
What colors do the elderly wear in winter that are young and elegant? Just look at the 61-year-old aunt and know that it is more beautiful than imagined

In the winter, many people will spend a lot of time on dressing, but the effect of wearing is not satisfactory, it is very important that they do not pay attention to color collocation, and put all their attention on picking and matching.

In fact, the selection, color matching and collocation play a great role in the dress, and it can be seen from many bloggers that the color matching master is often more beautiful than the color matching white. So this winter, what colors do the elderly wear young and elegant? Look at the 61-year-old aunt Ruoshui to know that it is more beautiful than imagined!

First, dark green

In the winter, the streets are full of black, white or coffee colors, these colors are advanced, but the elderly should not be too stereotypical when choosing colors, resulting in solidified thinking, you can try some fashionable and age-reducing color systems.

What colors do the elderly wear in winter that are young and elegant? Just look at the 61-year-old aunt and know that it is more beautiful than imagined

Many people may say that their skin color is not good, they look dull and dull, and there are spots, and wearing color is not exposing the shortcomings of skin color in minutes? Don't worry, the color system here does not refer to fluorescent colors, but dark green with retro elegance.

Dark green gives people a very retro style, elegant and romantic, but also can set off your own noble temperament, more importantly, dark green belongs to the cool color, visually very white, so that your skin looks more white and flawless.

What colors do the elderly wear in winter that are young and elegant? Just look at the 61-year-old aunt and know that it is more beautiful than imagined

Dark green is different from fruit green or grass green, it belongs to a very atmospheric and noble color type, so when choosing such color items, the elderly need to choose a simple and generous classic model, such as dark green long coat, dark green sweater or undershirt.

Coordinating noble color matching can make the dress more grade, when wearing a dark green coat, it is more recommended that the elderly choose dark green + black or dark green + earth color these two ways to match, advanced is not difficult.

2. Red

The winter atmosphere is dull and dull, wearing more red not only adjusts the skin color, but also sweeps away the sense of winter silence, making you look rosy and blessed.

What colors do the elderly wear in winter that are young and elegant? Just look at the 61-year-old aunt and know that it is more beautiful than imagined

When you get here, some people may have to say that red is not good at all, and it is not only black but also rustic to wear. The red system does have these problems, but as long as you choose the shades, styles and master some collocation skills, you will find that the red series is more youthful and elegant than we think.

First of all, the elderly can try some bright but not old-fashioned red, such as rust red, maple red or pepper red, bright and bright skin tone.

What colors do the elderly wear in winter that are young and elegant? Just look at the 61-year-old aunt and know that it is more beautiful than imagined

The red series is very bright and atmospheric, and it needs simple styles and smooth cuts to set off its advantages, such as woolen coats, sweaters or dresses are more suitable for the elderly.

Of course, when wearing these items, you can also start from the material to highlight the sense of high-end, such as when wearing a red dress, the velvet material is more retro and elegant, more textured than chiffon light yarn.

What colors do the elderly wear in winter that are young and elegant? Just look at the 61-year-old aunt and know that it is more beautiful than imagined

If you are still worried that you are not good looking in red, then you may wish to start with the color matching to improve the dressing grade. For example, choose red + black or red + white.

However, when using the two-color combination method, it is most taboo to follow the ratio of 1 to 1, which can be mainly red and supplemented by white, just like here with a red coat stacked with a white high neckline, not only the color matching is clear on the primary and secondary, the white sweater also plays a role in connecting, avoiding the red system exposing the skin tone shortcomings.

Third, the gray system

The gray system is known as "high-grade gray", and wearing a gray coat or knitwear in winter can also help highlight your own high-end charm.

What colors do the elderly wear in winter that are young and elegant? Just look at the 61-year-old aunt and know that it is more beautiful than imagined

The gray system belongs to the basic color, don't look at it gray fluttering, as long as you pay attention to the choice of materials, the gray system will bloom out of the sense of luxury that is difficult to reach in other colors.

In terms of color collocation, if you are worried that the all-gray color scheme is too monotonous, then it is recommended to wear a white underlay to easily improve the brightness.

Fourth, camel

When it comes to winter colors suitable for the elderly, how can we not mention camel color? Camel color gives people a warm and healing feeling, but also very advanced.

What colors do the elderly wear in winter that are young and elegant? Just look at the 61-year-old aunt and know that it is more beautiful than imagined

Because it is a warm color, it will make your style appear quiet and soft, and it is also friendly to skin tones, such as camel coats, camel knit skirts or wool pants, practical and temperamental.

When matching, the way to present the simplicity and high-class of dress is presented in a smooth way, so that you can meet a better-looking self.

What colors do the elderly wear in winter that are young and elegant? Just look at the 61-year-old aunt and know that it is more beautiful than imagined

Tonalism not only refers to the combination of dark camel color, but also the elderly can try camel color schemes with other earth colors, such as camel + coffee, camel + brown or camel + beige.

These adjacent colors are combined to create an elegant and atmospheric dressing effect.

What colors do the elderly wear in winter that are young and elegant? Just look at the 61-year-old aunt and know that it is more beautiful than imagined

In short, although it is more difficult to dress in winter, many elderly people may not be able to get rid of the sense of passers-by, but as long as we choose the right color and know how to highlight our own advantages with the help of color matching, then your dress must be more grade than imagined!

This article is original by Tiger Brother, the pictures are from the network, if there is infringement, please contact to delete, if you need to reprint please indicate the source, plagiarism must be investigated!

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