signed the Mayflower Convention in order to be able to establish an independent civil self-governing society outside of Britain. By the middle of the 18th century, there were already 13 British colonies, which for some reason were different, resulting in different developments and concepts.

41 people built a country and fought for 400 years, and the result was a world power

At the same time, there was a rift between them and the British, and the colonists began to want to become independent and no longer under British control. On December 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Pouring Incident occurred, a political demonstration led by a group of Boston's sons of liberty. Disguised as Indians, they poured tea from the East India Company into Boston Bay, intending to fight against the British Tea Tax Act. Because they thought it was unfair, they deprived them of their rights as British citizens.

The following year, representatives of the thirteen states gathered, and at first they wanted only a peaceful settlement, but the British demanded their unconditional submission. In 1775, the North American War of Independence broke out, and the results were obvious. After the second meeting of the colonists on July 4, 1776, Washington led the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, and the United States was formally established. After two years, Franklin persuaded the Bourbons by some means that France would recognize American independence. The British certainly did not want to, but the British army could not defeat the American army, and tried to invade from 1812 to 1815, but the United States became more and more united in the Vietnam War.

41 people built a country and fought for 400 years, and the result was a world power

In this way, Britain could only watch the United States expand its territory and grow step by step. The end of the Civil War on April 9, 1865, led to the unification of the United States and the abolition of slavery. Then the United States developed rapidly, and in just 50 years it changed from a rural area to an urbanized country. After World War II, the United States became a superpower, and in 1991, the United States finally dragged down the Soviet Union and won the Cold War, which disintegrated.

41 people built a country and fought for 400 years, and the result was a world power

Think of how they started out as a hundred people, but eventually established themselves as today's superpowers. This was only a battle of about four hundred years, but after the independence of the United States, the Indians were still slaughtered and abused, and in order to expand the territory, the Indians were expelled from the original land. By the beginning of the 20th century, they were left with only 300,000 people until 1934, when indians were allowed to have their own government. Today, there are only about 1.5 million Indians living in the United States and Canada.

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