
The only blockchain enterprise on the list, Ouke Cloud Chain won the Interface News "Annual Good Enterprise" award

Organized by Shanghai Poster Industry Group | Interface News, the event aims to promote business for good and find CSR corporate role models, and continue to identify enterprises that have played an important role in the field of public welfare and charity and made outstanding contributions. The organizing committee believes that Ouke Cloud Chain vigorously serves the blockchain strategy of government departments at all levels and localities, always regards serving the society and serving the public as an important responsibility, has created and published authoritative books in the industry such as "Blockchain: Reshaping the Economy and the World" and "Illustrating Blockchain", and created and produced a series of animation "Chain and Future" and other popular science products to help popularize social cognition; over the years, it has also jointly initiated and implemented public welfare projects with partners such as the United Nations Children's Education Foundation, the China Charity Federation, and Tencent Public Welfare. Actively transmit positive energy from the blockchain industry to the whole society. At the beginning of 2020, Ouke Cloud Chain set up a special love fund of 10 million yuan to support the prevention and control of the epidemic. Ouke Cloud Chain also launched a smart police assistant to assist in the detection of cases, summarized the investigation technology of the police to handle traditional economic cases, integrated with blockchain big data, upgraded and launched the "Chain Heavenly Eye Pro", and recovered more than 10 billion assets involving virtual currency for the public security organs in nearly 30 provinces and cities.

Blockchain leader

Since the potential of blockchain technology has been explored, a number of science and technology innovation enterprises that have deeply cultivated blockchain technology have been born in China, but because the blockchain is in the early stage, how to combine with the real economy is a major pain point, and there are not many blockchain companies that can grow smoothly and thrive, and Ouke Cloud Chain is one of them.

As one of the earliest blockchain technology enterprises in China, Ouke Cloud Chain has been committed to the research and development and innovative application of blockchain technology since its establishment in 2013. When blockchain technology gradually became a global technology highland, Ouke Cloud Chain also developed into a global blockchain technology and service provider. At present, Ouke Cloud Chain covers blockchain big data, blockchain technology research and development and application and other applications, and also owns The Hong Kong listed company Ouke Cloud Chain Holdings (1499. HK)。

It is reported that Ouke Cloud Chain is currently headquartered in Beijing, China, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Jinan, Haikou and other places to set up branches, and in the United States, Europe, Japan and other more than 10 countries and regions with branches or offices, business coverage of more than 180 countries and regions, service users more than 50 million, global staff of about 1,000 people.

Black technology wisdom to help the police

The scene of the wisdom police assistance of its "Heavenly Eye on the Chain" series of products is the core case of Ouke Cloud Chain winning the "Perfection Award" this time.

The only blockchain enterprise on the list, Ouke Cloud Chain won the Interface News "Annual Good Enterprise" award

As we all know, blockchain technology, as a representative of cryptography and databases, has a wide range of application scenarios. However, under the general trend of the industrial Internet, it is currently used as a kind of Internet of Things technology, with Alot in the fields of item traceability and supply chain finance. There are not many examples of combining blockchain technology with the needs of the public security department.

The main application scenario of the on-chain Tianyan series products under Ouke Cloud Chain is to assist the public security and legal departments in handling and responding to new types of cyber crimes involving virtual currencies. In this regard, Zhang Chao, vice president of Ouke Cloud Chain, said: "Under the background of 'national anti-fraud', in September 2020, based on our on-chain address tag data, combined with the technical accumulation and resources and experience in security, we integrated a concise and efficient tool - "On-chain Sky Eye", and opened it to all users for free trial, the original intention is to hope that the blockchain industry will be more transparent and standardized." ”

This set of industry-leading blockchain products and solutions independently developed by Ouke Cloud Chain can be synchronized with the full node data of major blockchains around the world, clearly understand the transaction process of all addresses on the chain, and support visual traceability. In 2020 alone, it helped the relevant departments recover more than 10 billion assets involved in the case, so it was widely praised in the public prosecutorial law system. It is reported that Ouke Cloud Chain has established cooperative relations with research institutions and public security organs in many places to assist the police of more than 30 provinces and cities such as Inner Mongolia, Sichuan and Shaanxi to detect many new criminal cases.

In a previous case involving the theft of digital assets involving an amount of tens of millions of yuan, Ouke Cloud Chain Tianyan Pro was used as a reconnaissance tool to provide great convenience and help for law enforcement and case-handling personnel. Digital asset-related cases often involve large amounts of money, complex transaction context, superimposed on the anonymity of digital assets such as Bitcoin, and case-handling personnel usually need to spend a lot of energy to sort out the flow of funds, trace the funds involved in the case, and find the corresponding offline entities behind the address.

Through the on-chain Tianyan Pro, the case-handling personnel can directly obtain the "address summary" of the address involved in the case, including the "transaction amount" of the address involved in the case, the "offline relationship entity" of the asset flow direction, and the visual chart of all transaction behaviors; and can automatically generate a report file of the address information. Based on the blockchain big data analysis, the on-chain Tianyan Pro also provides the analysis of the "transaction behavior" of the address involved in the case, accurately counts the "capital flow" and "transaction habits" of the address involved in the case, and focuses on the "large transaction" and "high-frequency counterparty address", providing relevant early warning in a timely manner, which greatly saves the time and cost of the case-handling personnel, thereby promoting the progress of the case, and ultimately helping the case-handling personnel to detect the case and retrieve the stolen assets.

Build an image of social citizenship

As a local blockchain enterprise, In addition to using blockchain technology to help scientific and technological innovation, Ouke Cloud Chain has also been contributing its own strength in public welfare and charity.

After the outbreak of the epidemic in early 2020, Ouke Cloud Chain Group set up a special love fund of 10 million yuan for the first time to support the prevention and control of the epidemic, and mobilized the resources of all branches of the group at home and abroad, purchased a large number of scarce materials such as masks, protective clothing, goggles and other scarce materials around the world, and rushed to the front line of the epidemic in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei.

When the epidemic situation in the capital was repeated and the anti-epidemic situation was severe, the company donated 1,000 love kits containing heat prevention and cooling and protective equipment to the volunteers of the capital university who were fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention and testing.

"Philanthropy is an expression of our return to society and gratitude for this great new era, and we have always been on the road and will continue to do it." Hu Chao, vice president of Ouke Group, said.

In addition to public welfare and charity, Ouke Cloud Chain has been using blockchain technology to serve government departments at all levels, and has received blockchain research from the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Cyberspace Administration of China, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and other units; taught blockchain special training courses for the Central Radio and Television Corporation, Beijing Municipality, Tianjin Municipality, Shanghai Municipality, Fujian Province, Jiangxi Province and other units and local governments; and made suggestions to the government together with people's congress deputies and CPPCC members, among which the suggestions on supporting the development of blockchain technology were given by Beijing Mayor Chen Jining. Vice Mayor Sui Zhenjiang and other leading comrades gave instructions; and jointly held the Blockchain Summit Forum with the Hainan Provincial Science and Technology Department, the Provincial Financial Bureau, the Sanya Municipal People's Government and other departments, which was reported by CCTV1 Evening News.

At the same time, Ouke Cloud Chain has always regarded serving the society and serving the public as an important responsibility, created and published authoritative books in the industry such as "Blockchain: Reshaping the Economy and the World", "Illustrated Blockchain", "Token Economy", and created and produced a series of animated videos such as "Chain and Future" to help popularize social cognition; over the years, it has also jointly initiated and implemented public welfare projects with partners such as the United Nations Children's Education Foundation, the China Charity Federation, and Tencent Public Welfare, to actively transmit positive energy from the blockchain industry to the whole society.

For the "Perfection Award", Zhang Chao, vice president of Ouke Cloud Chain, said: "Looking forward to the future, Ouke Cloud Chain will still forge ahead. In order to further assist the police in combating new types of crime in the field of digital currency, the upcoming on-chain sky eye 2.0 will further empower on-chain analysis by introducing technologies such as artificial intelligence and knowledge graphs. In the future, Tianyan on the chain will also make the defense more timely and accurate by adding intelligence, while continuing to expand the diversified application scenarios of the blockchain, promoting the new infrastructure industry based on the blockchain, and giving new value to the industry for exploring the 'blockchain +' service.

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