
Because of "Crane And Hua Ting", I argued with my friends endlessly

author:I am Huang Yi
Because of "Crane And Hua Ting", I argued with my friends endlessly

Today my friend and I were chatting about "Crane And Hua Ting", chatting and chatting, and actually quarreled hahaha, which is also very interesting.

Isn't it that as soon as the first few episodes, there are many friends who feel the same as me, they live a depressed life. In particular, as soon as my friend talked about the role of the prince, he was angry, his face was red, his mouth was spitting, my friend was very angry, she said, "A prince, a big man, a seven-foot boy, crying every day when something happens, crying when something happens, it's too unbearable!" "Some friends said that it was too abusive, too many brain holes to make up for the plot, and it felt a little pedantic.

Because of "Crane And Hua Ting", I argued with my friends endlessly

In fact, this "imitation Song opera", this dynasty respects teachers, advocates literature, humility and respect, as long as you have real talent and practical learning, even women can enter the dynasty as officials, you can become the head of the noble court. To put it bluntly, it is to respect the elders, be modest and cautious, and be reasonable. Such a person put into modern times is called educated.

In fact, in the real history of the Song Dynasty, it is such a style, the streets and alleys of the Plain Plains people are to take the examination as the way out of the glorious lintel, aristocratic families like to copy calligraphy, brew tea, party, keju. Of course, "Crane And Hua Ting" is not about the famous customs of this dynasty. In my opinion, it is about the shining and precious part of the people of this dynasty: under the influence of feudal etiquette and Confucianism, it has the "gentlemanly dignity of benevolence and righteousness".

Therefore, in "Crane and Hua Ting", the crown prince will not rebel or challenge the authority of the elders and kings. Because the Confucian idea of "Kong Rong let the pear" is deeply rooted in his heart, he has requirements for himself, even if he is greatly wronged and hit hard, he requires that he must maintain the integrity of a "gentleman". A gentleman, the son of a king, a man of noble status and high personality, good moral character. Doing things is to pay attention to the heart is not ashamed, the gentleman is always frank, and the little talent will grow relatives.

Lu Shangshu, the teacher of Crown Prince Xiao Dingquan, reflected the essence of Confucianism in the education of the crown prince:

Standing up must be correct, and everything must be incorruptible. Integrity and integrity, not to merge with the filth, to serve loyally to the superior, to love the inferior, to be consistent, like a clean and upright courtier.

Gentlemen do something, some do not do! It is not easy to do something, and it is difficult to do nothing!

All literature and art must not be used for conspiracy, and once contaminated, there is no spirit, no backbone, and the same is true of people.

The virtue of the king is the cornerstone of the state, and if the prince is of good character, the country will be stable, the prince's heart will be shaken, the country will be tilted, and if a country even the prince has to use the trick of deception, the country will collapse.

When a gentleman walks, he must not only beware of the harm of the villain to himself, but also beware of the harm he will do to himself when he confronts the villain, so the Tao is much more difficult than the technique!

"Whoever desires to be sincere in his intentions shall first know him; he shall know what is in the grid." "Knowing the object and then knowing it, knowing it and then being sincere" is Confucianism, which means that to solve a problem, it is necessary to explore the principle of the occurrence of this thing, understand the truth, and find a solution. In that era, the biggest reason for wars, disasters, and the suffering of the people was the lack of order in society, and order should be able to be observed spontaneously by the people, and those in power should lead by example, and the law should be stricter to set an example.

Crown Prince Xiao Dingquan, as a person in power, was eager to actively act for the suffering common people, preferring to be beaten and suffered by himself rather than disturbing the order, violating the norms and challenging the monarchy. Such a figure, under many oppressions and cruelties, has always adhered to the character of "truthfulness, benevolence and beauty" and the heart of a child who "a thousand knives are only in me, single-mindedly seeking the well-being of the people", which is his sparkling personal charm.

There is also the fact that the prince loves the princess is nothing more than what he asks of himself, and he wants to be a negative person like his father. Men and women in ancient times could not see each other before marriage, and only gentlemen would care for and respect the wives who married back. If he can not marry someone he does not love, he can of course stick to that one "waiting". But since he was forced to marry, he had to perform the courtesy of a gentleman. In such a dynasty, how fortunate is it to marry a woman without feelings, a woman without status, to marry such a gentleman?

In "Crane and Hua Ting", Gu Silin, the uncle of crown prince Xiao Dingquan, has a heavy army in his hand, and when he hears that the prince is under house arrest, he can not send troops, and even the emperor cannot move. His cousin Gu Feng'en, who had been with him all along, wanted to seek merit and fame as the prince to help, and after being disqualified from the scientific examination, he ran to the army in violation of the emperor's orders. The crown prince supervised the country, and all the officials obeyed the dispatches, and when something happened, they also helped to hide from the emperor. This emperor, like sitting on a needle felt, the prince cannot be abolished, and if he is abolished, Gu Silin will not be able to fight well. Without abolishing, the prince is constantly cultivating his own forces, and may one day force the palace to abdicate.

The only surprise here is that the reason why this drama makes us look so alive is that Xiao Dingquan, an overly beautiful person, is so. He should be warm-hearted and cold-faced, pretending to be stupid, and holding the wind and clouds in his hands, but he wants the hearts of the people, the heart of his own child, the heart of his father's trust, the heart of the duty of his courtiers, and the heart of the person's treatability. You blame him for wanting everything, but that's exactly what this show wants to say: as a "person", it is a conscious pursuit of reason.

This is a small part of Xiao Dingquan's uneroded by Confucian etiquette, and it is also the part that has been most deeply affected: he has given it to him deeply, hoping to get a reply. Rules are just rules, not to mention, or those in power who make rules, and testing by example is just a demonstration, so why bother? The rules are just that, as far as you take it seriously, you have to do it, and you actually have to reciprocate. How this person thinks is contradictory. The same is prostration, the happy prostration of others, everyone rejoices; you have to prostrate with tears, but also prostrate with sincerity, and shout: I prostrate you not because of politeness, because of sincerity.

No one wants to be sincere, the true heart is to the Buddha, you bump me? Want me to live? No one should be sincere, let alone that you are the crown prince, you were born in the imperial family, and the so-called "emperor is the most ruthless family" !!!

TV dramas are not meant to please the audience for a moment, that's what jokes do. We would rather see the real, the people who have advantages and disadvantages, the system that is good and the bad, the bad things that have a reason but go against the conscience, and what "Crane And Hua Ting" wants to say is nothing more than a beautiful person who has experienced many setbacks, been defeated many times, and stood up again. He had remorse, there was resentment, there was hope and expectation, and his heart was crushed again and again, and he was stitched up by the illusion of losing it. His life was turbulent and difficult, but one thing has never changed, that is, to be a frank gentleman. For this principle and bottom line, he constantly introspected, self-helped, walked a bloody road in the thorny jungle, and finally achieved personal growth and inner peace.

Who says that personal growth must be the result of what can be seen with the naked eye? Success, wealth, family and beauty are not as good as the wealth and tranquility of the heart, not as open as the open mind, as open as the heart, not as good as the love and kindness that has never dried up in the heart.

My friend said that she wanted to see the love part of the play, Lu Wenxi and Xiao Dingquan could have been immortal lovers who worked together, but they were always thousands of miles apart. This is probably the subtlety of the author's arrangement, personal growth, how difficult. Many people, parents, are forty or fifty years old, or giant babies. When encountering setbacks, complaining that fate is unfair, blaming children for not fighting, and there are contradictions between husband and wife, fighting to the death. Small things are not handled well, and big things are at a loss.

Lu Wen's excellence over Xiao Dingquan lies in her independence, tenacity and self-knowledge. Her father and brother were trapped, and she plucked up her courage to find the most powerful person who could help her, and when the prince rejected the painting, she was cut off halfway. The prince does not want this painting, that means that this sentiment has been exhausted, and he is not a patron. So she was forced to embark on the difficult road of a person's struggle, to hide her name and save herself.

"Looking at such mountains and rivers, there is no need to ascend to the immortals, a person's mind can also be boundless and broad, and without wings, it can be infinitely free." Once she did not pursue fame and fortune, yearned for freedom, only wanted peace in the world, and lived a quiet and natural life. In the face of the fate of the world, she is a small person.

But when her loved ones encountered difficulties, she said, "I don't have the ability to save them." In front of the unmerciful authorities, calming down, like walking on thin ice, she relied on herself, step by step, blood marks, and fought with the stumbling villain and the tragic fate. In the face of difficulties, she is a big person.

A girl who knows that she is an ant but still wants to fight, has a heart of heaven and earth and the courage to break the boat, relying on her own strength, wading through the mountains and rivers for her relatives, who said that a weak woman cannot protect her brother? Some people say that her personality is too stable, and the prince can still shed tears in front of others, but she does not have the small nature that a woman of any age should have.

In fact, the heroine Lu Wenxi has memories of avenging her father and brother. Once upon a time, she was spoiled in front of her father, refusing to wash her brother's clothes in order not to make her fingers ugly, and competing with her brother, who was a few years old, for candy. However, in the rapidly changing deep palace, a wrong step is death, because she has self-knowledge and knows how to judge the situation, and when she gets the trust and favor of the prince, she does not dare to spit out the truth. Love is natural, trust is there, and the disappointment and despair of the past are still there.

These two people, they are obviously in one place, but they are growing up separately, with their own world and universe. The same fate, let them understand each other, hurt each other, and beware of each other. The same situation made them dare not expect the quiet years, and baishou people did not dare to expect extravagantly. Contradictory, determined, and unconsciously pursued.

Let's talk about this emperor, my friend said, "After watching costume dramas for decades, the emperor in this drama is the most angry with her stomach pain, and the most scummy scumbag scumbag father and scumbag father"! In fact, in the emperor's daily attire, we can see the fusion of Taoist thought and Confucianism during the Song Dynasty. When the emperor governed the country and the family, he obeyed the Taoist "doing nothing and doing nothing", conforming to current events, changes in all things, public opinion, and the nature of the heavenly path, so that the relations between the various roads maintained a state of balance and mutual restraint. He will not be made a prince because he likes any prince, nor will he be stabbed to death immediately because any courtier wants to seize power. Dao Fa is natural, to put it bluntly, it is not deliberately not emphasized, reduce too much human intervention, you can fight to the death, I occasionally correct the chaos, maintain order, maintain the balance of the situation.

Therefore, Zhongshu Ling is the patron of the King of Qi, and the King of Qi fights for power, so that the prince can use his time to fight back, rather than the prince's unilateral power growing. After Zhongshu Lingzuo's death, the King of Qi had no backing, so he had to promote an empress to continue to restrain the prince, the prince grew too fast, one empress was not enough, and he had to transfer the King of Qi back and remove a few of the prince's helpers, which was balanced.

In fact, for the emperor, during his reign, the first thing was to benefit the people and do several major things that were praised by thousands of people. The second is to let the court you control not be chaotic, and there will be no deviant people. In the emperor's mind, there were only 2 "Paths", either to be praised by thousands of people and become Buddhas, or to see their ancestors with glory after death. "Technique" is the process of achieving these two goals. Those in power with such ambitions are like high monks, who are stoic, restrained, quiet and indifferent, and abandon their lusts.

The crown prince Xiao Dingquan firmly fought with the gentleman's code of the family and the world and the conspiracy of villains; the heroine Lu Wenxi abandoned shortcuts, chose to gain the trust of the prince, silently guarded Xiao Dingquan's side, and successively helped him solve the military horse case and the nursery rhyme case, and finally made the grievances of his father and brother be revealed in a proper way, and the adulterous giant be punished. Two small and courageous people have completed their own personal growth together.

Because of "Crane And Hua Ting", I argued with my friends endlessly

I remember hearing such a small fable, saying that a square stone that lacked horns in the run, in order not to be lonely, found many stones to go along with. There are ellipses, there are triangles, and there are diamonds. Some of them cut a corner of the square stone to fill their own gap, some walked slower than the square stone, and some of the stones gave their horns to the square stone to fill the gap, but smoothed the four corners of the square stone, in order to spur it to go faster. The square stone turned into a diamond-shaped stone and went faster, but it hurt. One day, it encountered a round stone, and it was immediately in love with it and wanted to go together. The round stone said, I am very happy myself, I don't need a companion, and I can't help you.

Therefore, in order to keep up with the footsteps of the round stone, the diamond-shaped stone endured severe pain and grinded itself into a circle, but when it became a round stone, its emptiness and loneliness disappeared. No longer eager and demanding, it happened to encounter the round stone again: "Hey, it was you." "Yeah, we're in the same stride, do we want to go together?"

Okay. No need to catch up, no need to consume you, our company can be very easy, this way, it is really good!

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